Refectoring; split getAddress, expose transactions, hex operations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
declare module "utils/keccak256" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function keccak256(data: Arrayish): string;
declare module "utils/properties" {
export function defineReadOnly(object: any, name: any, value: any): void;
export function defineFrozen(object: any, name: any, value: any): void;
export type DeferredSetter = (value: any) => void;
export function defineDeferredReadOnly(object: any, name: any, value: any): DeferredSetter;
export function resolveProperties(object: any): Promise<any>;
export function shallowCopy(object: any): any;
export function jsonCopy(object: any): any;
declare module "utils/errors" {
@ -11,18 +24,36 @@ declare module "utils/errors" {
export function throwError(message: string, code: string, params: any): never;
export function checkNew(self: any, kind: any): void;
declare module "utils/secp256k1" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export const N: string;
export interface Signature {
r: string;
s: string;
recoveryParam: number;
v?: number;
export class KeyPair {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly compressedPublicKey: string;
readonly publicKeyBytes: Uint8Array;
constructor(privateKey: Arrayish);
sign(digest: Arrayish): Signature;
export function recoverPublicKey(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export function computePublicKey(key: Arrayish, compressed?: boolean): string;
export function recoverAddress(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export function computeAddress(key: string): string;
declare module "utils/convert" {
* Conversion Utilities
import { BigNumber } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Signature } from "utils/secp256k1";
export type Arrayish = string | ArrayLike<number>;
export type Signature = {
r: string;
s: string;
v: number;
export function isArrayish(value: any): boolean;
export function arrayify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber): Uint8Array;
export function concat(objects: Array<Arrayish>): Uint8Array;
@ -30,23 +61,17 @@ declare module "utils/convert" {
export function padZeros(value: Arrayish, length: number): Uint8Array;
export function isHexString(value: any, length?: number): boolean;
export function hexlify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber | number): string;
export function hexDataLength(data: string): number;
export function hexDataSlice(data: string, offset: number, length?: number): string;
export function hexStripZeros(value: string): string;
export function hexZeroPad(value: string, length: number): string;
export function splitSignature(signature: Arrayish): Signature;
declare module "utils/bignumber" {
* BigNumber
* A wrapper around the BN.js object. We use the BN.js library
* because it is used by elliptic, so it is required regardles.
import _BN from 'bn.js';
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export type BigNumberish = BigNumber | string | number | Arrayish;
export class BigNumber {
readonly _bn: _BN.BN;
private readonly _bn;
constructor(value: BigNumberish);
fromTwos(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
toTwos(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
@ -75,10 +100,6 @@ declare module "utils/bignumber" {
export const ConstantTwo: BigNumber;
export const ConstantWeiPerEther: BigNumber;
declare module "utils/keccak256" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function keccak256(data: Arrayish): string;
declare module "utils/rlp" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function encode(object: any): string;
@ -87,7 +108,8 @@ declare module "utils/rlp" {
declare module "utils/address" {
import { BigNumber } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function getAddress(address: string, icapFormat?: boolean): string;
export function getAddress(address: string): string;
export function getIcapAddress(address: string): string;
export function getContractAddress(transaction: {
from: string;
nonce: Arrayish | BigNumber | number;
@ -105,15 +127,6 @@ declare module "utils/utf8" {
export function toUtf8Bytes(str: string, form?: UnicodeNormalizationForm): Uint8Array;
export function toUtf8String(bytes: Arrayish): string;
declare module "utils/properties" {
export function defineReadOnly(object: any, name: any, value: any): void;
export function defineFrozen(object: any, name: any, value: any): void;
export type DeferredSetter = (value: any) => void;
export function defineDeferredReadOnly(object: any, name: any, value: any): DeferredSetter;
export function resolveProperties(object: any): Promise<any>;
export function shallowCopy(object: any): any;
export function jsonCopy(object: any): any;
declare module "utils/abi-coder" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export type CoerceFunc = (type: string, value: any) => any;
@ -139,6 +152,7 @@ declare module "utils/abi-coder" {
payable: boolean;
stateMutability: string;
export function parseParamType(type: string): ParamType;
export function parseSignature(fragment: string): EventFragment | FunctionFragment;
export class AbiCoder {
readonly coerceFunc: CoerceFunc;
@ -151,15 +165,16 @@ declare module "utils/abi-coder" {
declare module "contracts/interface" {
import { ParamType } from "utils/abi-coder";
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
export class Indexed {
readonly hash: string;
constructor(value: string);
export class Description {
readonly type: string;
readonly inputs: Array<ParamType>;
constructor(info: any);
export class Indexed {
readonly type: string;
readonly hash: string;
constructor(value: string);
export class DeployDescription extends Description {
readonly payable: boolean;
encode(bytecode: string, params: Array<any>): string;
@ -260,12 +275,44 @@ declare module "providers/networks" {
export function getNetwork(network: Network | string | number): Network;
declare module "utils/transaction" {
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { Signature } from "utils/secp256k1";
export interface UnsignedTransaction {
to?: string;
nonce?: number;
gasLimit?: BigNumberish;
gasPrice?: BigNumberish;
data?: Arrayish;
value?: BigNumberish;
chainId?: number;
export interface Transaction {
hash?: string;
to?: string;
from?: string;
nonce: number;
gasLimit: BigNumber;
gasPrice: BigNumber;
data: string;
value: BigNumber;
chainId: number;
r?: string;
s?: string;
v?: number;
export type SignDigestFunc = (digest: Arrayish) => Signature;
export function sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction, signDigest: SignDigestFunc): string;
export function parse(rawTransaction: Arrayish): Transaction;
declare module "providers/provider" {
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { Network } from "providers/networks";
import { Transaction } from "utils/transaction";
export type BlockTag = string | number;
export type Block = {
export interface Block {
hash: string;
parentHash: string;
number: number;
@ -277,7 +324,7 @@ declare module "providers/provider" {
miner: string;
extraData: string;
transactions: Array<string>;
export type TransactionRequest = {
to?: string | Promise<string>;
from?: string | Promise<string>;
@ -288,25 +335,14 @@ declare module "providers/provider" {
value?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>;
chainId?: number | Promise<number>;
export type TransactionResponse = {
export interface TransactionResponse extends Transaction {
blockNumber?: number;
blockHash?: string;
timestamp?: number;
hash: string;
to?: string;
from?: string;
nonce?: number;
gasLimit?: BigNumber;
gasPrice?: BigNumber;
data?: string;
value: BigNumber;
chainId?: number;
r?: string;
s?: string;
v?: number;
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export type TransactionReceipt = {
from: string;
wait: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export interface TransactionReceipt {
contractAddress?: string;
transactionIndex?: number;
root?: string;
@ -318,14 +354,14 @@ declare module "providers/provider" {
blockNumber?: number;
cumulativeGasUsed?: BigNumber;
status?: number;
export type Filter = {
fromBlock?: BlockTag;
toBlock?: BlockTag;
address?: string;
topics?: Array<any>;
export type Log = {
export interface Log {
blockNumber?: number;
blockHash?: string;
transactionIndex?: number;
@ -335,11 +371,10 @@ declare module "providers/provider" {
topics?: Array<string>;
transactionHash?: string;
logIndex?: number;
export function checkTransactionResponse(transaction: any): TransactionResponse;
export class Provider {
private _network;
protected ready: Promise<Network>;
private _events;
protected _emitted: any;
private _pollingInterval;
@ -347,10 +382,15 @@ declare module "providers/provider" {
private _lastBlockNumber;
private _balances;
* Sub-classing notes
* - If the network is standard or fully specified, ready will resolve
* - Otherwise, the sub-class must assign a Promise to ready
* ready
* A Promise<Network> that resolves only once the provider is ready.
* Sub-classes that call the super with a network without a chainId
* MUST set this. Standard named networks have a known chainId.
protected ready: Promise<Network>;
constructor(network: string | Network);
private _doPoll;
resetEventsBlock(blockNumber: number): void;
@ -366,7 +406,7 @@ declare module "providers/provider" {
getTransactionCount(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<number>;
getCode(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string>;
getStorageAt(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, position: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string>;
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string>;
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
call(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<string>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string | Promise<BlockTag | string>): Promise<Block>;
@ -391,22 +431,144 @@ declare module "providers/provider" {
removeListener(eventName: any, listener: any): Provider;
declare module "wallet/words" {
export function getWord(index: number): string;
export function getWordIndex(word: string): number;
declare module "utils/hmac" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
interface HashFunc {
(): HashFunc;
update(chunk: Uint8Array): HashFunc;
digest(encoding: string): string;
digest(): Uint8Array;
export interface HmacFunc extends HashFunc {
(hashFunc: HashFunc, key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function createSha256Hmac(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function createSha512Hmac(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
declare module "utils/pbkdf2" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { HmacFunc } from "utils/hmac";
export interface CreateHmacFunc {
(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function pbkdf2(password: Arrayish, salt: Arrayish, iterations: number, keylen: number, createHmac: CreateHmacFunc): Uint8Array;
declare module "utils/sha2" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function sha256(data: Arrayish): string;
export function sha512(data: Arrayish): string;
declare module "wallet/hdnode" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { KeyPair } from "utils/secp256k1";
export class HDNode {
private readonly keyPair;
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly mnemonic: string;
readonly path: string;
readonly chainCode: string;
readonly index: number;
readonly depth: number;
constructor(keyPair: KeyPair, chainCode: Uint8Array, index: number, depth: number, mnemonic: string, path: string);
private _derive;
derivePath(path: string): HDNode;
export function fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string): HDNode;
export function fromSeed(seed: Arrayish): HDNode;
export function mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic: string, password?: string): string;
export function mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic: string): string;
export function entropyToMnemonic(entropy: Arrayish): string;
export function isValidMnemonic(mnemonic: string): boolean;
declare module "utils/random-bytes" {
export function randomBytes(length: number): Uint8Array;
declare module "wallet/signing-key" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { HDNode } from "wallet/hdnode";
import { Signature } from "utils/secp256k1";
export class SigningKey {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly address: string;
readonly mnemonic: string;
readonly path: string;
private readonly keyPair;
constructor(privateKey: Arrayish | HDNode);
signDigest(digest: Arrayish): Signature;
export function recoverAddress(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export function computeAddress(key: string): string;
declare module "wallet/secret-storage" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { SigningKey } from "wallet/signing-key";
export interface ProgressCallback {
(percent: number): void;
export function isCrowdsaleWallet(json: string): boolean;
export function isValidWallet(json: string): boolean;
export function decryptCrowdsale(json: string, password: Arrayish | string): SigningKey;
export function decrypt(json: string, password: any, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<SigningKey>;
export function encrypt(privateKey: Arrayish | SigningKey, password: Arrayish | string, options?: any, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
declare module "wallet/wallet" {
import { HDNode } from "wallet/hdnode";
import { ProgressCallback } from "wallet/secret-storage";
import { SigningKey } from "wallet/signing-key";
import { BlockTag, Provider, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponse } from "providers/provider";
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { UnsignedTransaction } from "utils/transaction";
export interface Signer {
address?: string;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
sendTransaction(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
provider: Provider;
sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): string;
getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
getGasPrice(transaction?: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
export class Wallet implements Signer {
readonly address: string;
readonly privateKey: string;
private mnemonic;
private path;
private readonly signingKey;
provider: Provider;
defaultGasLimit: number;
constructor(privateKey: SigningKey | HDNode | Arrayish, provider?: Provider);
sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): string;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getBalance(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
send(addressOrName: string, amountWei: BigNumberish, options: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
static hashMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string;
signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string;
static verifyMessage(message: Arrayish | string, signature: string): string;
encrypt(password: Arrayish | string, options: any, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
static createRandom(options: any): Wallet;
static isEncryptedWallet(json: string): boolean;
static fromEncryptedWallet(json: string, password: Arrayish, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<Wallet>;
static fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, path?: string): Wallet;
