import { decodeBase64, encodeBase64 } from "./base64.js"; import { hexlify } from "./data.js"; import { assertArgument, logger } from "./logger.js"; import { defineProperties } from "./properties.js"; import { toUtf8Bytes, toUtf8String } from "./utf8.js"; import { getUrl } from "./geturl.js"; const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 12; const SLOT_INTERVAL = 250; // The global FetchGetUrlFunc implementation. let getUrlFunc = getUrl; const reData = new RegExp("^data:([^;:]*)?(;base64)?,(.*)$", "i"); const reIpfs = new RegExp("^ipfs:/\/(ipfs/)?(.*)$", "i"); // If locked, new Gateways cannot be added let locked = false; // async function gatewayData(url, signal) { try { const match = url.match(reData); if (!match) { throw new Error("invalid data"); } return new FetchResponse(200, "OK", { "content-type": (match[1] || "text/plain"), }, (match[1] ? decodeBase64(match[3]) : unpercent(match[3]))); } catch (error) { return new FetchResponse(599, "BAD REQUEST (invalid data: URI)", {}, null, new FetchRequest(url)); } } export function getIpfsGatewayFunc(base) { async function gatewayIpfs(url, signal) { try { const match = url.match(reIpfs); if (!match) { throw new Error("invalid link"); } return new FetchRequest(`${base}${match[2]}`); } catch (error) { return new FetchResponse(599, "BAD REQUEST (invalid IPFS URI)", {}, null, new FetchRequest(url)); } } return gatewayIpfs; } const Gateways = { "data": gatewayData, "ipfs": getIpfsGatewayFunc("https:/\/") }; const fetchSignals = new WeakMap(); export class FetchCancelSignal { #listeners; #cancelled; constructor(request) { this.#listeners = []; this.#cancelled = false; fetchSignals.set(request, () => { if (this.#cancelled) { return; } this.#cancelled = true; for (const listener of this.#listeners) { setTimeout(() => { listener(); }, 0); } this.#listeners = []; }); } addListener(listener) { if (this.#cancelled) { logger.throwError("singal already cancelled", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "fetchCancelSignal.addCancelListener" }); } this.#listeners.push(listener); } get cancelled() { return this.cancelled; } checkSignal() { if (!this.cancelled) { return; } logger.throwError("cancelled", "CANCELLED", {}); } } // Check the signal, throwing if it is cancelled function checkSignal(signal) { if (signal == null) { throw new Error("missing signal; should not happen"); } signal.checkSignal(); return signal; } export class FetchRequest { #allowInsecure; #gzip; #headers; #method; #timeout; #url; #body; #bodyType; #creds; // Hooks #preflight; #process; #retry; #signal; // URL get url() { return this.#url; } set url(url) { this.#url = String(url); } // Body get body() { if (this.#body == null) { return null; } return new Uint8Array(this.#body); } set body(body) { if (body == null) { this.#body = undefined; this.#bodyType = undefined; } else if (typeof (body) === "string") { this.#body = toUtf8Bytes(body); this.#bodyType = "text/plain"; } else if (body instanceof Uint8Array) { this.#body = body; this.#bodyType = "application/octet-stream"; } else if (typeof (body) === "object") { this.#body = toUtf8Bytes(JSON.stringify(body)); this.#bodyType = "application/json"; } else { throw new Error("invalid body"); } } hasBody() { return (this.#body != null); } // Method (default: GET with no body, POST with a body) get method() { if (this.#method) { return this.#method; } if (this.hasBody()) { return "POST"; } return "GET"; } set method(method) { if (method == null) { method = ""; } this.#method = String(method).toUpperCase(); } // Headers (automatically fills content-type if not explicitly set) get headers() { const headers = Object.assign({}, this.#headers); if (this.#creds) { headers["authorization"] = `Basic ${encodeBase64(toUtf8Bytes(this.#creds))}`; } ; if (this.allowGzip) { headers["accept-encoding"] = "gzip"; } if (headers["content-type"] == null && this.#bodyType) { headers["content-type"] = this.#bodyType; } if (this.body) { headers["content-length"] = String(this.body.length); } return Object.freeze(headers); } getHeader(key) { return this.headers[key.toLowerCase()]; } setHeader(key, value) { this.#headers[String(key).toLowerCase()] = String(value); } clearHeaders() { this.#headers = {}; } [Symbol.iterator]() { const headers = this.headers; const keys = Object.keys(headers); let index = 0; return { next: () => { if (index < keys.length) { const key = keys[index++]; return { value: [key, headers[key]], done: false }; } return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }; } // Configure an Authorization header get credentials() { return this.#creds || null; } setCredentials(username, password) { if (username.match(/:/)) { logger.throwArgumentError("invalid basic authentication username", "username", "[REDACTED]"); } this.#creds = `${username}:${password}`; } // Configure the request to allow gzipped responses get allowGzip() { return this.#gzip; } set allowGzip(value) { this.#gzip = !!value; } // Allow credentials to be sent over an insecure (non-HTTPS) channel get allowInsecureAuthentication() { return !!this.