2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
'use strict' ;
2020-10-19 06:19:16 +03:00
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var _ _generator = ( this && this . _ _generator ) || function ( thisArg , body ) {
var _ = { label : 0 , sent : function ( ) { if ( t [ 0 ] & 1 ) throw t [ 1 ] ; return t [ 1 ] ; } , trys : [ ] , ops : [ ] } , f , y , t , g ;
return g = { next : verb ( 0 ) , "throw" : verb ( 1 ) , "return" : verb ( 2 ) } , typeof Symbol === "function" && ( g [ Symbol . iterator ] = function ( ) { return this ; } ) , g ;
function verb ( n ) { return function ( v ) { return step ( [ n , v ] ) ; } ; }
function step ( op ) {
if ( f ) throw new TypeError ( "Generator is already executing." ) ;
while ( _ ) try {
if ( f = 1 , y && ( t = op [ 0 ] & 2 ? y [ "return" ] : op [ 0 ] ? y [ "throw" ] || ( ( t = y [ "return" ] ) && t . call ( y ) , 0 ) : y . next ) && ! ( t = t . call ( y , op [ 1 ] ) ) . done ) return t ;
if ( y = 0 , t ) op = [ op [ 0 ] & 2 , t . value ] ;
switch ( op [ 0 ] ) {
case 0 : case 1 : t = op ; break ;
case 4 : _ . label ++ ; return { value : op [ 1 ] , done : false } ;
case 5 : _ . label ++ ; y = op [ 1 ] ; op = [ 0 ] ; continue ;
case 7 : op = _ . ops . pop ( ) ; _ . trys . pop ( ) ; continue ;
default :
if ( ! ( t = _ . trys , t = t . length > 0 && t [ t . length - 1 ] ) && ( op [ 0 ] === 6 || op [ 0 ] === 2 ) ) { _ = 0 ; continue ; }
if ( op [ 0 ] === 3 && ( ! t || ( op [ 1 ] > t [ 0 ] && op [ 1 ] < t [ 3 ] ) ) ) { _ . label = op [ 1 ] ; break ; }
if ( op [ 0 ] === 6 && _ . label < t [ 1 ] ) { _ . label = t [ 1 ] ; t = op ; break ; }
if ( t && _ . label < t [ 2 ] ) { _ . label = t [ 2 ] ; _ . ops . push ( op ) ; break ; }
if ( t [ 2 ] ) _ . ops . pop ( ) ;
_ . trys . pop ( ) ; continue ;
op = body . call ( thisArg , _ ) ;
} catch ( e ) { op = [ 6 , e ] ; y = 0 ; } finally { f = t = 0 ; }
if ( op [ 0 ] & 5 ) throw op [ 1 ] ; return { value : op [ 0 ] ? op [ 1 ] : void 0 , done : true } ;
} ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
var _ _importDefault = ( this && this . _ _importDefault ) || function ( mod ) {
return ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) ? mod : { "default" : mod } ;
} ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) result [ k ] = mod [ k ] ;
result [ "default" ] = mod ;
return result ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
var assert _1 = _ _importDefault ( require ( "assert" ) ) ;
var ethers _1 = require ( "ethers" ) ;
var testcases _1 = require ( "@ethersproject/testcases" ) ;
var utils = _ _importStar ( require ( "./utils" ) ) ;
function equals ( a , b ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( a ) ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( b ) || a . length !== b . length ) {
return false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! equals ( a [ i ] , b [ i ] ) ) {
return false ;
return true ;
return a === b ;
describe ( 'Test Contract Address Generation' , function ( ) {
// @TODO: Mine a large collection of these from the blockchain
var getContractAddress = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . getContractAddress ;
var Tests = [
2019-09-08 09:46:53 +03:00
// Transaction: 0x939aa17985bc2a52a0c1cba9497ef09e092355a805a8150e30e24b753bac6864
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
address : '0x3474627D4F63A678266BC17171D87f8570936622' ,
2019-09-08 09:46:53 +03:00
name : 'tx-0x939aa179 (number)' ,
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
tx : {
from : '0xb2682160c482eb985ec9f3e364eec0a904c44c23' ,
nonce : 10 ,
} ,
2019-09-08 09:46:53 +03:00
address : '0x3474627D4F63A678266BC17171D87f8570936622' ,
name : 'tx-0x939aa179 (odd-zero-hex)' ,
tx : {
from : '0xb2682160c482eb985ec9f3e364eec0a904c44c23' ,
nonce : "0xa" ,
} ,
address : '0x3474627D4F63A678266BC17171D87f8570936622' ,
name : 'tx-0x939aa179 (even-zero-hex)' ,
tx : {
from : '0xb2682160c482eb985ec9f3e364eec0a904c44c23' ,
nonce : "0x0a" ,
} ,
// Ropsten: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x78d17f8ab31fb6ad688340634a9a29d8726feb6d588338a9b9b21a44159bc916
address : '0x271300790813f82638A8A6A8a86d65df6dF33c17' ,
name : 'tx-0x78d17f8a (odd-long-hex)' ,
tx : {
from : '0x8ba1f109551bd432803012645ac136ddd64dba72' ,
nonce : "0x200" ,
} ,
address : '0x271300790813f82638A8A6A8a86d65df6dF33c17' ,
name : 'tx-0x78d17f8a (even-long-hex)' ,
tx : {
from : '0x8ba1f109551bd432803012645ac136ddd64dba72' ,
nonce : "0x0200" ,