static fromBrainWallet(username: Arrayish | string, password: Arrayish | string, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<Wallet>;
declare module "contracts/contract" {
import { Interface } from "contracts/interface";
import { Provider, TransactionResponse } from "providers/provider";
import { Signer } from "wallet/wallet";
import { ParamType } from "utils/abi-coder";
import { BigNumber } from "utils/bignumber";
interface Signer {
defaultGasLimit?: BigNumber;
defaultGasPrice?: BigNumber;
address?: string;
provider?: Provider;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getTransactionCount(): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(tx: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(tx: any): Promise<any>;
sign(tx: any): string | Promise<string>;
export type ContractEstimate = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<BigNumber>;
export type ContractFunction = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<any>;
export type ContractEvent = (...params: Array<any>) => void;
@ -541,19 +703,11 @@ declare module "providers/index" {
declare module "utils/id" {
export function id(text: string): string;
declare module "utils/sha2" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function sha256(data: Arrayish): string;
export function sha512(data: Arrayish): string;
declare module "utils/solidity" {
export function pack(types: Array<string>, values: Array<any>): string;
export function keccak256(types: Array<string>, values: Array<any>): string;
export function sha256(types: Array<string>, values: Array<any>): string;
declare module "utils/random-bytes" {
export function randomBytes(length: number): Uint8Array;
declare module "utils/units" {
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
export function formatUnits(value: BigNumberish, unitType?: string | number, options?: any): string;
@ -562,7 +716,7 @@ declare module "utils/units" {
export function parseEther(ether: string): BigNumber;
declare module "utils/index" {
import { getAddress, getContractAddress } from "utils/address";
import { getAddress, getContractAddress, getIcapAddress } from "utils/address";
import { AbiCoder, parseSignature } from "utils/abi-coder";
import * as base64 from "utils/base64";
import * as bigNumber from "utils/bignumber";
@ -577,6 +731,7 @@ declare module "utils/index" {
import * as utf8 from "utils/utf8";
import * as units from "utils/units";
import { fetchJson } from "utils/web";
import { parse as parseTransaction } from "utils/transaction";
const _default: {
AbiCoder: typeof AbiCoder;
defaultAbiCoder: AbiCoder;
@ -597,6 +752,7 @@ declare module "utils/index" {
namehash: typeof namehash;
id: typeof id;
getAddress: typeof getAddress;
getIcapAddress: typeof getIcapAddress;
getContractAddress: typeof getContractAddress;
formatEther: typeof units.formatEther;
parseEther: typeof units.parseEther;
@ -609,175 +765,10 @@ declare module "utils/index" {
solidityKeccak256: typeof solidity.keccak256;
soliditySha256: typeof solidity.sha256;
splitSignature: typeof convert.splitSignature;
parseTransaction: typeof parseTransaction;
export default _default;
declare module "wallet/secp256k1" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export type Signature = {
r: string;
s: string;
recoveryParam: number;
export class KeyPair {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly compressedPublicKey: string;
readonly publicKeyBytes: Uint8Array;
constructor(privateKey: Arrayish);
sign(digest: Arrayish): Signature;
export function recoverPublicKey(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export function computePublicKey(key: Arrayish, compressed?: boolean): string;
export const N: string;
declare module "wallet/words" {
export function getWord(index: number): string;
export function getWordIndex(word: string): number;
declare module "utils/hmac" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
interface HashFunc {
(): HashFunc;
update(chunk: Uint8Array): HashFunc;
digest(encoding: string): string;
digest(): Uint8Array;
export interface HmacFunc extends HashFunc {
(hashFunc: HashFunc, key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function createSha256Hmac(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function createSha512Hmac(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
declare module "utils/pbkdf2" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { HmacFunc } from "utils/hmac";
export interface CreateHmacFunc {
(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function pbkdf2(password: Arrayish, salt: Arrayish, iterations: number, keylen: number, createHmac: CreateHmacFunc): Uint8Array;
declare module "wallet/hdnode" {
import { KeyPair } from "wallet/secp256k1";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export class HDNode {
private readonly keyPair;
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly mnemonic: string;
readonly path: string;
readonly chainCode: string;
readonly index: number;
readonly depth: number;
constructor(keyPair: KeyPair, chainCode: Uint8Array, index: number, depth: number, mnemonic: string, path: string);
private _derive;
derivePath(path: string): HDNode;
export function fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string): HDNode;
export function fromSeed(seed: Arrayish): HDNode;
export function mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic: string, password?: string): string;
export function mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic: string): string;
export function entropyToMnemonic(entropy: Arrayish): string;
export function isValidMnemonic(mnemonic: string): boolean;
declare module "wallet/signing-key" {
* SigningKey
import { Signature } from "wallet/secp256k1";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { HDNode } from "wallet/hdnode";
export class SigningKey {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly address: string;
readonly mnemonic: string;
readonly path: string;
private readonly keyPair;
constructor(privateKey: Arrayish | HDNode);
signDigest(digest: Arrayish): Signature;
export function recoverAddress(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export function computeAddress(key: string): string;
declare module "wallet/secret-storage" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { SigningKey } from "wallet/signing-key";
export interface ProgressCallback {
(percent: number): void;
export function isCrowdsaleWallet(json: string): boolean;
export function isValidWallet(json: string): boolean;
export function decryptCrowdsale(json: string, password: Arrayish | string): SigningKey;
export function decrypt(json: string, password: any, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<SigningKey>;
export function encrypt(privateKey: Arrayish | SigningKey, password: Arrayish | string, options?: any, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
declare module "wallet/wallet" {
import { HDNode } from "wallet/hdnode";
import { ProgressCallback } from "wallet/secret-storage";
import { SigningKey } from "wallet/signing-key";
import { BlockTag } from "providers/provider";
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
interface Provider {
chainId: number;
getBalance(address: string, blockTag: number | string): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(address: string, blockTag: number | string): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(Bytes: any): Promise<string>;
resolveName(address: string): Promise<string>;
waitForTransaction(Bytes32: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
interface TransactionRequest {
nonce?: number;
to?: string;
from?: string;
data?: string;
gasLimit?: BigNumber;
gasPrice?: BigNumber;
r?: string;
s?: string;
chainId?: number;
v?: number;
value?: BigNumber;
interface TransactionResponse extends TransactionRequest {
hash?: string;
blockHash?: string;
block?: number;
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export class Wallet {
readonly address: string;
readonly privateKey: string;
private mnemonic;
private path;
private readonly signingKey;
provider: any;
defaultGasLimit: number;
constructor(privateKey: SigningKey | HDNode | Arrayish, provider?: Provider);
sign(transaction: TransactionRequest): string;
static parseTransaction(rawTransaction: Arrayish): TransactionRequest;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getBalance(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(transaction: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
send(addressOrName: string, amountWei: BigNumberish, options: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
static hashMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string;
signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string;
static verifyMessage(message: Arrayish | string, signature: string): string;
encrypt(password: Arrayish | string, options: any, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
static createRandom(options: any): Wallet;
static isEncryptedWallet(json: string): boolean;
static fromEncryptedWallet(json: string, password: Arrayish, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<Wallet>;
static fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, path?: string): Wallet;
static fromBrainWallet(username: Arrayish | string, password: Arrayish | string, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<Wallet>;
declare module "wallet/index" {
import { Wallet } from "wallet/wallet";
import * as HDNode from "wallet/hdnode";
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
import { Interface } from './interface';
import { Provider, TransactionResponse } from '../providers/provider';
import { Signer } from '../wallet/wallet';
import { getContractAddress } from '../utils/address';
import { isHexString } from '../utils/convert';
import { ParamType } from '../utils/abi-coder';
import { BigNumber, ConstantZero } from '../utils/bignumber';
import { defineReadOnly, resolveProperties } from '../utils/properties';
@ -170,10 +172,10 @@ function runMethod(contract: Contract, functionName: string, estimateOnly: boole
if (transaction.gasLimit == null) {
if (contract.signer.defaultGasLimit) {
transaction.gasLimit = contract.signer.defaultGasLimit;
if (contract.signer.estimateGas) {
transaction.gasLimit = contract.signer.estimateGas(transaction);
} else {
transaction.gasLimit = 200000;
transaction.gasLimit = contract.provider.estimateGas(transaction);
@ -190,8 +192,8 @@ function runMethod(contract: Contract, functionName: string, estimateOnly: boole
if (!transaction.gasPrice) {
if (contract.signer.defaultGasPrice) {
transaction.gasPrice = contract.signer.defaultGasPrice;
if (contract.signer.getGasPrice) {
transaction.gasPrice = contract.signer.getGasPrice(transaction);
} else {
transaction.gasPrice = contract.provider.getGasPrice();
@ -210,28 +212,6 @@ function runMethod(contract: Contract, functionName: string, estimateOnly: boole
throw new Error('unsupport type - ' + method.type);
interface Provider {
getNetwork(): Promise<Network>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(address: string | Promise<string>): Promise<number>;
call(data: string): Promise<string>;
estimateGas(tx: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
interface Signer {
defaultGasLimit?: BigNumber;
defaultGasPrice?: BigNumber;
address?: string;
provider?: Provider;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getTransactionCount(): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(tx: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(tx: any): Promise<any>; // @TODO:
sign(tx: any): string | Promise<string>;
function isSigner(value: any): value is Signer {
return (value && value.provider != null);
@ -391,6 +371,14 @@ export class Contract {
throw new Error('missing signer'); // @TODO: errors.throwError
if (!isHexString(bytecode)) {
errors.throwError('bytecode must be a valid hex string', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'bytecode', value: bytecode });
if ((bytecode.length % 2) !== 0) {
errors.throwError('bytecode must be valid data (even length)', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'bytecode', value: bytecode });
// @TODO: overrides of args.length = this.interface.deployFunction.inputs.length + 1
return this.signer.sendTransaction({
data: this.interface.deployFunction.encode(bytecode, args)
@ -39,13 +39,6 @@ function parseParams(params: Array<ParamType>): { names: Array<any>, types: Arra
export class Indexed {
readonly hash: string;
constructor(value: string) {
defineReadOnly(this, 'hash', value);
export class Description {
readonly type: string;
readonly inputs: Array<ParamType>;
@ -61,6 +54,16 @@ export class Description {
// @TOOD: Make this a description
export class Indexed {
readonly type: string;
readonly hash: string;
constructor(value: string) {
defineReadOnly(this, 'type', 'indexed');
defineReadOnly(this, 'hash', value);
export class DeployDescription extends Description {
readonly payable: boolean;
@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ export type CallTransaction = {
value: BigNumber
// @TODO: Make this a class
// @TODO: Make this a description
function Result() {}
export class EventDescription extends Description {
@ -4,12 +4,13 @@
import { getAddress, getContractAddress } from '../utils/address';
import { BigNumber, bigNumberify, BigNumberish } from '../utils/bignumber';
import { Arrayish, hexlify, hexStripZeros, isHexString, stripZeros } from '../utils/convert';
import { Arrayish, hexDataLength, hexDataSlice, hexlify, hexStripZeros, isHexString, stripZeros } from '../utils/convert';
import { toUtf8String } from '../utils/utf8';
import { decode as rlpDecode, encode as rlpEncode } from '../utils/rlp';
import { namehash } from '../utils/namehash';
import { getNetwork, Network } from './networks';
import { resolveProperties } from '../utils/properties';
import { parse as parseTransaction, Transaction } from '../utils/transaction';
import * as errors from '../utils/errors';
@ -24,22 +25,22 @@ function copyObject(obj) {
export type BlockTag = string | number;
export type Block = {
hash: string,
parentHash: string,
number: number,
export interface Block {
hash: string;
parentHash: string;
number: number;
timestamp: number,
nonce: string,
difficulty: string,
timestamp: number;
nonce: string;
difficulty: string;
gasLimit: BigNumber,
gasUsed: BigNumber,
gasLimit: BigNumber;
gasUsed: BigNumber;
miner: string,
extraData: string,
miner: string;
extraData: string;
transactions: Array<string>
transactions: Array<string>;
export type TransactionRequest = {
@ -55,32 +56,20 @@ export type TransactionRequest = {
chainId?: number | Promise<number>,
export type TransactionResponse = {
export interface TransactionResponse extends Transaction {
// Only if a transaction has been mined
blockNumber?: number,
blockHash?: string,
timestamp?: number,
hash: string,
// Not optional (as it is in Transaction)
from: string;
to?: string,
from?: string,
nonce?: number,
// This function waits until the transaction has been mined
wait: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>
gasLimit?: BigNumber,
gasPrice?: BigNumber,
data?: string,
value: BigNumber,
chainId?: number,
r?: string,
s?: string,
v?: number,
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export type TransactionReceipt = {
export interface TransactionReceipt {
contractAddress?: string,
transactionIndex?: number,
root?: string,
@ -102,20 +91,20 @@ export type Filter = {
// @TODO: Some of these are not options; force them?
