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2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
'use strict';
import { Interface } from './interface';
// @TODO: Move to utils?
import { TransactionResponse } from '../providers/provider';
import { Network } from '../providers/networks';
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
import { ParamType } from '../utils/abi-coder';
import { BigNumber, ConstantZero } from '../utils/bignumber';
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
import { defineReadOnly, resolveProperties } from '../utils/properties';
import * as errors from '../utils/errors';
var allowedTransactionKeys = {
data: true, from: true, gasLimit: true, gasPrice:true, nonce: true, to: true, value: true
function copyObject(object) {
var result = {};
for (var key in object) {
result[key] = object[key];
return result;
// @TODO: Expand this to resolve any promises too
function resolveAddresses(provider, value, paramType): Promise<any> {
if (Array.isArray(paramType)) {
var promises = [];
paramType.forEach((paramType, index) => {
var v = null;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
v = value[index];
} else {
v = value[];
promises.push(resolveAddresses(provider, v, paramType));
return Promise.all(promises);
if (paramType.type === 'address') {
return provider.resolveName(value);
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
if (paramType.components) {
return resolveAddresses(provider, value, paramType.components);
return Promise.resolve(value);
type RunFunction = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<any>;
function runMethod(contract: Contract, functionName: string, estimateOnly: boolean): RunFunction {
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
let method = contract.interface.functions[functionName];
return function(...params): Promise<any> {
var transaction: any = {}
// If 1 extra parameter was passed in, it contains overrides
if (params.length === method.inputs.length + 1 && typeof(params[params.length - 1]) === 'object') {
transaction = copyObject(params.pop());
// Check for unexpected keys (e.g. using "gas" instead of "gasLimit")
for (var key in transaction) {
if (!allowedTransactionKeys[key]) {
throw new Error('unknown transaction override ' + key);
if (params.length != method.inputs.length) {
throw new Error('incorrect number of arguments');
// Check overrides make sense
['data', 'to'].forEach(function(key) {
if (transaction[key] != null) {
throw new Error('cannot override ' + key) ;
// Send to the contract address = contract.addressPromise;
return resolveAddresses(contract.provider, params, method.inputs).then((params) => { = method.encode(params);
if (method.type === 'call') {
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
// Call (constant functions) always cost 0 ether
if (estimateOnly) {
return Promise.resolve(ConstantZero);
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
// Check overrides make sense
['gasLimit', 'gasPrice', 'value'].forEach(function(key) {
if (transaction[key] != null) {
throw new Error('call cannot override ' + key) ;
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
if (transaction.from == null && contract.signer) {
if (contract.signer.address) {
transaction.from = contract.signer.address;
} else if (contract.signer.getAddress) {
transaction.from = contract.signer.getAddress();
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return resolveProperties(transaction).then((transaction) => {
return => {
try {
let result = method.decode(value);
if (method.outputs.length === 1) {
result = result[0];
return result;
} catch (error) {
if (value === '0x' && method.outputs.length > 0) {
errors.throwError('call exception', errors.CALL_EXCEPTION, {
address: contract.address,
method: method.signature,
value: params
throw error;
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
} else if (method.type === 'transaction') {
if (!contract.signer) { return Promise.reject(new Error('missing signer')); }
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
// Make sure they aren't overriding something they shouldn't
if (transaction.from != null) {
throw new Error('transaction cannot override from') ;
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
// Only computing the transaction estimate
if (estimateOnly) {
if (contract.signer.estimateGas) {
return contract.signer.estimateGas(transaction);
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
if (contract.signer.address) {
transaction.from = contract.signer.address;
} else if (contract.signer.getAddress) {
transaction.from = contract.signer.getAddress();
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return resolveProperties(transaction).then((transaction) => {
return contract.provider.estimateGas(transaction);
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
// If the signer supports sendTrasaction, use it
if (contract.signer.sendTransaction) {
return contract.signer.sendTransaction(transaction);
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if (!contract.signer.sign) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('custom signer does not support signing'));
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if (transaction.chainId == null) {
transaction.chainId = contract.provider.getNetwork().then((network) => {
return network.chainId;
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if (transaction.gasLimit == null) {
if (contract.signer.defaultGasLimit) {
transaction.gasLimit = contract.signer.defaultGasLimit;
} else {
transaction.gasLimit = 200000;
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
if (!transaction.nonce) {
if (contract.signer.getTransactionCount) {
transaction.nonce = contract.signer.getTransactionCount();
} else if (contract.signer.address) {