} ,
// https://ropsten.etherscan.io/tx/0x444ea8ae9890ac0ee5fd249512726abf9d23f44a378d5f45f727b65dc1b899c2
address : '0x995C25706C407a1F1E84b3777775e3e619764933' ,
name : 'tx-0x444ea8ae (even-long-hex)' ,
tx : {
from : '0x8ba1f109551bd432803012645ac136ddd64dba72' ,
nonce : "0x1d" ,
} ,
address : '0x995C25706C407a1F1E84b3777775e3e619764933' ,
name : 'tx-0x444ea8ae (padded-long-hex)' ,
tx : {
from : '0x8ba1f109551bd432803012645ac136ddd64dba72' ,
nonce : "0x001d" ,
} ,
address : '0x995C25706C407a1F1E84b3777775e3e619764933' ,
name : 'tx-0x444ea8ae (number)' ,
tx : {
from : '0x8ba1f109551bd432803012645ac136ddd64dba72' ,
nonce : 29 ,
} ,
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
// Ropsten: 0x5bdfd14fcc917abc2f02a30721d152a6f147f09e8cbaad4e0d5405d646c5c3e1
address : '0x0CcCC7507aEDf9FEaF8C8D731421746e16b4d39D' ,
name : 'zero-nonce' ,
tx : {
from : '0xc6af6e1a78a6752c7f8cd63877eb789a2adb776c' ,
nonce : 0
} ,
] ;
Tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( ( 'Computes the transaction address - ' + test . name ) , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( getContractAddress ( test . tx ) , test . address , 'computes the transaction address' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test RLP Coder' , function ( ) {
var tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( 'rlp-coder' ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( ( 'RLP coder encoded - ' + test . name ) , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . RLP . encode ( test . decoded ) , test . encoded , 'RLP encoded - ' + test . name ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( ( 'RLP coder decoded - ' + test . name ) , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
assert _1 . default . ok ( equals ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . RLP . decode ( test . encoded ) , test . decoded ) , 'RLP decoded - ' + test . name ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test Unit Conversion' , function ( ) {
var tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( 'units' ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
var wei = ethers _1 . ethers . BigNumber . from ( test . wei ) ;
it ( ( 'parses ' + test . ether + ' ether' ) , function ( ) {
assert _1 . default . ok ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . parseEther ( test . ether . replace ( /,/g , '' ) ) . eq ( wei ) , 'parsing ether failed - ' + test . name ) ;
} ) ;
it ( ( 'formats ' + wei . toString ( ) + ' wei to ether' ) , function ( ) {
var actual = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . formatEther ( wei ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( actual , test . ether _format , 'formatting wei failed - ' + test . name ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
var wei = ethers _1 . ethers . BigNumber . from ( test . wei ) ;
[ 'kwei' , 'mwei' , 'gwei' , 'szabo' , 'finney' , 'satoshi' ] . forEach ( function ( name ) {
var unitName = name ;
if ( name === 'satoshi' ) {
unitName = 8 ;
if ( test [ name ] ) {
it ( ( 'parses ' + test [ name ] + ' ' + name ) , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
assert _1 . default . ok ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . parseUnits ( test [ name ] . replace ( /,/g , '' ) , unitName ) . eq ( wei ) , ( 'parsing ' + name + ' failed - ' + test . name ) ) ;
} ) ;
var expectedKey = ( name + '_format' ) ;
if ( test [ expectedKey ] ) {
it ( ( 'formats ' + wei . toString ( ) + ' wei to ' + name + ')' ) , function ( ) {
var actual = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . formatUnits ( wei , unitName ) ;
var expected = test [ expectedKey ] ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( actual , expected , ( 'formats ' + name + ' - ' + test . name ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
it ( "formats with commify" , function ( ) {
var tests = {
"0.0" : "0.0" ,
".0" : "0.0" ,
"0." : "0.0" ,
"00.00" : "0.0" ,
"100.000" : "100.0" ,
"100.0000" : "100.0" ,
"1000.000" : "1,000.0" ,
"1000.0000" : "1,000.0" ,
"100.123" : "100.123" ,
"100.1234" : "100.1234" ,
"1000.1234" : "1,000.1234" ,
"1000.12345" : "1,000.12345" ,
"998998998998.123456789" : "998,998,998,998.123456789" ,
} ;
Object . keys ( tests ) . forEach ( function ( test ) {
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . commify ( test ) , tests [ test ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test Namehash' , function ( ) {
var tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( 'namehash' ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( ( 'computes namehash - "' + test . name + '"' ) , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . namehash ( test . name ) , test . expected , 'computes namehash(' + test . name + ')' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
it ( "isValidName" , function ( ) {
assert _1 . default . ok ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . isValidName ( "ricmoo.eth" ) ) ;
assert _1 . default . ok ( ! ethers _1 . ethers . utils . isValidName ( "" ) ) ;
assert _1 . default . ok ( ! ethers _1 . ethers . utils . isValidName ( "ricmoo..eth" ) ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
} ) ;
2020-04-24 06:35:39 +03:00
describe ( 'Test ID Hash Functions' , function ( ) {
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
var tests = [
name : 'setAddr signature hash' ,
text : 'setAddr(bytes32,address)' ,
expected : '0xd5fa2b00b0756613052388dd576d941ba16904757996b8bb03a737ef4fd1f9ce'
] ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( ( 'computes id - ' + test . name ) , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
var actual = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . id ( test . text ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( actual , test . expected , 'computes id(' + test . text + ')' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test Solidity Hash Functions' , function ( ) {
var tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( 'solidity-hashes' ) ;
function test ( funcName , testKey ) {
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
it ( "computes " + funcName + " correctly" , function ( ) {
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test , index ) {
var actual = ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils ) [ 'solidity' + funcName ] ( test . types , test . values ) ;
var expected = test [ testKey ] ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( actual , expected , ( 'computes solidity-' + funcName + '(' + JSON . stringify ( test . values ) + ') - ' + test . types ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
test ( 'Keccak256' , 'keccak256' ) ;
test ( 'Sha256' , 'sha256' ) ;
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
var testsInvalid = [
"uint0" ,
"uint1" ,
"uint08" ,
"uint266" ,
"bytes0" ,
"bytes02" ,
"bytes33" ,
"purple" // invalid type
] ;
testsInvalid . forEach ( function ( type ) {
it ( "disallows invalid type \"" + type + "\"" , function ( ) {
assert _1 . default . throws ( function ( ) {
ethers _1 . ethers . utils . solidityPack ( [ type ] , [ "0x12" ] ) ;
} , function ( error ) {
var message = error . message ;
return ( message . match ( /invalid([a-z ]*) type/ ) && message . indexOf ( type ) >= 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test Hash Functions' , function ( ) {
var tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( 'hashes' ) ;
it ( 'computes keccak256 correctly' , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . keccak256 ( test . data ) , test . keccak256 , ( 'Keccak256 - ' + test . data ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
it ( 'computes sha2-256 correctly' , function ( ) {
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . sha256 ( test . data ) , test . sha256 , ( 'SHA256 - ' + test . data ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
it ( 'computes sha2-512 correctly' , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . sha512 ( test . data ) , test . sha512 , ( 'SHA512 - ' + test . data ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test Solidity splitSignature' , function ( ) {
it ( 'splits a canonical signature' , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
var r = '0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef' ;
var s = '0xcafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7e' ;
for ( var v = 27 ; v <= 28 ; v ++ ) {
var signature = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . concat ( [ r , s , [ v ] ] ) ;
var sig = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . splitSignature ( signature ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( sig . r , r , 'split r correctly' ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( sig . s , s , 'split s correctly' ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( sig . v , v , 'split v correctly' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'splits a legacy signature' , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