export type Log = {
blockNumber?: number,
blockHash?: string,
transactionIndex?: number,
export interface Log {
blockNumber?: number;
blockHash?: string;
transactionIndex?: number;
removed?: boolean,
removed?: boolean;
address: string,
data?: string,
address: string;
data?: string;
topics?: Array<string>,
topics?: Array<string>;
transactionHash?: string,
logIndex?: number,
transactionHash?: string;
logIndex?: number;
@ -168,7 +157,7 @@ function arrayOf(check: CheckFunc): CheckFunc {
function checkHash(hash: any): string {
if (typeof(hash) === 'string' && isHexString(hash, 32)) {
if (typeof(hash) === 'string' && hexDataLength(hash) === 32) {
return hash;
errors.throwError('invalid hash', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'hash', value: hash });
@ -199,7 +188,7 @@ function checkBoolean(value): boolean {
throw new Error('invaid boolean - ' + value);
function checkUint256(uint256): string {
function checkUint256(uint256: string): string {
if (!isHexString(uint256)) {
throw new Error('invalid uint256');
@ -519,10 +508,9 @@ function getEventString(object) {
} else if (object === 'pending') {
return 'pending';
} else if (isHexString(object)) {
if (object.length === 66) {
} else if (hexDataLength(object) === 32) {
return 'tx:' + object;
} else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
object = recurse(object, function(object) {
if (object == null) { object = '0x'; }
@ -581,7 +569,6 @@ type Event = {
export class Provider {
private _network: Network;
protected ready: Promise<Network>;
// string => Event
private _events: any;
@ -595,11 +582,17 @@ export class Provider {
// string => BigNumber
private _balances: any;
* Sub-classing notes
* - If the network is standard or fully specified, ready will resolve
* - Otherwise, the sub-class must assign a Promise to ready
* ready
* A Promise<Network> that resolves only once the provider is ready.
* Sub-classes that call the super with a network without a chainId
* MUST set this. Standard named networks have a known chainId.
protected ready: Promise<Network>;
constructor(network: string | Network) {
errors.checkNew(this, Provider);
@ -859,16 +852,26 @@ export class Provider {
// @TODO: Shold this return the full tx instead of the hash? If so, that requires
// the inclusion of secp256k1, which might be overkill for many applications...
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string> {
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ signedTransaction: signedTransaction }).then(({ signedTransaction }) => {
var params = { signedTransaction: hexlify(signedTransaction) };
return this.perform('sendTransaction', params).then((result) => {
result = hexlify(result);
if (result.length !== 66) { throw new Error('invalid response - sendTransaction'); }
return result;
return this.perform('sendTransaction', params).then((hash) => {
if (hexDataLength(hash) !== 32) { throw new Error('invalid response - sendTransaction'); }
// A signed transaction always has a from (and we add wait below)
var tx = <TransactionResponse>parseTransaction(signedTransaction);
// Check the hash we expect is the same as the hash the server reported
if (tx.hash !== hash) {
errors.throwError('Transaction hash mismatch from Proivder.sendTransaction.', errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR, { expectedHash: tx.hash, returnedHash: hash });
this._emitted['t:' + tx.hash.toLowerCase()] = 'pending';
tx.wait = (timeout?: number) => {
return this.waitForTransaction(hash, timeout);
return tx;
@ -906,7 +909,7 @@ export class Provider {
return resolveProperties({ blockHashOrBlockTag: blockHashOrBlockTag }).then(({ blockHashOrBlockTag }) => {
try {
var blockHash = hexlify(blockHashOrBlockTag);
if (blockHash.length === 66) {
if (hexDataLength(blockHash) === 32) {
return stallPromise(() => {
return (this._emitted['b:' + blockHash.toLowerCase()] == null);
}, () => {
@ -1028,8 +1031,8 @@ export class Provider {
return => {
// extract the address from the data
if (data.length != 66) { return null; }
return getAddress('0x' + data.substring(26));
if (hexDataLength(data) !== 32) { return null; }
return getAddress(hexDataSlice(data, 12));
@ -1062,8 +1065,8 @@ export class Provider {
// extract the address from the data
}).then(function(data) {
if (data.length != 66) { return null; }
var address = getAddress('0x' + data.substring(26));
if (hexDataLength(data) !== 32) { return null; }
var address = getAddress(hexDataSlice(data, 12));
if (address === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') { return null; }
return address;
@ -300,6 +300,9 @@ function parseSignatureFunction(fragment: string): FunctionFragment {
return abi;
export function parseParamType(type: string): ParamType {
return parseParam(type, true);
export function parseSignature(fragment: string): EventFragment | FunctionFragment {
if(typeof(fragment) === 'string') {
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function ibanChecksum(address: string): string {
return checksum;
export function getAddress(address: string, icapFormat?: boolean): string {
export function getAddress(address: string): string {
var result = null;
if (typeof(address) !== 'string') {
@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ export function getAddress(address: string, icapFormat?: boolean): string {
errors.throwError('invalid address', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'address', value: address });
if (icapFormat) {
var base36 = (new BN(result.substring(2), 16)).toString(36).toUpperCase();
return result;
export function getIcapAddress(address: string): string {
var base36 = (new BN(getAddress(address).substring(2), 16)).toString(36).toUpperCase();
while (base36.length < 30) { base36 = '0' + base36; }
return 'XE' + ibanChecksum('XE00' + base36) + base36;
return result;
@ -9,92 +9,33 @@
import _BN from 'bn.js';
declare module _BN {
class BN {
constructor(number: string | number, base?: number);
toString(radix?: number): string;
toNumber(): number;
fromTwos(value: any): BN;
toTwos(value: any): BN;
add(other: any): BN;
sub(other: any): BN;
div(other: any): BN;
mul(other: any): BN;
mod(modulo: any): BN;
pow(exponent: any): BN;
maskn(bits: number): BN;
eq(other: BN): boolean;
gte(other: BN): boolean;
gt(other: BN): boolean;
lte(other: BN): boolean;
lt(other: BN): boolean;
isZero(): boolean;
static isBN(value: any): boolean;
import { Arrayish, hexlify, isArrayish, isHexString } from './convert';
import { defineReadOnly } from './properties';
import * as errors from '../utils/errors';
function _isBigNumber(value: any): value is BigNumber {
return isBigNumber(value);
// @TODO: is there a better way?
export interface BigNumber {
readonly _bn: BN;
fromTwos(value: any): BigNumber;
toTwos(value: any): BigNumber;
add(other: any): BigNumber;
sub(other: any): BigNumber;
div(other: any): BigNumber;
mul(other: any): BigNumber;
mod(other: any): BigNumber;
pow(other: any): BigNumber;
maskn(value: any): BigNumber;
eq(other: any): boolean;
lt(other: any): boolean;
lte(other: any): boolean;
gt(other: any): boolean;
gte(other: any): boolean;
isZero(): boolean;
toNumber(): number;
toString(): string;
toHexString(): string;
export type BigNumberish = BigNumber | string | number | Arrayish;
export class BigNumber {
readonly _bn: _BN.BN;
private readonly _bn: _BN.BN;
constructor(value: BigNumberish) {
errors.checkNew(this, BigNumber);
if (typeof(value) === 'string') {
if (isHexString(value)) {
if (value == '0x') { value = '0x0'; }
this._bn = new _BN.BN(value.substring(2), 16);
defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', new _BN.BN(value.substring(2), 16));
} else if (value[0] === '-' && isHexString(value.substring(1))) {
this._bn = (new _BN.BN(value.substring(3), 16)).mul(ConstantNegativeOne._bn);
defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', (new _BN.BN(value.substring(3), 16)).mul(ConstantNegativeOne._bn));
} else if (value.match(/^-?[0-9]*$/)) {
if (value == '') { value = '0'; }
this._bn = new _BN.BN(value);
defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', new _BN.BN(value));
} else if (typeof(value) === 'number') {
@ -102,19 +43,19 @@ export class BigNumber {
errors.throwError('underflow', errors.NUMERIC_FAULT, { operation: 'setValue', fault: 'underflow', value: value, outputValue: Math.trunc(value) });
try {
this._bn = new _BN.BN(value);
defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', new _BN.BN(value));
} catch (error) {
errors.throwError('overflow', errors.NUMERIC_FAULT, { operation: 'setValue', fault: 'overflow', details: error.message });
} else if (_BN.BN.isBN(value)) {
this._bn = value;
defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', value);
} else if (_isBigNumber(value)) {
this._bn = value._bn;
defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', value._bn);
} else if (isArrayish(value)) {
this._bn = new _BN.BN(hexlify(value).substring(2), 16);
defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', new _BN.BN(hexlify(value).substring(2), 16));
} else {
errors.throwError('invalid BigNumber value', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'value', value: value });
@ -4,12 +4,13 @@
import { BigNumber } from './bignumber';
import { Signature } from './secp256k1';
import errors = require('./errors');
export type Arrayish = string | ArrayLike<number>;
export type Signature = { r: string, s: string, v: number };
export type Arrayish = string | ArrayLike<number>;
function isBigNumber(value: any): value is BigNumber {
@ -140,7 +141,6 @@ export function isHexString(value: any, length?: number): boolean {
const HexCharacters: string = '0123456789abcdef';
// @TODO: Do not use any here
export function hexlify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber | number): string {
if (isBigNumber(value)) {
@ -196,6 +196,29 @@ export function hexlify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber | number): string {
return 'never';
export function hexDataLength(data: string) {
if (!isHexString(data) || (data.length % 2) !== 0) {
return null;
return (data.length - 2) / 2;
export function hexDataSlice(data: string, offset: number, length?: number): string {
if (!isHexString(data)) {
errors.throwError('invalid hex data', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'value', value: data });
if ((data.length % 2) !== 0) {
errors.throwError('hex data length must be even', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'value', value: data });
offset = 2 + 2 * offset;
if (length != null) {
return '0x' + data.substring(offset, offset + 2 * length);
return '0x' + data.substring(offset);
export function hexStripZeros(value: string): string {
if (!isHexString(value)) {
errors.throwError('invalid hex string', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'value', value: value });
@ -217,13 +240,6 @@ export function hexZeroPad(value: string, length: number): string {
return value;
/* @TODO: Add something like this to make slicing code easier to understand
function hexSlice(hex, start, end) {
hex = hexlify(hex);
return '0x' + hex.substring(2 + start * 2, 2 + end * 2);
export function splitSignature(signature: Arrayish): Signature {
let bytes: Uint8Array = arrayify(signature);
if (bytes.length !== 65) {
@ -238,6 +254,7 @@ export function splitSignature(signature: Arrayish): Signature {
return {
r: hexlify(bytes.slice(0, 32)),
s: hexlify(bytes.slice(32, 64)),
recoveryParam: (v - 27),
v: v
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// This is SUPER useful, but adds 140kb (even zipped, adds 40kb)
//var unorm = require('unorm');
import { getAddress, getContractAddress } from './address';
import { getAddress, getContractAddress, getIcapAddress } from './address';
import { AbiCoder, defaultAbiCoder, parseSignature } from './abi-coder';
import * as base64 from './base64';
import * as bigNumber from './bignumber';
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import * as RLP from './rlp';
import * as utf8 from './utf8';
import * as units from './units';
import { fetchJson } from './web';
import { parse as parseTransaction } from './transaction';
export default {
AbiCoder: AbiCoder,
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ export default {
id: id,
getAddress: getAddress,
getIcapAddress: getIcapAddress,
getContractAddress: getContractAddress,
formatEther: units.formatEther,
@ -76,4 +77,6 @@ export default {
soliditySha256: solidity.sha256,
splitSignature: convert.splitSignature,