transaction.nonce = contract.provider.getTransactionCount(contract.signer.address);
} else if (contract.signer.getAddress) {
transaction.nonce = contract.provider.getTransactionCount(contract.signer.getAddress());
} else {
throw new Error('cannot determine nonce');
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if (!transaction.gasPrice) {
if (contract.signer.defaultGasPrice) {
transaction.gasPrice = contract.signer.defaultGasPrice;
} else {
transaction.gasPrice = contract.provider.getGasPrice();
return resolveProperties(transaction).then((transaction) => {
let signedTransaction = contract.signer.sign(transaction);
return contract.provider.sendTransaction(signedTransaction);
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
throw new Error('invalid type - ' + method.type);
return null;
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
throw new Error('unsupport type - ' + method.type);
interface Provider {
getNetwork(): Promise<Network>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(address: string | Promise<string>): Promise<number>;
call(data: string): Promise<string>;
estimateGas(tx: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
interface Signer {
defaultGasLimit?: BigNumber;
defaultGasPrice?: BigNumber;
address?: string;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getTransactionCount(): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(tx: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
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sendTransaction(tx: any): Promise<any>; // @TODO:
sign(tx: any): string | Promise<string>;
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
export type ContractEstimate = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<BigNumber>;
export type ContractFunction = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<any>;
export type ContractEvent = (...params: Array<any>) => void;
interface Bucket<T> {
[name: string]: T;
export type Contractish = Array<string | ParamType> | Interface | string;
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
export class Contract {
readonly address: string;
readonly interface: Interface;
readonly signer: Signer;
readonly provider: Provider;
readonly estimate: Bucket<ContractEstimate>;
readonly functions: Bucket<ContractFunction>;
readonly events: Bucket<ContractEvent>;
readonly addressPromise: Promise<string>;
// Once this issue is resolved (there are open PR) we can do this nicer. :)
constructor(addressOrName: string, contractInterface: Contractish, signerOrProvider: any) {
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
//if (!(this instanceof Contract)) { throw new Error('missing new'); }
// @TODO: Maybe still check the addressOrName looks like a valid address or name?
//address = getAddress(address);
if (contractInterface instanceof Interface) {
defineReadOnly(this, 'interface', contractInterface);
} else {
defineReadOnly(this, 'interface', new Interface(contractInterface));
if (!signerOrProvider) { throw new Error('missing signer or provider'); }
var signer = signerOrProvider;
var provider = null;
if (signerOrProvider.provider) {
provider = signerOrProvider.provider;
} else {
provider = signerOrProvider;
signer = null;
defineReadOnly(this, 'signer', signer);
defineReadOnly(this, 'provider', provider);
if (!addressOrName) { return; }
defineReadOnly(this, 'address', addressOrName);
2018-06-13 22:39:39 +03:00
defineReadOnly(this, 'addressPromise', provider.resolveName(addressOrName));
defineReadOnly(this, 'estimate', { });
defineReadOnly(this, 'events', { });
defineReadOnly(this, 'functions', { });
Object.keys(this.interface.functions).forEach((name) => {
var run = runMethod(this, name, false);
if (this[name] == null) {
defineReadOnly(this, name, run);
} else {
console.log('WARNING: Multiple definitions for ' + name);
if (this.functions[name] == null) {
defineReadOnly(this.functions, name, run);
defineReadOnly(this.estimate, name, runMethod(this, name, true));
Object.keys( => {
let eventInfo =[eventName];
let eventCallback = null;
let addressPromise = this.addressPromise;
function handleEvent(log) {
addressPromise.then((address) => {
// Not meant for us (the topics just has the same name)
if (address != log.address) { return; }
try {
let result = eventInfo.decode(, log.topics);
// Some useful things to have with the log
log.args = result;
log.event = eventName;
log.parse = eventInfo.parse;
log.removeListener = function() {
provider.removeListener(eventInfo.topics, handleEvent);
log.getBlock = function() { return provider.getBlock(log.blockHash);; }
log.getTransaction = function() { return provider.getTransaction(log.transactionHash); }
log.getTransactionReceipt = function() { return provider.getTransactionReceipt(log.transactionHash); }
log.eventSignature = eventInfo.signature;
} catch (error) {
var property = {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return eventCallback;
set: function(value) {
if (!value) { value = null; }
if (!value && eventCallback) {
provider.removeListener(eventInfo.topics, handleEvent);
} else if (value && !eventCallback) {
provider.on(eventInfo.topics, handleEvent);
eventCallback = value;
var propertyName = 'on' + eventName.toLowerCase();
if (this[propertyName] == null) {
Object.defineProperty(this, propertyName, property);
Object.defineProperty(, eventName, property);
}, this);
connect(signerOrProvider) {
return new Contract(this.address, this.interface, signerOrProvider);
deploy(bytecode: string, ...args): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
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if (this.signer == null) {
throw new Error('missing signer'); // @TODO: errors.throwError
// @TODO: overrides of args.length = this.interface.deployFunction.inputs.length + 1
return this.signer.sendTransaction({
data: this.interface.deployFunction.encode(bytecode, args)