Added ENS avatar support to provider (#2185).
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import { Deferrable, defineReadOnly, getStatic, resolveProperties } from "@ether
import { Transaction } from "@ethersproject/transactions";
import { Transaction } from "@ethersproject/transactions";
import { sha256 } from "@ethersproject/sha2";
import { sha256 } from "@ethersproject/sha2";
import { toUtf8Bytes, toUtf8String } from "@ethersproject/strings";
import { toUtf8Bytes, toUtf8String } from "@ethersproject/strings";
import { poll } from "@ethersproject/web";
import { fetchJson, poll } from "@ethersproject/web";
import bech32 from "bech32";
import bech32 from "bech32";
@ -237,32 +237,59 @@ function base58Encode(data: Uint8Array): string {
return Base58.encode(concat([ data, hexDataSlice(sha256(sha256(data)), 0, 4) ]));
return Base58.encode(concat([ data, hexDataSlice(sha256(sha256(data)), 0, 4) ]));
export interface Avatar {
url: string;
linkage: Array<{ type: string, content: string }>;
const matchers = [
new RegExp("^(https):/\/(.*)$", "i"),
new RegExp("^(data):(.*)$", "i"),
new RegExp("^(ipfs):/\/(.*)$", "i"),
new RegExp("^eip155:[0-9]+/(erc[0-9]+):(.*)$", "i"),
function _parseString(result: string): null | string {
try {
return toUtf8String(_parseBytes(result));
} catch(error) { }
return null;
function _parseBytes(result: string): null | string {
if (result === "0x") { return null; }
const offset = BigNumber.from(hexDataSlice(result, 0, 32)).toNumber();
const length = BigNumber.from(hexDataSlice(result, offset, offset + 32)).toNumber();
return hexDataSlice(result, offset + 32, offset + 32 + length);
export class Resolver implements EnsResolver {
export class Resolver implements EnsResolver {
readonly provider: BaseProvider;
readonly provider: BaseProvider;
readonly name: string;
readonly name: string;
readonly address: string;
readonly address: string;
constructor(provider: BaseProvider, address: string, name: string) {
readonly _resolvedAddress: null | string;
// The resolvedAddress is only for creating a ReverseLookup resolver
constructor(provider: BaseProvider, address: string, name: string, resolvedAddress?: string) {
defineReadOnly(this, "provider", provider);
defineReadOnly(this, "provider", provider);
defineReadOnly(this, "name", name);
defineReadOnly(this, "name", name);
defineReadOnly(this, "address", provider.formatter.address(address));
defineReadOnly(this, "address", provider.formatter.address(address));
defineReadOnly(this, "_resolvedAddress", resolvedAddress);
async _fetchBytes(selector: string, parameters?: string): Promise<string> {
async _fetchBytes(selector: string, parameters?: string): Promise<null | string> {
// keccak256("addr(bytes32,uint256)")
// e.g. keccak256("addr(bytes32,uint256)")
const transaction = {
const tx = {
to: this.address,
to: this.address,
data: hexConcat([ selector, namehash(, (parameters || "0x") ])
data: hexConcat([ selector, namehash(, (parameters || "0x") ])
try {
try {
const result = await;
return _parseBytes(await;
if (result === "0x") { return null; }
const offset = BigNumber.from(hexDataSlice(result, 0, 32)).toNumber();
const length = BigNumber.from(hexDataSlice(result, offset, offset + 32)).toNumber();
return hexDataSlice(result, offset + 32, offset + 32 + length);
} catch (error) {
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === Logger.errors.CALL_EXCEPTION) { return null; }
if (error.code === Logger.errors.CALL_EXCEPTION) { return null; }
return null;
return null;
@ -374,6 +401,95 @@ export class Resolver implements EnsResolver {
return address;
return address;
async getAvatar(): Promise<null | Avatar> {
const linkage: Array<{ type: string, content: string }> = [ ];
try {
const avatar = await this.getText("avatar");
if (avatar == null) { return null; }
for (let i = 0; i < matchers.length; i++) {
const match = avatar.match(matchers[i]);
if (match == null) { continue; }
switch (match[1]) {
case "https":
linkage.push({ type: "url", content: avatar });
return { linkage, url: avatar };
case "data":
linkage.push({ type: "data", content: avatar });
return { linkage, url: avatar };
case "ipfs":
linkage.push({ type: "ipfs", content: avatar });
return { linkage, url: `https:/\/${ avatar.substring(7) }` }
case "erc721":
case "erc1155": {