parseTransaction: parseTransaction
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
'use strict';
import { getAddress } from './address';
import { arrayify, Arrayish, hexlify } from '../utils/convert';
import { keccak256 } from './keccak256';
import { defineReadOnly } from '../utils/properties';
import * as errors from '../utils/errors';
@ -41,10 +43,13 @@ import * as elliptic from 'elliptic';
const curve:_EC = new'secp256k1');
export type Signature = {
export const N = '0x' + curve.n.toString(16);
export interface Signature {
r: string;
s: string;
recoveryParam: number;
v?: number;
export class KeyPair {
@ -71,7 +76,8 @@ export class KeyPair {
return {
recoveryParam: signature.recoveryParam,
r: '0x' + signature.r.toString(16),
s: '0x' + signature.s.toString(16)
s: '0x' + signature.s.toString(16),
v: 27 + signature.recoveryParam
@ -82,8 +88,7 @@ export function recoverPublicKey(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string
r: arrayify(signature.r),
s: arrayify(signature.s)
return '0x' + curve.recoverPubKey(arrayify(digest), sig, signature.recoveryParam).getPublic(false, 'hex');
return '0x' + curve.recoverPubKey(arrayify(digest), sig, signature.recoveryParam).encode('hex', false);
export function computePublicKey(key: Arrayish, compressed?: boolean): string {
@ -110,4 +115,13 @@ export function computePublicKey(key: Arrayish, compressed?: boolean): string {
return null;
export const N = '0x' + curve.n.toString(16);
export function recoverAddress(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string {
return computeAddress(recoverPublicKey(digest, signature));
export function computeAddress(key: string): string {
// Strip off the leading "0x04"
let publicKey = '0x' + computePublicKey(key).slice(4);
return getAddress('0x' + keccak256(publicKey).substring(26));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
import { getAddress } from './address';
import { BigNumber, bigNumberify, BigNumberish,ConstantZero } from './bignumber';
import { arrayify, Arrayish, hexlify, stripZeros, } from './convert';
import { keccak256 } from './keccak256';
import { recoverAddress, Signature } from './secp256k1';
import * as RLP from './rlp';
export interface UnsignedTransaction {
to?: string;
nonce?: number;
gasLimit?: BigNumberish;
gasPrice?: BigNumberish;
data?: Arrayish;
value?: BigNumberish;
chainId?: number;
export interface Transaction {
hash?: string;
to?: string;
from?: string;
nonce: number;
gasLimit: BigNumber;
gasPrice: BigNumber;
data: string;
value: BigNumber;
chainId: number;
r?: string;
s?: string;
v?: number;
function handleAddress(value: string): string {
if (value === '0x') { return null; }
return getAddress(value);
function handleNumber(value: string): BigNumber {
if (value === '0x') { return ConstantZero; }
return bigNumberify(value);
var transactionFields = [
{name: 'nonce', maxLength: 32 },
{name: 'gasPrice', maxLength: 32 },
{name: 'gasLimit', maxLength: 32 },
{name: 'to', length: 20 },
{name: 'value', maxLength: 32 },
{name: 'data' },
export type SignDigestFunc = (digest: Arrayish) => Signature;
export function sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction, signDigest: SignDigestFunc): string {
var raw = [];
transactionFields.forEach(function(fieldInfo) {
let value = transaction[] || ([]);
value = arrayify(hexlify(value));
// Fixed-width field
if (fieldInfo.length && value.length !== fieldInfo.length && value.length > 0) {
let error: any = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'wrong length';
error.value = value;
throw error;
// Variable-width (with a maximum)
if (fieldInfo.maxLength) {
value = stripZeros(value);
if (value.length > fieldInfo.maxLength) {
let error: any = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'too long';
error.value = value;
throw error;
if (transaction.chainId) {
var digest = keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
var signature = signDigest(digest);
var v = 27 + signature.recoveryParam
if (transaction.chainId) {
v += transaction.chainId * 2 + 8;
return RLP.encode(raw);
export function parse(rawTransaction: Arrayish): Transaction {
var signedTransaction = RLP.decode(rawTransaction);
if (signedTransaction.length !== 9) { throw new Error('invalid transaction'); }
let tx: Transaction = {
nonce: handleNumber(signedTransaction[0]).toNumber(),
gasPrice: handleNumber(signedTransaction[1]),
gasLimit: handleNumber(signedTransaction[2]),
to: handleAddress(signedTransaction[3]),
value: handleNumber(signedTransaction[4]),
data: signedTransaction[5],
chainId: 0
var v = arrayify(signedTransaction[6]);
var r = arrayify(signedTransaction[7]);
var s = arrayify(signedTransaction[8]);
if (v.length >= 1 && r.length >= 1 && r.length <= 32 && s.length >= 1 && s.length <= 32) {
tx.v = bigNumberify(v).toNumber();
tx.r = signedTransaction[7];
tx.s = signedTransaction[8];
var chainId = (tx.v - 35) / 2;
if (chainId < 0) { chainId = 0; }
chainId = Math.trunc(chainId);
tx.chainId = chainId;
var recoveryParam = tx.v - 27;
let raw = signedTransaction.slice(0, 6);
if (chainId) {
recoveryParam -= chainId * 2 + 8;
var digest = keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
try {
tx.from = recoverAddress(digest, { r: hexlify(r), s: hexlify(s), recoveryParam: recoveryParam });
} catch (error) {
tx.hash = keccak256(rawTransaction);
return tx;
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
// See:
// See:
import { KeyPair, N } from './secp256k1';
import { getWord, getWordIndex } from './words';
import { arrayify, Arrayish, hexlify } from '../utils/convert';
@ -12,6 +10,7 @@ import { bigNumberify } from '../utils/bignumber';
import { toUtf8Bytes, UnicodeNormalizationForm } from '../utils/utf8';
import { pbkdf2 } from '../utils/pbkdf2';
import { createSha512Hmac } from '../utils/hmac';
import { KeyPair, N } from '../utils/secp256k1';
import { sha256 } from '../utils/sha2';
import * as errors from '../utils/errors';
@ -6,13 +6,12 @@
import { computePublicKey, KeyPair, recoverPublicKey, Signature } from './secp256k1';
import { getAddress } from '../utils/address';
import { arrayify, Arrayish, hexlify } from '../utils/convert';
import { HDNode } from './hdnode';
import { keccak256 } from '../utils/keccak256';
import { defineReadOnly } from '../utils/properties';
import { computePublicKey, KeyPair, recoverPublicKey, Signature } from '../utils/secp256k1';
import errors = require('../utils/errors');
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import * as secretStorage from './secret-storage';
import { ProgressCallback } from './secret-storage';
import { recoverAddress, SigningKey } from './signing-key';
import { BlockTag } from '../providers/provider';
import { BlockTag, Provider, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponse } from '../providers/provider';
import { getAddress } from '../utils/address';
import { BigNumber, bigNumberify, BigNumberish, ConstantZero } from '../utils/bignumber';
import { arrayify, Arrayish, concat, hexlify, stripZeros, hexZeroPad } from '../utils/convert';
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from '../utils/bignumber';
import { arrayify, Arrayish, concat, hexlify, hexZeroPad } from '../utils/convert';
import { keccak256 } from '../utils/keccak256';
import { defineReadOnly, resolveProperties, shallowCopy } from '../utils/properties';
import { randomBytes } from '../utils/random-bytes';
import * as RLP from '../utils/rlp';
import { sign as signTransaction, UnsignedTransaction } from '../utils/transaction';
import { toUtf8Bytes, UnicodeNormalizationForm } from '../utils/utf8';
import * as errors from '../utils/errors';
@ -25,53 +25,28 @@ import * as errors from '../utils/errors';
console.log("Fix this! Setimmediate");
//import _setimmediate = require('setimmediate');
export interface Signer {
// One of these MUST be specified
address?: string;
getAddress(): Promise<string>
interface Provider {
chainId: number;
getBalance(address: string, blockTag: number | string): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(address: string, blockTag: number | string): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(Bytes): Promise<string>;
resolveName(address: string): Promise<string>
waitForTransaction(Bytes32): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
sendTransaction(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
// If sendTransaction is not implemented, the following MUST be
provider: Provider;
sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): string;
// The following MAY be i,plemented
getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
getGasPrice(transaction?: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>
interface TransactionRequest {
nonce?: number;
to?: string;
from?: string;
data?: string;
gasLimit?: BigNumber;
gasPrice?: BigNumber;
r?: string;
s?: string;
chainId?: number;
v?: number;
value?: BigNumber;
interface TransactionResponse extends TransactionRequest {
hash?: string;
blockHash?: string;
block?: number;
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
// @TODO: Move to HDNode
var defaultPath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0";
var transactionFields = [
{name: 'nonce', maxLength: 32, },
{name: 'gasPrice', maxLength: 32, },
{name: 'gasLimit', maxLength: 32, },
{name: 'to', length: 20, },
{name: 'value', maxLength: 32, },
{name: 'data'},
// @TODO: Bytes32 or SigningKey
export class Wallet {
export class Wallet implements Signer {
readonly address: string;
readonly privateKey: string;
@ -80,7 +55,7 @@ export class Wallet {
private readonly signingKey: SigningKey;
provider: any;
provider: Provider;
//private _provider;
@ -93,178 +68,44 @@ export class Wallet {
if (privateKey instanceof SigningKey) {
this.signingKey = privateKey;
if (this.signingKey.mnemonic) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'mnemonic', {
enumerable: true,
value: this.signingKey.mnemonic,
writable: false
//this.mnemonic = this.signingKey.mnemonic;
this.path = this.signingKey.path;
defineReadOnly(this, 'mnemonic', privateKey.mnemonic);
defineReadOnly(this, 'path', privateKey.path);
} else {
this.signingKey = new SigningKey(privateKey);
this.privateKey = this.signingKey.privateKey
defineReadOnly(this, 'privateKey', this.signingKey.privateKey);
this.provider = provider;
//this.address = this.signingKey.address;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'address', {
enumerable: true,
value: this.signingKey.address,
writable: false
defineReadOnly(this, 'address', this.signingKey.address);
sign(transaction: TransactionRequest): string {
var chainId = transaction.chainId;
if (chainId == null && this.provider) { chainId = this.provider.chainId; }
if (!chainId) { chainId = 0; }
var raw = [];
transactionFields.forEach(function(fieldInfo) {
let value = transaction[] || ([]);
value = arrayify(hexlify(value));
// Fixed-width field
if (fieldInfo.length && value.length !== fieldInfo.length && value.length > 0) {
let error: any = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'wrong length';
error.value = value;
throw error;
// Variable-width (with a maximum)
if (fieldInfo.maxLength) {
value = stripZeros(value);
if (value.length > fieldInfo.maxLength) {
let error: any = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'too long';
error.value = value;
throw error;
if (chainId) {
var digest = keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
var signature = this.signingKey.signDigest(digest);
var v = 27 + signature.recoveryParam
if (chainId) {
v += chainId * 2 + 8;
return RLP.encode(raw);
set provider(provider: Provider) {
this._provider = provider;
get provider() {
return this._provider;
static parseTransaction(rawTransaction: Arrayish): TransactionRequest {
rawTransaction = hexlify(rawTransaction);
var signedTransaction = RLP.decode(rawTransaction);
if (signedTransaction.length !== 9) { throw new Error('invalid transaction'); }
var raw = [];
var transaction: any = { }
transactionFields.forEach(function(fieldInfo, index) {
transaction[] = signedTransaction[index];
if ( {
if ( == '0x') {
} else {
|||| = getAddress(;
['gasPrice', 'gasLimit', 'nonce', 'value'].forEach(function(name: string) {
if (!transaction[name]) { return; }
let value: BigNumber = ConstantZero;
if (transaction[name].length > 0) {
value = bigNumberify(transaction[name]);
transaction[name] = value;
transaction.nonce = transaction.nonce.toNumber();
var v = arrayify(signedTransaction[6]);
var r = arrayify(signedTransaction[7]);
var s = arrayify(signedTransaction[8]);
