import { getBytes, getBytesCopy, hexlify, throwArgumentError, toUtf8Bytes } from "../utils/index.js"; import type { BytesLike } from "../utils/index.js"; export function looseArrayify(hexString: string): Uint8Array { if (typeof(hexString) === 'string' && hexString.substring(0, 2) !== '0x') { hexString = '0x' + hexString; } return getBytesCopy(hexString); } export function zpad(value: String | number, length: number): String { value = String(value); while (value.length < length) { value = '0' + value; } return value; } export function getPassword(password: string | Uint8Array): Uint8Array { if (typeof(password) === 'string') { return toUtf8Bytes(password, "NFKC"); } return getBytesCopy(password); } export function spelunk(object: any, _path: string): T { const match = _path.match(/^([a-z0-9$_.-]*)(:([a-z]+))?(!)?$/i); if (match == null) { return throwArgumentError("invalid path", "path", _path); } const path = match[1]; const type = match[3]; const reqd = (match[4] === "!"); let cur = object; for (const comp of path.toLowerCase().split('.')) { // Search for a child object with a case-insensitive matching key if (Array.isArray(cur)) { if (!comp.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { break; } cur = cur[parseInt(comp)]; } else if (typeof(cur) === "object") { let found: any = null; for (const key in cur) { if (key.toLowerCase() === comp) { found = cur[key]; break; } } cur = found; } else { cur = null; } if (cur == null) { break; } } if (reqd && cur == null) { throwArgumentError("missing required value", "path", path); } if (type && cur != null) { if (type === "int") { if (typeof(cur) === "string" && cur.match(/^-?[0-9]+$/)) { return parseInt(cur); } else if (Number.isSafeInteger(cur)) { return cur; } } if (type === "number") { if (typeof(cur) === "string" && cur.match(/^-?[0-9.]*$/)) { return parseFloat(cur); } } if (type === "data") { if (typeof(cur) === "string") { return looseArrayify(cur); } } if (type === "array" && Array.isArray(cur)) { return cur; } if (type === typeof(cur)) { return cur; } throwArgumentError(`wrong type found for ${ type } `, "path", path); } return cur; } /* export function follow(object: any, path: string): null | string { let currentChild = object; for (const comp of path.toLowerCase().split('/')) { // Search for a child object with a case-insensitive matching key let matchingChild = null; for (const key in currentChild) { if (key.toLowerCase() === comp) { matchingChild = currentChild[key]; break; } } if (matchingChild === null) { return null; } currentChild = matchingChild; } return currentChild; } // "path/to/something:type!" export function followRequired(data: any, path: string): string { const value = follow(data, path); if (value != null) { return value; } return logger.throwArgumentError("invalid value", `data:${ path }`, JSON.stringify(data)); } */ // See: (Section 4.4) export function uuidV4(randomBytes: BytesLike): string { const bytes = getBytes(randomBytes, "randomBytes"); // Section: 4.1.3: // - time_hi_and_version[12:16] = 0b0100 bytes[6] = (bytes[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40; // Section 4.4 // - clock_seq_hi_and_reserved[6] = 0b0 // - clock_seq_hi_and_reserved[7] = 0b1 bytes[8] = (bytes[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80; const value = hexlify(bytes); return [ value.substring(2, 10), value.substring(10, 14), value.substring(14, 18), value.substring(18, 22), value.substring(22, 34), ].join("-"); }