// Depending on the ERC type, use tokenURI(uint256) or url(uint256)
const selector = (match[1] === "erc721") ? "0xc87b56dd": "0x0e89341c";
linkage.push({ type: match[1], content: avatar });
// The owner of this name
const owner = (this._resolvedAddress || await this.getAddress());
const comps = (match[2] || "").split("/");
if (comps.length !== 2) { return null; }
const addr = await this.provider.formatter.address(comps[0]);
const tokenId = hexZeroPad(BigNumber.from(comps[1]).toHexString(), 32);
// Check that this account owns the token
if (match[1] === "erc721") {
// ownerOf(uint256 tokenId)
const tokenOwner = this.provider.formatter.callAddress(await{
to: addr, data: hexConcat([ "0x6352211e", tokenId ])
if (owner !== tokenOwner) { return null; }
linkage.push({ type: "owner", content: tokenOwner });
} else if (match[1] === "erc1155") {
// balanceOf(address owner, uint256 tokenId)
const balance = BigNumber.from(await{
to: addr, data: hexConcat([ "0x00fdd58e", hexZeroPad(owner, 32), tokenId ])
if (balance.isZero()) { return null; }
linkage.push({ type: "balance", content: balance.toString() });
// Call the token contract for the metadata URL
const tx = {
to: this.provider.formatter.address(comps[0]),
data: hexConcat([ selector, tokenId ])
let metadataUrl = _parseString(await
if (metadataUrl == null) { return null; }
linkage.push({ type: "metadata-url", content: metadataUrl });
// ERC-1155 allows a generic {id} in the URL
if (match[1] === "erc1155") {
metadataUrl = metadataUrl.replace("{id}", tokenId.substring(2));
// Get the token metadata
const metadata = await fetchJson(metadataUrl);
// Pull the image URL out
if (!metadata || typeof(metadata.image) !== "string" || !metadata.image.match(/^https:\/\//i)) {
return null;
linkage.push({ type: "metadata", content: JSON.stringify(metadata) });
linkage.push({ type: "url", content: metadata.image });
return { linkage, url: metadata.image };
} catch (error) { }
return null;
async getContentHash(): Promise<string> {
async getContentHash(): Promise<string> {
// keccak256("contenthash()")
// keccak256("contenthash()")
@ -1615,6 +1731,30 @@ export class BaseProvider extends Provider implements EnsProvider {
return name;
return name;
async getAvatar(nameOrAddress: string): Promise<null | string> {
let resolver: Resolver = null;
if (isHexString(nameOrAddress)) {
// Address; reverse lookup
const address = this.formatter.address(nameOrAddress);
const reverseName = address.substring(2).toLowerCase() + ".addr.reverse";
const resolverAddress = await this._getResolver(reverseName);
if (!resolverAddress) { return null; }
resolver = new Resolver(this, resolverAddress, "_", address);
} else {
// ENS name; forward lookup
resolver = await this.getResolver(nameOrAddress);
const avatar = await resolver.getAvatar();
if (avatar == null) { return null; }
return avatar.url;
perform(method: string, params: any): Promise<any> {
perform(method: string, params: any): Promise<any> {
return logger.throwError(method + " not implemented", Logger.errors.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, { operation: method });
return logger.throwError(method + " not implemented", Logger.errors.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, { operation: method });
@ -1366,3 +1366,30 @@ describe("Bad ENS resolution", function() {
describe("Resolve ENS avatar", function() {
{ title: "data", name: "data-avatar.tests.eth", value: "" },
{ title: "ipfs", name: "ipfs-avatar.tests.eth", value: "https:/\/" },
{ title: "url", name: "url-avatar.tests.eth", value: "https:/\/" },
].forEach((test) => {
it(`Resolves avatar for ${ test.title }`, async function() {
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider("ropsten", getApiKeys("ropsten"));
const avatar = await provider.getAvatar(;
assert.equal(test.value, avatar, "avatar url");
{ title: "ERC-1155", name: "nick.eth", value: "https:/\/" },
{ title: "ERC-721", name: "brantly.eth", value: "https:/\/" },
].forEach((test) => {
it(`Resolves avatar for ${ test.title }`, async function() {
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider("homestead", getApiKeys("homestead"));
const avatar = await provider.getAvatar(;
assert.equal(test.value, avatar, "avatar url");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user