if (v.length >= 1 && r.length >= 1 && r.length <= 32 && s.length >= 1 && s.length <= 32) {
transaction.v = bigNumberify(v).toNumber();
transaction.r = signedTransaction[7];
transaction.s = signedTransaction[8];
var chainId = (transaction.v - 35) / 2;
if (chainId < 0) { chainId = 0; }
chainId = Math.trunc(chainId);
transaction.chainId = chainId;
var recoveryParam = transaction.v - 27;
if (chainId) {
recoveryParam -= chainId * 2 + 8;
var digest = keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
try {
transaction.from = recoverAddress(digest, { r: hexlify(r), s: hexlify(s), recoveryParam });
} catch (error) {
return transaction;
sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): string {
return signTransaction(transaction, this.signingKey.signDigest.bind(this.signingKey));
getAddress(): Promise<string> {
return Promise.resolve(this.address);
getBalance(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber> {
getBalance(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber> {
if (!this.provider) { throw new Error('missing provider'); }
return this.provider.getBalance(this.address, blockTag);
getTransactionCount(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise<number> {
getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number> {
if (!this.provider) { throw new Error('missing provider'); }
return this.provider.getTransactionCount(this.address, blockTag);
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber> {
if (!this.provider) { throw new Error('missing provider'); }
return this.provider.getGasPrice();
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber> {
if (!this.provider) { throw new Error('missing provider'); }
@ -279,64 +120,40 @@ export class Wallet {
return this.provider.estimateGas(calculate);
sendTransaction(transaction: any): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
if (!this.provider) { throw new Error('missing provider'); }
if (!transaction || typeof(transaction) !== 'object') {
throw new Error('invalid transaction object');
var gasLimit = transaction.gasLimit;
if (gasLimit == null) { gasLimit = this.defaultGasLimit; }
var tx = shallowCopy(transaction);
var self = this;
var gasPricePromise = null;
if (transaction.gasPrice) {
gasPricePromise = Promise.resolve(transaction.gasPrice);
} else {
gasPricePromise = this.provider.getGasPrice();
if ( != null) {
|||| = this.provider.resolveName(;
var noncePromise = null;
if (transaction.nonce) {
noncePromise = Promise.resolve(transaction.nonce);
} else {
noncePromise = this.provider.getTransactionCount(self.address, 'pending');
if (tx.gasLimit == null) {
tx.gasLimit = this.estimateGas(tx);
var chainId: number = this.provider.chainId;
var toPromise = null;
if ( {
toPromise = this.provider.resolveName(;
} else {
toPromise = Promise.resolve(undefined);
if (tx.gasPrice == null) {
tx.gasPrice = this.getGasPrice();
var data = hexlify( || '0x');
var value = ConstantZero;
if (tx.nonce == null) {
tx.nonce = this.getTransactionCount();
return Promise.all([gasPricePromise, noncePromise, toPromise]).then(function(results: [ BigNumber, number, string]) {
var signedTransaction = self.sign({
to: results[2],
data: data,
gasLimit: gasLimit,
gasPrice: results[0],
nonce: results[1],
value: value,
chainId: chainId
if (tx.chainId == null) {
tx.chainId = this.provider.getNetwork().then((network) => network.chainId);
return resolveProperties(tx).then((tx) => {
console.log('To Sign', tx);
return this.provider.sendTransaction(this.sign(tx));
return self.provider.sendTransaction(signedTransaction).then(function(hash) {
var transaction: TransactionResponse = Wallet.parseTransaction(signedTransaction);
transaction.hash = hash;
transaction.wait = function() {
return self.provider.waitForTransaction(hash);
return transaction;
send(addressOrName: string, amountWei: BigNumberish, options: any): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
import { Interface } from './interface';
import { Provider, TransactionResponse } from '../providers/provider';
import { Signer } from '../wallet/wallet';
import { ParamType } from '../utils/abi-coder';
import { BigNumber } from '../utils/bignumber';
interface Signer {
defaultGasLimit?: BigNumber;
defaultGasPrice?: BigNumber;
address?: string;
provider?: Provider;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getTransactionCount(): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(tx: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(tx: any): Promise<any>;
sign(tx: any): string | Promise<string>;
export declare type ContractEstimate = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<BigNumber>;
export declare type ContractFunction = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<any>;
export declare type ContractEvent = (...params: Array<any>) => void;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var interface_1 = require("./interface");
var address_1 = require("../utils/address");
var convert_1 = require("../utils/convert");
var bignumber_1 = require("../utils/bignumber");
var properties_1 = require("../utils/properties");
var errors = __importStar(require("../utils/errors"));
@ -154,11 +155,11 @@ function runMethod(contract, functionName, estimateOnly) {
if (transaction.gasLimit == null) {
if (contract.signer.defaultGasLimit) {
transaction.gasLimit = contract.signer.defaultGasLimit;
if (contract.signer.estimateGas) {
transaction.gasLimit = contract.signer.estimateGas(transaction);
else {
transaction.gasLimit = 200000;
transaction.gasLimit = contract.provider.estimateGas(transaction);
if (!transaction.nonce) {
@ -176,8 +177,8 @@ function runMethod(contract, functionName, estimateOnly) {
if (!transaction.gasPrice) {
if (contract.signer.defaultGasPrice) {
transaction.gasPrice = contract.signer.defaultGasPrice;
if (contract.signer.getGasPrice) {
transaction.gasPrice = contract.signer.getGasPrice(transaction);
else {
transaction.gasPrice = contract.provider.getGasPrice();
@ -317,6 +318,12 @@ var Contract = /** @class */ (function () {
if (this.signer == null) {
throw new Error('missing signer'); // @TODO: errors.throwError
if (!convert_1.isHexString(bytecode)) {
errors.throwError('bytecode must be a valid hex string', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'bytecode', value: bytecode });
if ((bytecode.length % 2) !== 0) {
errors.throwError('bytecode must be valid data (even length)', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'bytecode', value: bytecode });
// @TODO: overrides of args.length = this.interface.deployFunction.inputs.length + 1
return this.signer.sendTransaction({
data: this.interface.deployFunction.encode(bytecode, args)
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
import { ParamType } from '../utils/abi-coder';
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from '../utils/bignumber';
export declare class Indexed {
readonly hash: string;
constructor(value: string);
export declare class Description {
readonly type: string;
readonly inputs: Array<ParamType>;
constructor(info: any);
export declare class Indexed {
readonly type: string;
readonly hash: string;
constructor(value: string);
export declare class DeployDescription extends Description {
readonly payable: boolean;
encode(bytecode: string, params: Array<any>): string;
@ -52,13 +52,6 @@ function parseParams(params) {
types: types
var Indexed = /** @class */ (function () {
function Indexed(value) {
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'hash', value);
return Indexed;
exports.Indexed = Indexed;
var Description = /** @class */ (function () {
function Description(info) {
for (var key in info) {
@ -74,6 +67,15 @@ var Description = /** @class */ (function () {
return Description;
exports.Description = Description;
// @TOOD: Make this a description
var Indexed = /** @class */ (function () {
function Indexed(value) {
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'type', 'indexed');
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'hash', value);
return Indexed;
exports.Indexed = Indexed;
var DeployDescription = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DeployDescription, _super);
function DeployDescription() {
@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ var FunctionDescription = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
return FunctionDescription;
exports.FunctionDescription = FunctionDescription;
// @TODO: Make this a class
// @TODO: Make this a description
function Result() { }
var EventDescription = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(EventDescription, _super);
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from '../utils/bignumber';
import { Arrayish } from '../utils/convert';
import { Network } from './networks';
import { Transaction } from '../utils/transaction';
export declare type BlockTag = string | number;
export declare type Block = {
export interface Block {
hash: string;
parentHash: string;
number: number;
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ export declare type Block = {
miner: string;
extraData: string;
transactions: Array<string>;
export declare type TransactionRequest = {
to?: string | Promise<string>;
from?: string | Promise<string>;
@ -25,25 +26,14 @@ export declare type TransactionRequest = {
value?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>;
chainId?: number | Promise<number>;
export declare type TransactionResponse = {
export interface TransactionResponse extends Transaction {
blockNumber?: number;
blockHash?: string;
timestamp?: number;
hash: string;
to?: string;
from?: string;
nonce?: number;
gasLimit?: BigNumber;
gasPrice?: BigNumber;
data?: string;
value: BigNumber;
chainId?: number;
r?: string;
s?: string;
v?: number;
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export declare type TransactionReceipt = {
from: string;
wait: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export interface TransactionReceipt {
contractAddress?: string;
transactionIndex?: number;
root?: string;
@ -55,14 +45,14 @@ export declare type TransactionReceipt = {
blockNumber?: number;
cumulativeGasUsed?: BigNumber;
status?: number;
export declare type Filter = {
fromBlock?: BlockTag;
toBlock?: BlockTag;
address?: string;
topics?: Array<any>;
export declare type Log = {
export interface Log {
blockNumber?: number;
blockHash?: string;
transactionIndex?: number;
@ -72,11 +62,10 @@ export declare type Log = {
topics?: Array<string>;
transactionHash?: string;
logIndex?: number;
export declare function checkTransactionResponse(transaction: any): TransactionResponse;
export declare class Provider {
private _network;
protected ready: Promise<Network>;
private _events;
protected _emitted: any;
private _pollingInterval;
@ -84,10 +73,15 @@ export declare class Provider {
private _lastBlockNumber;
private _balances;
* Sub-classing notes
* - If the network is standard or fully specified, ready will resolve
* - Otherwise, the sub-class must assign a Promise to ready
* ready
* A Promise<Network> that resolves only once the provider is ready.
* Sub-classes that call the super with a network without a chainId
* MUST set this. Standard named networks have a known chainId.
protected ready: Promise<Network>;
constructor(network: string | Network);
private _doPoll;
resetEventsBlock(blockNumber: number): void;
@ -103,7 +97,7 @@ export declare class Provider {
getTransactionCount(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<number>;
getCode(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string>;
getStorageAt(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, position: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string>;
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string>;
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
call(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<string>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string | Promise<BlockTag | string>): Promise<Block>;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ var rlp_1 = require("../utils/rlp");
var namehash_1 = require("../utils/namehash");
var networks_1 = require("./networks");
var properties_1 = require("../utils/properties");
var transaction_1 = require("../utils/transaction");
var errors = __importStar(require("../utils/errors"));
function copyObject(obj) {
var result = {};
@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ function copyObject(obj) {
return result;
// Request and Response Checking
// @TODO: not any?