var r = '0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef' ;
var s = '0xcafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7ecafe1a7e' ;
for ( var v = 27 ; v <= 28 ; v ++ ) {
var signature = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . concat ( [ r , s , [ v - 27 ] ] ) ;
var sig = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . splitSignature ( signature ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( sig . r , r , 'split r correctly' ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( sig . s , s , 'split s correctly' ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( sig . v , v , 'split v correctly' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test Base64 coder' , function ( ) {
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#Examples
it ( 'encodes and decodes the example from wikipedia' , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 120000 ) ;
var decodedText = 'Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal pleasure.' ;
var decoded = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8Bytes ( decodedText ) ;
var encoded = 'TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBvbmx5IGJ5IGhpcyByZWFzb24sIGJ1dCBieSB0aGlzIHNpbmd1bGFyIHBhc3Npb24gZnJvbSBvdGhlciBhbmltYWxzLCB3aGljaCBpcyBhIGx1c3Qgb2YgdGhlIG1pbmQsIHRoYXQgYnkgYSBwZXJzZXZlcmFuY2Ugb2YgZGVsaWdodCBpbiB0aGUgY29udGludWVkIGFuZCBpbmRlZmF0aWdhYmxlIGdlbmVyYXRpb24gb2Yga25vd2xlZGdlLCBleGNlZWRzIHRoZSBzaG9ydCB2ZWhlbWVuY2Ugb2YgYW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4=' ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . base64 . encode ( decoded ) , encoded , 'encodes to base64 string' ) ;
2020-04-24 06:35:39 +03:00
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8String ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . base64 . decode ( encoded ) ) , decodedText , 'decodes from base64 string' ) ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test UTF-8 coder' , function ( ) {
2020-01-21 03:43:50 +03:00
var overlong = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Utf8ErrorReason . OVERLONG ;
var utf16Surrogate = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Utf8ErrorReason . UTF16 _SURROGATE ;
var overrun = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Utf8ErrorReason . OVERRUN ;
var missingContinue = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Utf8ErrorReason . MISSING _CONTINUE ;
var unexpectedContinue = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Utf8ErrorReason . UNEXPECTED _CONTINUE ;
var outOfRange = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Utf8ErrorReason . OUT _OF _RANGE ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
var BadUTF = [
// See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Overlong_encodings
2020-01-21 03:43:50 +03:00
{ bytes : [ 0xF0 , 0x82 , 0x82 , 0xAC ] , reason : overlong , ignored : "" , replaced : "\u20ac" , name : 'wikipedia overlong encoded Euro sign' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xc0 , 0x80 ] , reason : overlong , ignored : "" , replaced : "\u0000" , name : '2-byte overlong - 0xc080' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xc0 , 0xbf ] , reason : overlong , ignored : "" , replaced : "?" , name : '2-byte overlong - 0xc0bf' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xc1 , 0x80 ] , reason : overlong , ignored : "" , replaced : "@" , name : '2-byte overlong - 0xc180' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xc1 , 0xbf ] , reason : overlong , ignored : "" , replaced : "\u007f" , name : '2-byte overlong - 0xc1bf' } ,
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
// Reserved UTF-16 Surrogate halves
2020-01-21 03:43:50 +03:00
{ bytes : [ 0xed , 0xa0 , 0x80 ] , reason : utf16Surrogate , ignored : "" , replaced : "\ufffd" , name : 'utf-16 surrogate - U+d800' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xed , 0xbf , 0xbf ] , reason : utf16Surrogate , ignored : "" , replaced : "\ufffd" , name : 'utf-16 surrogate - U+dfff' } ,
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
// a leading byte not followed by enough continuation bytes
2020-01-21 03:43:50 +03:00
