admin: update admin dist files

This commit is contained in:
Richard Moore 2023-02-02 20:55:16 -05:00
parent 8dac54f90d
commit 098d1db315
2 changed files with 12 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ const Words = fs_1.default.readFileSync("/usr/share/dict/words").toString().spli
}, {});
// Words missing from the dictionary
accessing addresses aligned autofill avatar called cancelled changed censored
accessing addresses aligned allowed autofill avatar called cancelled changed censored
clamping compiled computed configured consumed contained creating decoded decoding
decreased decrypt decrypted decrypting deployed deploying deprecated detected
discontinued earliest email emitted enabled encoded encoder encoding encountered
encrypt encrypted encrypting entries euro exceeded existing expected
expired failed fetches formatted formatting funding generated
expired failed fetches finalized formatted formatting funding generated
hardened has highly ignoring implemented implementer imported including instantiate
joined keyword labelled larger lookup matches mined modified modifies multi
named needed nested neutered numeric offline optimizer overriding owned packed
padded parsed parsing passed payload placeholder processing properties prototyping reached
recommended recovered recursively redacted remaining replaced repriced required reverted
recommended recovered recursively redacted rejected remaining replaced repriced required reverted
serializes shared signed signing skipped stats stored supported tagging targetted
throttled transactions typed uninstall unstake unsubscribe untyped
using verifies verifying website
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ ABIEncoder testcase numberish Wordlist
abi addr api app arg arrayify asm backend basex bigint bignumber bn byte
bytecode callback calldata ccip charset checksum ciphertext cli codepoint
commify config
contenthash ctr ctrl debug dd dklen eexist encseed eof eq erc ethaddr
contenthash ctr ctrl debug dd disallowed dklen dns eexist encseed eof eq erc ethaddr
ethseed ethers eval exec filename func gz gzip hid http https hw iv
info init ipc json kdf kdfparams labelhash lang lib metadata mm multihash nfc
nfkc nfd nfkd nodehash notok nowait nullish offchain oob opcode org pbkdf pc plugin
pragma pre prf recid repl rpc sighash topichash solc stderr stdin stdout subclasses
pragma pre prf punycode recid repl rpc sighash topichash solc stderr stdin stdout subclasses
subnode timeout todo txt typeof ufixed utc utf util url urlencoded uuid vm
vs websocket wikipedia wildcard wildcards wss www wx xe xpriv xpub xx yyyy zlib
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ apikey asc endblock startblock
alchemyapi ankr arbitrum Cloudflare com Etherscan INFURA IPFS IPNS MetaMask Nodesmith
Trezor ledgerhq axic bitcoinjs browserify easyseed ethereumjs
goerli homestead kotti kovan mainnet morden mordor rinkeby kintsugi
ropsten skynet testnet lb maticmum
ropsten sepolia skynet testnet lb maticmum
// Demo words
args foo eth foo foobar ll localhost passwd ricmoo tx xxx yna

View File

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ function getFiles(basedir) {
(function () {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const bucket = "";
const bucket = "";
const awsAccessId = yield config_1.config.get("aws-upload-docs-accesskey");
const awsSecretKey = yield config_1.config.get("aws-upload-docs-secretkey");
const s3 = new aws_sdk_1.default.S3({
@ -152,7 +152,9 @@ function getFiles(basedir) {
const added = [], removed = [], changed = [], upload = [];
const basedir = (0, path_2.resolve)("docs");
const local = yield getFiles(basedir);
console.log("LOCAL", local);
const remote = yield getKeys(s3, bucket);
console.log("REMOTE", remote);
Object.keys(local).forEach((filename) => {
if (!remote[filename]) {
@ -176,8 +178,9 @@ function getFiles(basedir) {
console.log('Removed: ', removed.length);
console.log('Changed: ', changed.length);
for (let i = 0; i < upload.length; i++) {
const filename = upload[i];
const content = fs_1.default.readFileSync((0, path_1.join)(basedir, filename));
const _filename = upload[i];
const content = fs_1.default.readFileSync((0, path_1.join)(basedir, _filename));
const filename = (0, path_1.join)("docs", _filename);
console.log(`Uploading: ${filename} (${content.length} bytes)`);
yield putObject(s3, bucket, filename, content);