@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ function arrayOf(check) {
function checkHash(hash) {
if (typeof (hash) === 'string' && convert_1.isHexString(hash, 32)) {
if (typeof (hash) === 'string' && convert_1.hexDataLength(hash) === 32) {
return hash;
errors.throwError('invalid hash', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'hash', value: hash });
@ -369,11 +372,9 @@ function getEventString(object) {
else if (object === 'pending') {
return 'pending';
else if (convert_1.isHexString(object)) {
if (object.length === 66) {
else if (convert_1.hexDataLength(object) === 32) {
return 'tx:' + object;
else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
object = recurse(object, function (object) {
if (object == null) {
@ -430,11 +431,6 @@ type Event = {
var Provider = /** @class */ (function () {
* Sub-classing notes
* - If the network is standard or fully specified, ready will resolve
* - Otherwise, the sub-class must assign a Promise to ready
function Provider(network) {
errors.checkNew(this, Provider);
network = networks_1.getNetwork(network);
@ -701,20 +697,27 @@ var Provider = /** @class */ (function () {
// @TODO: Shold this return the full tx instead of the hash? If so, that requires
// the inclusion of secp256k1, which might be overkill for many applications...
Provider.prototype.sendTransaction = function (signedTransaction) {
var _this = this;
return this.ready.then(function () {
return properties_1.resolveProperties({ signedTransaction: signedTransaction }).then(function (_a) {
var signedTransaction = _a.signedTransaction;
var params = { signedTransaction: convert_1.hexlify(signedTransaction) };
return _this.perform('sendTransaction', params).then(function (result) {
result = convert_1.hexlify(result);
if (result.length !== 66) {
return _this.perform('sendTransaction', params).then(function (hash) {
if (convert_1.hexDataLength(hash) !== 32) {
throw new Error('invalid response - sendTransaction');
return result;
// A signed transaction always has a from (and we add wait below)
var tx = transaction_1.parse(signedTransaction);
// Check the hash we expect is the same as the hash the server reported
if (tx.hash !== hash) {
errors.throwError('Transaction hash mismatch from Proivder.sendTransaction.', errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR, { expectedHash: tx.hash, returnedHash: hash });
_this._emitted['t:' + tx.hash.toLowerCase()] = 'pending';
tx.wait = function (timeout) {
return _this.waitForTransaction(hash, timeout);
return tx;
@ -752,7 +755,7 @@ var Provider = /** @class */ (function () {
var blockHashOrBlockTag = _a.blockHashOrBlockTag;
try {
var blockHash = convert_1.hexlify(blockHashOrBlockTag);
if (blockHash.length === 66) {
if (convert_1.hexDataLength(blockHash) === 32) {
return stallPromise(function () {
return (_this._emitted['b:' + blockHash.toLowerCase()] == null);
}, function () {
@ -874,10 +877,10 @@ var Provider = /** @class */ (function () {
var transaction = { to: network.ensAddress, data: data };
return (data) {
// extract the address from the data
if (data.length != 66) {
if (convert_1.hexDataLength(data) !== 32) {
return null;
return address_1.getAddress('0x' + data.substring(26));
return address_1.getAddress(convert_1.hexDataSlice(data, 12));
@ -904,10 +907,10 @@ var Provider = /** @class */ (function () {
// extract the address from the data
}).then(function (data) {
if (data.length != 66) {
if (convert_1.hexDataLength(data) !== 32) {
return null;
var address = address_1.getAddress('0x' + data.substring(26));
var address = address_1.getAddress(convert_1.hexDataSlice(data, 12));
if (address === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') {
return null;
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ export declare type FunctionFragment = {
payable: boolean;
stateMutability: string;
export declare function parseParamType(type: string): ParamType;
export declare function parseSignature(fragment: string): EventFragment | FunctionFragment;
export declare class AbiCoder {
readonly coerceFunc: CoerceFunc;
@ -244,6 +244,10 @@ function parseSignatureFunction(fragment) {
return abi;
function parseParamType(type) {
return parseParam(type, true);
exports.parseParamType = parseParamType;
function parseSignature(fragment) {
if (typeof (fragment) === 'string') {
// Make sure the "returns" is surrounded by a space and all whitespace is exactly one space
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { BigNumber } from './bignumber';
import { Arrayish } from './convert';
export declare function getAddress(address: string, icapFormat?: boolean): string;
export declare function getAddress(address: string): string;
export declare function getIcapAddress(address: string): string;
export declare function getContractAddress(transaction: {
from: string;
nonce: Arrayish | BigNumber | number;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ function ibanChecksum(address) {
return checksum;
function getAddress(address, icapFormat) {
function getAddress(address) {
var result = null;
if (typeof (address) !== 'string') {
errors.throwError('invalid address', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'address', value: address });
@ -96,16 +96,17 @@ function getAddress(address, icapFormat) {
else {
errors.throwError('invalid address', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'address', value: address });
if (icapFormat) {
var base36 = (new BN(result.substring(2), 16)).toString(36).toUpperCase();
return result;
exports.getAddress = getAddress;
function getIcapAddress(address) {
var base36 = (new BN(getAddress(address).substring(2), 16)).toString(36).toUpperCase();
while (base36.length < 30) {
base36 = '0' + base36;
return 'XE' + ibanChecksum('XE00' + base36) + base36;
return result;
exports.getAddress = getAddress;
exports.getIcapAddress = getIcapAddress;
function getContractAddress(transaction) {
if (!transaction.from) {
@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
* BigNumber
* A wrapper around the BN.js object. We use the BN.js library
* because it is used by elliptic, so it is required regardles.
import _BN from 'bn.js';
import { Arrayish } from './convert';
export declare type BigNumberish = BigNumber | string | number | Arrayish;
export declare class BigNumber {
readonly _bn: _BN.BN;
private readonly _bn;
constructor(value: BigNumberish);
fromTwos(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
toTwos(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
@ -18,38 +18,8 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var bn_js_1 = __importDefault(require("bn.js"));
declare module _BN {
class BN {
constructor(number: string | number, base?: number);
toString(radix?: number): string;
toNumber(): number;
fromTwos(value: any): BN;
toTwos(value: any): BN;
add(other: any): BN;
sub(other: any): BN;
div(other: any): BN;
mul(other: any): BN;
mod(modulo: any): BN;
pow(exponent: any): BN;
maskn(bits: number): BN;
eq(other: BN): boolean;
gte(other: BN): boolean;
gt(other: BN): boolean;
lte(other: BN): boolean;
lt(other: BN): boolean;
isZero(): boolean;
static isBN(value: any): boolean;
var convert_1 = require("./convert");
var properties_1 = require("./properties");
var errors = __importStar(require("../utils/errors"));
function _isBigNumber(value) {
return isBigNumber(value);
@ -62,16 +32,16 @@ var BigNumber = /** @class */ (function () {
if (value == '0x') {
value = '0x0';
this._bn = new bn_js_1.default.BN(value.substring(2), 16);
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', new bn_js_1.default.BN(value.substring(2), 16));
else if (value[0] === '-' && convert_1.isHexString(value.substring(1))) {
this._bn = (new bn_js_1.default.BN(value.substring(3), 16)).mul(exports.ConstantNegativeOne._bn);
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', (new bn_js_1.default.BN(value.substring(3), 16)).mul(exports.ConstantNegativeOne._bn));
else if (value.match(/^-?[0-9]*$/)) {
if (value == '') {
value = '0';
this._bn = new bn_js_1.default.BN(value);
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', new bn_js_1.default.BN(value));
else if (typeof (value) === 'number') {
@ -79,20 +49,20 @@ var BigNumber = /** @class */ (function () {
errors.throwError('underflow', errors.NUMERIC_FAULT, { operation: 'setValue', fault: 'underflow', value: value, outputValue: Math.trunc(value) });
try {
this._bn = new bn_js_1.default.BN(value);
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', new bn_js_1.default.BN(value));
catch (error) {
errors.throwError('overflow', errors.NUMERIC_FAULT, { operation: 'setValue', fault: 'overflow', details: error.message });
else if (bn_js_1.default.BN.isBN(value)) {
this._bn = value;
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', value);
else if (_isBigNumber(value)) {
this._bn = value._bn;
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', value._bn);
else if (convert_1.isArrayish(value)) {
this._bn = new bn_js_1.default.BN(convert_1.hexlify(value).substring(2), 16);
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, '_bn', new bn_js_1.default.BN(convert_1.hexlify(value).substring(2), 16));
else {
errors.throwError('invalid BigNumber value', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'value', value: value });
@ -3,12 +3,8 @@
import { BigNumber } from './bignumber';
import { Signature } from './secp256k1';
export declare type Arrayish = string | ArrayLike<number>;
export declare type Signature = {
r: string;
s: string;
v: number;
export declare function isArrayish(value: any): boolean;
export declare function arrayify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber): Uint8Array;
export declare function concat(objects: Array<Arrayish>): Uint8Array;
@ -16,6 +12,8 @@ export declare function stripZeros(value: Arrayish): Uint8Array;
export declare function padZeros(value: Arrayish, length: number): Uint8Array;
export declare function isHexString(value: any, length?: number): boolean;
export declare function hexlify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber | number): string;
export declare function hexDataLength(data: string): number;
export declare function hexDataSlice(data: string, offset: number, length?: number): string;
export declare function hexStripZeros(value: string): string;
export declare function hexZeroPad(value: string, length: number): string;
export declare function splitSignature(signature: Arrayish): Signature;
@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ function isHexString(value, length) {
exports.isHexString = isHexString;
var HexCharacters = '0123456789abcdef';
// @TODO: Do not use any here
function hexlify(value) {
if (isBigNumber(value)) {
return value.toHexString();
@ -167,6 +166,27 @@ function hexlify(value) {
return 'never';
exports.hexlify = hexlify;
function hexDataLength(data) {
if (!isHexString(data) || (data.length % 2) !== 0) {
return null;
return (data.length - 2) / 2;
exports.hexDataLength = hexDataLength;
function hexDataSlice(data, offset, length) {
if (!isHexString(data)) {
errors.throwError('invalid hex data', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'value', value: data });
if ((data.length % 2) !== 0) {
errors.throwError('hex data length must be even', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'value', value: data });
offset = 2 + 2 * offset;
if (length != null) {
return '0x' + data.substring(offset, offset + 2 * length);
return '0x' + data.substring(offset);
exports.hexDataSlice = hexDataSlice;
function hexStripZeros(value) {
if (!isHexString(value)) {
errors.throwError('invalid hex string', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'value', value: value });
@ -187,12 +207,6 @@ function hexZeroPad(value, length) {
return value;
exports.hexZeroPad = hexZeroPad;
/* @TODO: Add something like this to make slicing code easier to understand
function hexSlice(hex, start, end) {
hex = hexlify(hex);
return '0x' + hex.substring(2 + start * 2, 2 + end * 2);
function splitSignature(signature) {
var bytes = arrayify(signature);
if (bytes.length !== 65) {
@ -205,6 +219,7 @@ function splitSignature(signature) {
return {
r: hexlify(bytes.slice(0, 32)),
s: hexlify(bytes.slice(32, 64)),
recoveryParam: (v - 27),
v: v
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { getAddress, getContractAddress } from './address';
import { getAddress, getContractAddress, getIcapAddress } from './address';
import { AbiCoder, parseSignature } from './abi-coder';
import * as base64 from './base64';
import * as bigNumber from './bignumber';
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import * as RLP from './rlp';
import * as utf8 from './utf8';
import * as units from './units';
import { fetchJson } from './web';
import { parse as parseTransaction } from './transaction';
declare const _default: {
AbiCoder: typeof AbiCoder;
defaultAbiCoder: AbiCoder;
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ declare const _default: {
namehash: typeof namehash;
id: typeof id;
getAddress: typeof getAddress;
getIcapAddress: typeof getIcapAddress;
getContractAddress: typeof getContractAddress;
formatEther: typeof units.formatEther;
parseEther: typeof units.parseEther;
@ -45,5 +47,6 @@ declare const _default: {
solidityKeccak256: typeof solidity.keccak256;
soliditySha256: typeof solidity.sha256;
splitSignature: typeof convert.splitSignature;
parseTransaction: typeof parseTransaction;
export default _default;
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ var RLP = __importStar(require("./rlp"));
var utf8 = __importStar(require("./utf8"));
var units = __importStar(require("./units"));
var web_1 = require("./web");
var transaction_1 = require("./transaction");
exports.default = {
AbiCoder: abi_coder_1.AbiCoder,
defaultAbiCoder: abi_coder_1.defaultAbiCoder,
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ exports.default = {
namehash: namehash_1.namehash,
getAddress: address_1.getAddress,
getIcapAddress: address_1.getIcapAddress,
getContractAddress: address_1.getContractAddress,
formatEther: units.formatEther,