{ bytes : [ 0xdf ] , reason : overrun , ignored : "" , replaced : "\ufffd" , name : 'too short - 2-bytes - 0x00' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xe0 ] , reason : overrun , ignored : "" , replaced : "\ufffd" , name : 'too short - 3-bytes' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xe0 , 0x80 ] , reason : overrun , ignored : "" , replaced : "\ufffd" , name : 'too short - 3-bytes with 1' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0x80 ] , reason : unexpectedContinue , ignored : "" , replaced : "\ufffd" , name : 'unexpected continuation byte' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xc2 , 0x00 ] , reason : missingContinue , ignored : "\u0000" , replaced : "\ufffd\u0000" , name : 'invalid continuation byte - 0xc200' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xc2 , 0x40 ] , reason : missingContinue , ignored : "@" , replaced : "\ufffd@" , name : 'invalid continuation byte - 0xc240' } ,
{ bytes : [ 0xc2 , 0xc0 ] , reason : missingContinue , ignored : "" , replaced : "\ufffd\ufffd" , name : 'invalid continuation byte - 0xc2c0' } ,
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
// Out of range
2020-01-21 03:43:50 +03:00
{ bytes : [ 0xf4 , 0x90 , 0x80 , 0x80 ] , reason : outOfRange , ignored : "" , replaced : "\ufffd" , name : 'out of range' } ,
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
] ;
BadUTF . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( 'toUtf8String - ' + test . name , function ( ) {
2020-01-21 03:43:50 +03:00
// Check the string using the ignoreErrors conversion
var ignored = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8String ( test . bytes , ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Utf8ErrorFuncs . ignore ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( ignored , test . ignored , "ignoring errors matches" ) ;
// Check the string using the replaceErrors conversion
var replaced = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8String ( test . bytes , ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Utf8ErrorFuncs . replace ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( replaced , test . replaced , "replaced errors matches" ) ;
// Check the string throws the correct error during conversion
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
assert _1 . default . throws ( function ( ) {
var result = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8String ( test . bytes ) ;
console . log ( 'Result' , result ) ;
} , function ( error ) {
2020-01-21 03:43:50 +03:00
return ( error . message . split ( ";" ) . pop ( ) . split ( "(" ) [ 0 ] . trim ( ) === test . reason ) ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
} , test . name ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'toUtf8String - random conversions' , function ( ) {
this . timeout ( 200000 ) ;
function randomChar ( seed ) {
switch ( utils . randomNumber ( seed + '-range' , 0 , 4 ) ) {
case 0 :
return String . fromCharCode ( utils . randomNumber ( seed + '-value' , 0 , 0x100 ) ) ;
case 1 :
return String . fromCharCode ( utils . randomNumber ( seed + '-value' , 0 , 0xd800 ) ) ;
case 2 :
return String . fromCharCode ( utils . randomNumber ( seed + '-value' , 0xdfff + 1 , 0xffff ) ) ;
case 3 :
var left = utils . randomNumber ( seed + '-value' , 0xd800 , 0xdbff + 1 ) ;
var right = utils . randomNumber ( seed + '-value' , 0xdc00 , 0xdfff + 1 ) ;
return String . fromCharCode ( left , right ) ;
throw new Error ( 'this should not happen' ) ;
function randomString ( seed ) {
var length = utils . randomNumber ( seed + '-length' , 1 , 5 ) ;
var str = '' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
str += randomChar ( seed + '-char-' + i ) ;
return str ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 100000 ; i ++ ) {
var seed = 'test-' + String ( i ) ;
var str = randomString ( seed ) ;
var bytes = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8Bytes ( str ) ;
var str2 = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8String ( bytes ) ;
2019-07-23 07:04:32 +03:00
var escaped = JSON . parse ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . _toEscapedUtf8String ( bytes ) ) ;
2020-11-17 07:07:24 +03:00
// assert.ok(Buffer.from(str).equals(Buffer.from(bytes)), 'bytes not generated correctly - ' + bytes)
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
assert _1 . default . equal ( str2 , str , 'conversion not reflexive - ' + bytes ) ;
2019-07-23 07:04:32 +03:00
assert _1 . default . equal ( escaped , str , 'conversion not reflexive - ' + bytes ) ;
2019-05-15 01:48:48 +03:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'Test Bytes32String coder' , function ( ) {