parseEther: units.parseEther,
@ -61,4 +63,5 @@ exports.default = {
solidityKeccak256: solidity.keccak256,
soliditySha256: solidity.sha256,
splitSignature: convert.splitSignature,
parseTransaction: transaction_1.parse
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var convert_1 = require("./convert");
var crypto_1 = require("crypto");
//function _randomBytes(length) { return "0x00"; }
function randomBytes(length) {
return convert_1.arrayify(crypto_1.randomBytes(length));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import { Arrayish } from '../utils/convert';
export declare const N: string;
export interface Signature {
r: string;
s: string;
recoveryParam: number;
v?: number;
export declare class KeyPair {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly compressedPublicKey: string;
readonly publicKeyBytes: Uint8Array;
constructor(privateKey: Arrayish);
sign(digest: Arrayish): Signature;
export declare function recoverPublicKey(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export declare function computePublicKey(key: Arrayish, compressed?: boolean): string;
export declare function recoverAddress(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export declare function computeAddress(key: string): string;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
'use strict';
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
result["default"] = mod;
return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var address_1 = require("./address");
var convert_1 = require("../utils/convert");
var keccak256_1 = require("./keccak256");
var properties_1 = require("../utils/properties");
var errors = __importStar(require("../utils/errors"));
var elliptic = __importStar(require("elliptic"));
var curve = new'secp256k1');
exports.N = '0x' + curve.n.toString(16);
var KeyPair = /** @class */ (function () {
function KeyPair(privateKey) {
var keyPair = curve.keyFromPrivate(convert_1.arrayify(privateKey));
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'privateKey', convert_1.hexlify(keyPair.priv.toArray('be', 32)));
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'publicKey', '0x' + keyPair.getPublic(false, 'hex'));
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'compressedPublicKey', '0x' + keyPair.getPublic(true, 'hex'));
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'publicKeyBytes', keyPair.getPublic().encode(null, true));
KeyPair.prototype.sign = function (digest) {
var keyPair = curve.keyFromPrivate(convert_1.arrayify(this.privateKey));
var signature = keyPair.sign(convert_1.arrayify(digest), { canonical: true });
return {
recoveryParam: signature.recoveryParam,
r: '0x' + signature.r.toString(16),
s: '0x' + signature.s.toString(16),
v: 27 + signature.recoveryParam
return KeyPair;
exports.KeyPair = KeyPair;
function recoverPublicKey(digest, signature) {
var sig = {
r: convert_1.arrayify(signature.r),
s: convert_1.arrayify(signature.s)
return '0x' + curve.recoverPubKey(convert_1.arrayify(digest), sig, signature.recoveryParam).encode('hex', false);
exports.recoverPublicKey = recoverPublicKey;
function computePublicKey(key, compressed) {
var bytes = convert_1.arrayify(key);
if (bytes.length === 32) {
var keyPair = new KeyPair(bytes);
if (compressed) {
return keyPair.compressedPublicKey;
return keyPair.publicKey;
else if (bytes.length === 33) {
if (compressed) {
return convert_1.hexlify(bytes);
return '0x' + curve.keyFromPublic(bytes).getPublic(false, 'hex');
else if (bytes.length === 65) {
if (!compressed) {
return convert_1.hexlify(bytes);
return '0x' + curve.keyFromPublic(bytes).getPublic(true, 'hex');
errors.throwError('invalid public or private key', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'key', value: '[REDACTED]' });
return null;
exports.computePublicKey = computePublicKey;
function recoverAddress(digest, signature) {
return computeAddress(recoverPublicKey(digest, signature));
exports.recoverAddress = recoverAddress;
function computeAddress(key) {
// Strip off the leading "0x04"
var publicKey = '0x' + computePublicKey(key).slice(4);
return address_1.getAddress('0x' + keccak256_1.keccak256(publicKey).substring(26));
exports.computeAddress = computeAddress;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from './bignumber';
import { Arrayish } from './convert';
import { Signature } from './secp256k1';
export interface UnsignedTransaction {
to?: string;
nonce?: number;
gasLimit?: BigNumberish;
gasPrice?: BigNumberish;
data?: Arrayish;
value?: BigNumberish;
chainId?: number;
export interface Transaction {
hash?: string;
to?: string;
from?: string;
nonce: number;
gasLimit: BigNumber;
gasPrice: BigNumber;
data: string;
value: BigNumber;
chainId: number;
r?: string;
s?: string;
v?: number;
export declare type SignDigestFunc = (digest: Arrayish) => Signature;
export declare function sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction, signDigest: SignDigestFunc): string;
export declare function parse(rawTransaction: Arrayish): Transaction;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
"use strict";
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
result["default"] = mod;
return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var address_1 = require("./address");
var bignumber_1 = require("./bignumber");
var convert_1 = require("./convert");
var keccak256_1 = require("./keccak256");
var secp256k1_1 = require("./secp256k1");
var RLP = __importStar(require("./rlp"));
function handleAddress(value) {
if (value === '0x') {
return null;
return address_1.getAddress(value);
function handleNumber(value) {
if (value === '0x') {
return bignumber_1.ConstantZero;
return bignumber_1.bigNumberify(value);
var transactionFields = [
{ name: 'nonce', maxLength: 32 },
{ name: 'gasPrice', maxLength: 32 },
{ name: 'gasLimit', maxLength: 32 },
{ name: 'to', length: 20 },
{ name: 'value', maxLength: 32 },
{ name: 'data' },
function sign(transaction, signDigest) {
var raw = [];
transactionFields.forEach(function (fieldInfo) {
var value = transaction[] || ([]);
value = convert_1.arrayify(convert_1.hexlify(value));
// Fixed-width field
if (fieldInfo.length && value.length !== fieldInfo.length && value.length > 0) {
var error = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'wrong length';
error.value = value;
throw error;
// Variable-width (with a maximum)
if (fieldInfo.maxLength) {
value = convert_1.stripZeros(value);
if (value.length > fieldInfo.maxLength) {
var error = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'too long';
error.value = value;
throw error;
if (transaction.chainId) {
var digest = keccak256_1.keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
var signature = signDigest(digest);
var v = 27 + signature.recoveryParam;
if (transaction.chainId) {
v += transaction.chainId * 2 + 8;
return RLP.encode(raw);
exports.sign = sign;
function parse(rawTransaction) {
var signedTransaction = RLP.decode(rawTransaction);
if (signedTransaction.length !== 9) {
throw new Error('invalid transaction');
var tx = {
nonce: handleNumber(signedTransaction[0]).toNumber(),
gasPrice: handleNumber(signedTransaction[1]),
gasLimit: handleNumber(signedTransaction[2]),
to: handleAddress(signedTransaction[3]),
value: handleNumber(signedTransaction[4]),
data: signedTransaction[5],
chainId: 0
var v = convert_1.arrayify(signedTransaction[6]);
var r = convert_1.arrayify(signedTransaction[7]);
var s = convert_1.arrayify(signedTransaction[8]);
if (v.length >= 1 && r.length >= 1 && r.length <= 32 && s.length >= 1 && s.length <= 32) {
tx.v = bignumber_1.bigNumberify(v).toNumber();
tx.r = signedTransaction[7];
tx.s = signedTransaction[8];
var chainId = (tx.v - 35) / 2;
if (chainId < 0) {
chainId = 0;
chainId = Math.trunc(chainId);
tx.chainId = chainId;
var recoveryParam = tx.v - 27;
var raw = signedTransaction.slice(0, 6);
if (chainId) {
recoveryParam -= chainId * 2 + 8;
var digest = keccak256_1.keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
try {
tx.from = secp256k1_1.recoverAddress(digest, { r: convert_1.hexlify(r), s: convert_1.hexlify(s), recoveryParam: recoveryParam });
catch (error) {
tx.hash = keccak256_1.keccak256(rawTransaction);
return tx;
exports.parse = parse;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { KeyPair } from './secp256k1';
import { Arrayish } from '../utils/convert';
import { KeyPair } from '../utils/secp256k1';
export declare class HDNode {
private readonly keyPair;
readonly privateKey: string;
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// See:
// See:
var secp256k1_1 = require("./secp256k1");
var words_1 = require("./words");
var convert_1 = require("../utils/convert");
var bignumber_1 = require("../utils/bignumber");
var utf8_1 = require("../utils/utf8");
var pbkdf2_1 = require("../utils/pbkdf2");
var hmac_1 = require("../utils/hmac");
var secp256k1_1 = require("../utils/secp256k1");
var sha2_1 = require("../utils/sha2");
var errors = __importStar(require("../utils/errors"));
// "Bitcoin seed"
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function recoverPublicKey(digest, signature) {
r: convert_1.arrayify(signature.r),
s: convert_1.arrayify(signature.s)
return '0x' + curve.recoverPubKey(convert_1.arrayify(digest), sig, signature.recoveryParam).getPublic(false, 'hex');
return '0x' + curve.recoverPubKey(convert_1.arrayify(digest), sig, signature.recoveryParam).encode('hex', false);
exports.recoverPublicKey = recoverPublicKey;
function computePublicKey(key, compressed) {
@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
* SigningKey
import { Signature } from './secp256k1';
import { Arrayish } from '../utils/convert';
import { HDNode } from './hdnode';
import { Signature } from '../utils/secp256k1';
export declare class SigningKey {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var secp256k1_1 = require("./secp256k1");
var address_1 = require("../utils/address");
var convert_1 = require("../utils/convert");
var hdnode_1 = require("./hdnode");
var keccak256_1 = require("../utils/keccak256");
var properties_1 = require("../utils/properties");
var secp256k1_1 = require("../utils/secp256k1");
var errors = require("../utils/errors");
var SigningKey = /** @class */ (function () {
function SigningKey(privateKey) {
@ -1,54 +1,36 @@
import { HDNode } from './hdnode';
import { ProgressCallback } from './secret-storage';
import { SigningKey } from './signing-key';
import { BlockTag } from '../providers/provider';
import { BlockTag, Provider, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponse } from '../providers/provider';
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from '../utils/bignumber';
import { Arrayish } from '../utils/convert';
interface Provider {
chainId: number;
getBalance(address: string, blockTag: number | string): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(address: string, blockTag: number | string): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(Bytes: any): Promise<string>;
resolveName(address: string): Promise<string>;
waitForTransaction(Bytes32: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
import { UnsignedTransaction } from '../utils/transaction';
export interface Signer {
address?: string;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
sendTransaction(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
provider: Provider;
sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): string;
getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
getGasPrice(transaction?: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
interface TransactionRequest {
nonce?: number;
to?: string;
from?: string;
data?: string;
gasLimit?: BigNumber;
gasPrice?: BigNumber;
r?: string;
s?: string;
chainId?: number;
v?: number;
value?: BigNumber;
interface TransactionResponse extends TransactionRequest {
hash?: string;
blockHash?: string;
block?: number;
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export declare class Wallet {
export declare class Wallet implements Signer {
readonly address: string;
readonly privateKey: string;
private mnemonic;
private path;
private readonly signingKey;
provider: any;
provider: Provider;
defaultGasLimit: number;
constructor(privateKey: SigningKey | HDNode | Arrayish, provider?: Provider);
sign(transaction: TransactionRequest): string;
static parseTransaction(rawTransaction: Arrayish): TransactionRequest;
sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction): string;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getBalance(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
getBalance(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(transaction: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
send(addressOrName: string, amountWei: BigNumberish, options: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
static hashMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string;
signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string;
@ -60,4 +42,3 @@ export declare class Wallet {
static fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, path?: string): Wallet;
static fromBrainWallet(username: Arrayish | string, password: Arrayish | string, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<Wallet>;
export {};
@ -14,27 +14,18 @@ var scrypt_js_1 = __importDefault(require("scrypt-js"));
var hdnode_1 = require("./hdnode");
var secretStorage = __importStar(require("./secret-storage"));
var signing_key_1 = require("./signing-key");
var address_1 = require("../utils/address");
var bignumber_1 = require("../utils/bignumber");
var convert_1 = require("../utils/convert");
var keccak256_1 = require("../utils/keccak256");
var properties_1 = require("../utils/properties");
var random_bytes_1 = require("../utils/random-bytes");
var RLP = __importStar(require("../utils/rlp"));
var transaction_1 = require("../utils/transaction");
var utf8_1 = require("../utils/utf8");
var errors = __importStar(require("../utils/errors"));
// This ensures we inject a setImmediate into the global space, which
// dramatically improves the performance of the scrypt PBKDF.