// @TODO: a LOT more test cases; generated from Solidity
it ( "encodes an ens name" , function ( ) {
var str = "ricmoo.firefly.eth" ;
var bytes32 = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . formatBytes32String ( str ) ;
var str2 = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . parseBytes32String ( bytes32 ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( bytes32 , '0x7269636d6f6f2e66697265666c792e6574680000000000000000000000000000' , 'formatted correctly' ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( str2 , str , "parsed correctly" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-08-02 09:10:58 +03:00
function getHex ( value ) {
2020-11-17 07:07:24 +03:00
return ethers _1 . ethers . utils . hexlify ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8Bytes ( value ) ) ;
2019-08-02 09:10:58 +03:00
describe ( "Test nameprep" , function ( ) {
var Tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( "nameprep" ) ;
Tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
2019-11-20 12:57:38 +03:00
// No RTL support yet... These will always fail
if ( [
"Surrogate code U+DF42" ,
"Left-to-right mark U+200E" ,
"Deprecated U+202A" ,
"Language tagging character U+E0001" ,
"Bidi: RandALCat character U+05BE and LCat characters" ,
"Bidi: RandALCat character U+FD50 and LCat characters" ,
"Bidi: RandALCat without trailing RandALCat U+0627 U+0031"
] . indexOf ( test . comment ) >= 0 ) {
return ;
2019-08-02 09:10:58 +03:00
it ( test . comment , function ( ) {
var input = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8String ( test . input ) ;
if ( test . output ) {
var expected = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8String ( test . output ) ;
var actual = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . nameprep ( input ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( actual , expected , "actual(\"" + getHex ( actual ) + "\") !== expected(\"" + getHex ( expected ) + "\")" ) ;
else {
var ok = true ;
var reason = "" ;
try {
var actual = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . nameprep ( input ) ;
console . log ( actual ) ;
reason = "should has thrown " + test . rc + " - actual(\"" + getHex ( actual ) + "\")" ;
ok = false ;
catch ( error ) {
assert _1 . default . ok ( ok , reason ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-01-11 12:18:28 +03:00
describe ( "Test Signature Manipulation" , function ( ) {
var tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( "transactions" ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( "autofills partial signatures - " + test . name , function ( ) {
var address = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . getAddress ( test . accountAddress ) ;
var hash = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . keccak256 ( test . unsignedTransaction ) ;
var data = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . RLP . decode ( test . signedTransaction ) ;
var s = data . pop ( ) , r = data . pop ( ) , v = parseInt ( data . pop ( ) . substring ( 2 ) , 16 ) ;
var sig = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . splitSignature ( { r : r , s : s , v : v } ) ;
var addr = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . recoverAddress ( hash , {
r : r , s : s , v : v
} ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( addr , address , "Using r, s and v" ) ;
var addr = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . recoverAddress ( hash , {
r : sig . r , _vs : sig . _vs
} ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( addr , address , "Using r, _vs" ) ;
var addr = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . recoverAddress ( hash , {
r : sig . r , s : sig . s , recoveryParam : sig . recoveryParam
} ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( addr , address , "Using r, s and recoveryParam" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-08 06:19:00 +03:00
describe ( "BigNumber" , function ( ) {
var tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( "bignumber" ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
if ( test . expectedValue == null ) {
it ( test . testcase , function ( ) {
assert _1 . default . throws ( function ( ) {
var value = ethers _1 . ethers . BigNumber . from ( test . value ) ;
console . log ( "ERROR" , value ) ;
} , function ( error ) {
return true ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
else {
it ( test . testcase , function ( ) {
var value = ethers _1 . ethers . BigNumber . from ( test . value ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( value . toHexString ( ) , test . expectedValue ) ;
var value2 = ethers _1 . ethers . BigNumber . from ( value ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( value2 . toHexString ( ) , test . expectedValue ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
{ value : "0x0" , expected : "0x0" } ,
{ value : "-0x0" , expected : "0x0" } ,
{ value : "0x5" , expected : "0x5" } ,
{ value : "-0x5" , expected : "0x5" } ,
{ value : "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" , expected : "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" } ,
{ value : "-0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" , expected : "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" } ,
{ value : "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" , expected : "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" } ,
{ value : "-0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" , expected : "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" } ,
] . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( "absolute value (" + test . value + ")" , function ( ) {
var value = ethers _1 . ethers . BigNumber . from ( test . value ) ;
var expected = ethers _1 . ethers . BigNumber . from ( test . expected ) ;
assert _1 . default . ok ( value . abs ( ) . eq ( expected ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// @TODO: Add more tests here
} ) ;
2020-09-11 09:10:58 +03:00
describe ( "FixedNumber" , function ( ) {
var Tests = [
{ value : "0.0" , expected : "0.0" } ,
{ value : "-0.0" , expected : "0.0" } ,
{ value : "1.0" , expected : "1.0" } ,
{ value : "1.00" , expected : "1.0" } ,
{ value : "01.00" , expected : "1.0" } ,
{ value : 1 , expected : "1.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.0" , expected : "-1.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.00" , expected : "-1.0" } ,
{ value : "-01.00" , expected : "-1.0" } ,
{ value : - 1 , expected : "-1.0" } ,
] ;
Tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( "Create from=" + test . value , function ( ) {
var value = ethers _1 . ethers . FixedNumber . from ( test . value ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( value . toString ( ) , test . expected ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var Tests = [
{ value : "1.0" , round : 1 , expected : "1.0" } ,
{ value : "1.4" , round : 1 , expected : "1.4" } ,
{ value : "1.4" , round : 2 , expected : "1.4" } ,
{ value : "1.4" , round : 0 , expected : "1.0" } ,
{ value : "1.5" , round : 0 , expected : "2.0" } ,
{ value : "1.6" , round : 0 , expected : "2.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.0" , round : 1 , expected : "-1.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.4" , round : 1 , expected : "-1.4" } ,
{ value : "-1.4" , round : 2 , expected : "-1.4" } ,
{ value : "-1.4" , round : 0 , expected : "-1.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.5" , round : 0 , expected : "-1.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.6" , round : 0 , expected : "-2.0" } ,
{ value : "1.51" , round : 1 , expected : "1.5" } ,
{ value : "1.55" , round : 1 , expected : "1.6" } ,
] ;
Tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( "Rounding value=" + test . value + ", decimals=" + test . round , function ( ) {
var value = ethers _1 . ethers . FixedNumber . from ( test . value ) . round ( test . round ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( value . toString ( ) , test . expected ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var Tests = [
{ value : "1.0" , ceiling : "1.0" , floor : "1.0" } ,
{ value : "1.1" , ceiling : "2.0" , floor : "1.0" } ,
{ value : "1.9" , ceiling : "2.0" , floor : "1.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.0" , ceiling : "-1.0" , floor : "-1.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.1" , ceiling : "-1.0" , floor : "-2.0" } ,
{ value : "-1.9" , ceiling : "-1.0" , floor : "-2.0" } ,
] ;
Tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( "Clamping value=" + test . value , function ( ) {
var value = ethers _1 . ethers . FixedNumber . from ( test . value ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( value . floor ( ) . toString ( ) , test . floor ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( value . ceiling ( ) . toString ( ) , test . ceiling ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