console.log("Fix this! Setimmediate");
// @TODO: Move to HDNode
var defaultPath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0";
var transactionFields = [
{ name: 'nonce', maxLength: 32, },
{ name: 'gasPrice', maxLength: 32, },
{ name: 'gasLimit', maxLength: 32, },
{ name: 'to', length: 20, },
{ name: 'value', maxLength: 32, },
{ name: 'data' },
// @TODO: Bytes32 or SigningKey
var Wallet = /** @class */ (function () {
function Wallet(privateKey, provider) {
//private _provider;
@ -44,146 +35,19 @@ var Wallet = /** @class */ (function () {
if (privateKey instanceof signing_key_1.SigningKey) {
this.signingKey = privateKey;
if (this.signingKey.mnemonic) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'mnemonic', {
enumerable: true,
value: this.signingKey.mnemonic,
writable: false
//this.mnemonic = this.signingKey.mnemonic;
this.path = this.signingKey.path;
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'mnemonic', privateKey.mnemonic);
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'path', privateKey.path);
else {
this.signingKey = new signing_key_1.SigningKey(privateKey);
this.privateKey = this.signingKey.privateKey;
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'privateKey', this.signingKey.privateKey);
this.provider = provider;
//this.address = this.signingKey.address;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'address', {
enumerable: true,
value: this.signingKey.address,
writable: false
properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, 'address', this.signingKey.address);
Wallet.prototype.sign = function (transaction) {
var chainId = transaction.chainId;
if (chainId == null && this.provider) {
chainId = this.provider.chainId;
if (!chainId) {
chainId = 0;
var raw = [];
transactionFields.forEach(function (fieldInfo) {
var value = transaction[] || ([]);
value = convert_1.arrayify(convert_1.hexlify(value));
// Fixed-width field
if (fieldInfo.length && value.length !== fieldInfo.length && value.length > 0) {
var error = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'wrong length';
error.value = value;
throw error;
// Variable-width (with a maximum)
if (fieldInfo.maxLength) {
value = convert_1.stripZeros(value);
if (value.length > fieldInfo.maxLength) {
var error = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'too long';
error.value = value;
throw error;
if (chainId) {
var digest = keccak256_1.keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
var signature = this.signingKey.signDigest(digest);
var v = 27 + signature.recoveryParam;
if (chainId) {
v += chainId * 2 + 8;
return RLP.encode(raw);
set provider(provider: Provider) {
this._provider = provider;
get provider() {
return this._provider;
Wallet.parseTransaction = function (rawTransaction) {
rawTransaction = convert_1.hexlify(rawTransaction);
var signedTransaction = RLP.decode(rawTransaction);
if (signedTransaction.length !== 9) {
throw new Error('invalid transaction');
var raw = [];
var transaction = {};
transactionFields.forEach(function (fieldInfo, index) {
transaction[] = signedTransaction[index];
if ( {
if ( == '0x') {
else {
|||| = address_1.getAddress(;
['gasPrice', 'gasLimit', 'nonce', 'value'].forEach(function (name) {
if (!transaction[name]) {
var value = bignumber_1.ConstantZero;
if (transaction[name].length > 0) {
value = bignumber_1.bigNumberify(transaction[name]);
transaction[name] = value;
transaction.nonce = transaction.nonce.toNumber();
var v = convert_1.arrayify(signedTransaction[6]);
var r = convert_1.arrayify(signedTransaction[7]);
var s = convert_1.arrayify(signedTransaction[8]);
if (v.length >= 1 && r.length >= 1 && r.length <= 32 && s.length >= 1 && s.length <= 32) {
transaction.v = bignumber_1.bigNumberify(v).toNumber();
transaction.r = signedTransaction[7];
transaction.s = signedTransaction[8];
var chainId = (transaction.v - 35) / 2;
if (chainId < 0) {
chainId = 0;
chainId = Math.trunc(chainId);
transaction.chainId = chainId;
var recoveryParam = transaction.v - 27;
if (chainId) {
recoveryParam -= chainId * 2 + 8;
var digest = keccak256_1.keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
try {
transaction.from = signing_key_1.recoverAddress(digest, { r: convert_1.hexlify(r), s: convert_1.hexlify(s), recoveryParam: recoveryParam });
catch (error) {
return transaction;
return transaction_1.sign(transaction, this.signingKey.signDigest.bind(this.signingKey));
Wallet.prototype.getAddress = function () {
return Promise.resolve(this.address);
@ -200,6 +64,12 @@ var Wallet = /** @class */ (function () {
return this.provider.getTransactionCount(this.address, blockTag);
Wallet.prototype.getGasPrice = function () {
if (!this.provider) {
throw new Error('missing provider');
return this.provider.getGasPrice();
Wallet.prototype.estimateGas = function (transaction) {
if (!this.provider) {
throw new Error('missing provider');
@ -217,59 +87,32 @@ var Wallet = /** @class */ (function () {
return this.provider.estimateGas(calculate);
Wallet.prototype.sendTransaction = function (transaction) {
var _this = this;
if (!this.provider) {
throw new Error('missing provider');
if (!transaction || typeof (transaction) !== 'object') {
throw new Error('invalid transaction object');
var gasLimit = transaction.gasLimit;
if (gasLimit == null) {
gasLimit = this.defaultGasLimit;
var tx = properties_1.shallowCopy(transaction);
if ( != null) {
|||| = this.provider.resolveName(;
var self = this;
var gasPricePromise = null;
if (transaction.gasPrice) {
gasPricePromise = Promise.resolve(transaction.gasPrice);
if (tx.gasLimit == null) {
tx.gasLimit = this.estimateGas(tx);
else {
gasPricePromise = this.provider.getGasPrice();
if (tx.gasPrice == null) {
tx.gasPrice = this.getGasPrice();
var noncePromise = null;
if (transaction.nonce) {
noncePromise = Promise.resolve(transaction.nonce);
if (tx.nonce == null) {
tx.nonce = this.getTransactionCount();
else {
noncePromise = this.provider.getTransactionCount(self.address, 'pending');
if (tx.chainId == null) {
tx.chainId = this.provider.getNetwork().then(function (network) { return network.chainId; });
var chainId = this.provider.chainId;
var toPromise = null;
if ( {
toPromise = this.provider.resolveName(;
else {
toPromise = Promise.resolve(undefined);
var data = convert_1.hexlify( || '0x');
var value = bignumber_1.ConstantZero;
return Promise.all([gasPricePromise, noncePromise, toPromise]).then(function (results) {
var signedTransaction = self.sign({
to: results[2],
data: data,
gasLimit: gasLimit,
gasPrice: results[0],
nonce: results[1],
value: value,
chainId: chainId
return self.provider.sendTransaction(signedTransaction).then(function (hash) {
var transaction = Wallet.parseTransaction(signedTransaction);
transaction.hash = hash;
transaction.wait = function () {
return self.provider.waitForTransaction(hash);
return transaction;
return properties_1.resolveProperties(tx).then(function (tx) {
console.log('To Sign', tx);
return _this.provider.sendTransaction(_this.sign(tx));
Wallet.prototype.send = function (addressOrName, amountWei, options) {
@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ describe('Checksum and ICAP address generation', function() {
it(('correctly transforms address - ' +, function() {
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getAddress(test.address), test.checksumAddress,
'correctly computes checksum address from address');
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getAddress(test.address, true), test.icapAddress,
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getIcapAddress(test.address), test.icapAddress,
'correctly computes ICAP address from address');
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getAddress(test.checksumAddress), test.checksumAddress,
'correctly computes checksum address from checksum address');
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getAddress(test.checksumAddress, true), test.icapAddress,
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getIcapAddress(test.checksumAddress), test.icapAddress,
'correctly computes ICAP address from checksum address');
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getAddress(test.icapAddress), test.checksumAddress,
'correctly computes checksum address from icap address');
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getAddress(test.icapAddress, true), test.icapAddress,
assert.equal(ethers.utils.getIcapAddress(test.icapAddress), test.icapAddress,
'correctly computes ICAP address from icap address');
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ describe('Test Contract Events', function() {
test.normalizedValues.forEach(function(expected, index) {
if (test.indexed[index]) {
assert.ok((parsed[index].indexed && parsed[index].hash == null), 'parsed event data has empty Indexed - ' + index);
assert.ok((parsed[index].type === 'indexed' && parsed[index].hash == null), 'parsed event data has empty Indexed - ' + index);
} else {
assert.ok(equals(parsed[index], expected), 'parsed event data matches - ' + index);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function equals(name, actual, expected) {
if (typeof(actual) === 'object') {
if (expected.indexed) {
assert.ok(!!actual.indexed, 'index property has index - ' + name);
assert.ok(actual.type === 'indexed', 'index property has index - ' + name);
if (expected.hash) {
assert.equal(actual.hash, expected.hash, 'index property with known hash matches - ' + name);
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ describe('Test Transaction Signing and Parsing', function() {
var transaction = {};
var parsedTransaction = Wallet.parseTransaction(test.signedTransaction);
var parsedTransaction = ethers.utils.parseTransaction(test.signedTransaction);
['nonce', 'gasLimit', 'gasPrice', 'to', 'value', 'data'].forEach(function(key) {
var expected = test[key];
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ describe('Test Transaction Signing and Parsing', function() {
// EIP155
var parsedTransactionChainId5 = Wallet.parseTransaction(test.signedTransactionChainId5);
var parsedTransactionChainId5 = ethers.utils.parseTransaction(test.signedTransactionChainId5);
['data', 'from', 'nonce', 'to'].forEach(function (key) {
assert.equal(parsedTransaction[key], parsedTransactionChainId5[key],
'eip155 parsed ' + key);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user