describe ( "Logger" , function ( ) {
var logger = new ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger ( "testing/0.0" ) ;
2020-07-20 09:27:26 +03:00
it ( "setLogLevel" , function ( ) {
ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . setLogLevel ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . levels . DEBUG ) ;
ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . setLogLevel ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . levels . INFO ) ;
ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . setLogLevel ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . levels . WARNING ) ;
ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . setLogLevel ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . levels . ERROR ) ;
ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . setLogLevel ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . levels . OFF ) ;
// Reset back to INFO when done tests
ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . setLogLevel ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . levels . INFO ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
it ( "checkArgumentCount" , function ( ) {
logger . checkArgumentCount ( 3 , 3 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "checkArgumentCount - too few" , function ( ) {
assert _1 . default . throws ( function ( ) {
logger . checkArgumentCount ( 1 , 3 ) ;
} , function ( error ) {
return error . code === ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . errors . MISSING _ARGUMENT ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "checkArgumentCount - too many" , function ( ) {
assert _1 . default . throws ( function ( ) {
logger . checkArgumentCount ( 3 , 1 ) ;
} , function ( error ) {
return error . code === ethers _1 . ethers . utils . Logger . errors . UNEXPECTED _ARGUMENT ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-10-19 06:19:16 +03:00
describe ( "Base58 Coder" , function ( ) {
it ( "decodes" , function ( ) {
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8String ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . base58 . decode ( "JxF12TrwUP45BMd" ) ) , "Hello World" ) ;
} ) ;
it ( "encodes" , function ( ) {
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . base58 . encode ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . toUtf8Bytes ( "Hello World" ) ) , "JxF12TrwUP45BMd" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ *
describe ( "Web Fetch" , function ( ) {
it ( "fetches JSON" , async function ( ) {
const url = "https:/\/api.etherscan.io/api?module=stats&action=ethprice&apikey=9D13ZE7XSBTJ94N9BNJ2MA33VMAY2YPIRB" ;
const getData = ethers . utils . fetchJson ( url )
} ) ;
} ) ;
* /
describe ( "EIP-712" , function ( ) {
var tests = testcases _1 . loadTests ( "eip712" ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
it ( "encoding " + test . name , function ( ) {
var encoder = ethers _1 . ethers . utils . _TypedDataEncoder . from ( test . types ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( encoder . primaryType , test . primaryType , "instance.primaryType" ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( encoder . encode ( test . data ) , test . encoded , "instance.encode()" ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . _TypedDataEncoder . getPrimaryType ( test . types ) , test . primaryType , "getPrimaryType" ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( ethers _1 . ethers . utils . _TypedDataEncoder . hash ( test . domain , test . types , test . data ) , test . digest , "digest" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
tests . forEach ( function ( test ) {
if ( ! test . privateKey ) {
return ;
it ( "signing " + test . name , function ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function ( ) {
var wallet , signature ;
return _ _generator ( this , function ( _a ) {
switch ( _a . label ) {
case 0 :
wallet = new ethers _1 . ethers . Wallet ( test . privateKey ) ;
return [ 4 /*yield*/ , wallet . _signTypedData ( test . domain , test . types , test . data ) ] ;
case 1 :
signature = _a . sent ( ) ;
assert _1 . default . equal ( signature , test . signature , "signature" ) ;
return [ 2 /*return*/ ] ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2020-07-13 15:03:56 +03:00
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