#allowInsecure; } set allowInsecureAuthentication(value) { this.#allowInsecure = !!value; } // Timeout (milliseconds) get timeout() { return this.#timeout; } set timeout(timeout) { assertArgument(timeout >= 0, "timeout must be non-zero", "timeout", timeout); this.#timeout = timeout; } // Preflight called before each request is sent get preflightFunc() { return this.#preflight || null; } set preflightFunc(preflight) { this.#preflight = preflight; } // Preflight called before each request is sent get processFunc() { return this.#process || null; } set processFunc(process) { this.#process = process; } // Preflight called before each request is sent get retryFunc() { return this.#retry || null; } set retryFunc(retry) { this.#retry = retry; } constructor(url) { this.#url = String(url); this.#allowInsecure = false; this.#gzip = false; this.#headers = {}; this.#method = ""; this.#timeout = 300; } async #send(attempt, expires, delay, _request, _response) { if (attempt >= MAX_ATTEMPTS) { return _response.makeServerError("exceeded maximum retry limit"); } if (getTime() > expires) { return logger.throwError("timeout", "TIMEOUT", { operation: "request.send", reason: "timeout", request: _request }); } if (delay > 0) { await wait(delay); } let req = this.clone(); const scheme = (req.url.split(":")[0] || "").toLowerCase(); // Process any Gateways if (scheme in Gateways) { const result = await Gateways[scheme](req.url, checkSignal(_request.#signal)); if (result instanceof FetchResponse) { let response = result; if (this.processFunc) { checkSignal(_request.#signal); try { response = await this.processFunc(req, response); } catch (error) { // Something went wrong during processing; throw a 5xx server error if (error.throttle == null || typeof (error.stall) !== "number") { response.makeServerError("error in post-processing function", error).assertOk(); } // Ignore throttling } } return response; } req = result; } // We have a preflight function; update the request if (this.preflightFunc) { req = await this.preflightFunc(req); } const resp = await getUrlFunc(req, checkSignal(_request.#signal)); let response = new FetchResponse(resp.statusCode, resp.statusMessage, resp.headers, resp.body, _request); if (response.statusCode === 301 || response.statusCode === 302) { // Redirect try { const location = response.headers.location || ""; return req.redirect(location).#send(attempt + 1, expires, 0, _request, response); } catch (error) { } // Things won't get any better on another attempt; abort return response; } else if (response.statusCode === 429) { // Throttle if (this.retryFunc == null || (await this.retryFunc(req, response, attempt))) { const retryAfter = response.headers["retry-after"]; let delay = SLOT_INTERVAL * Math.trunc(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, attempt)); if (typeof (retryAfter) === "string" && retryAfter.match(/^[1-9][0-9]*$/)) { delay = parseInt(retryAfter); } return req.clone().#send(attempt + 1, expires, delay, _request, response); } } if (this.processFunc) { checkSignal(_request.#signal); try { response = await this.processFunc(req, response); } catch (error) { // Something went wrong during processing; throw a 5xx server error if (error.throttle == null || typeof (error.stall) !== "number") { response.makeServerError("error in post-processing function", error).assertOk(); } // Throttle let delay = SLOT_INTERVAL * Math.trunc(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, attempt)); ; if (error.stall >= 0) { delay = error.stall; } return req.clone().#send(attempt + 1, expires, delay, _request, response); } } return response; } send() { if (this.#signal != null) { return logger.throwError("request already sent", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "fetchRequest.send" }); } this.#signal = new FetchCancelSignal(this); return this.#send(0, getTime() + this.timeout, 0, this, new FetchResponse(0, "", {}, null, this)); } cancel() { if (this.#signal == null) { return logger.throwError("request has not been sent", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "fetchRequest.cancel" }); } const signal = fetchSignals.get(this); if (!signal) { throw new Error("missing signal; should not happen"); } signal(); } /** * Returns a new [[FetchRequest]] that represents the redirection * to %%location%%. */ redirect(location) { // Redirection; for now we only support absolute locataions const current = this.url.split(":")[0].toLowerCase(); const target = location.split(":")[0].toLowerCase(); // Don't allow redirecting: // - non-GET requests // - downgrading the security (e.g. https => http) // - to non-HTTP (or non-HTTPS) protocols [this could be relaxed?] if (this.method !== "GET" || (current === "https" && target === "http") || !location.match(/^https?:/)) { return logger.throwError(`unsupported redirect`, "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: `redirect(${this.method} ${JSON.stringify(this.url)} => ${JSON.stringify(location)})` }); } // Create a copy of this request, with a new URL const req = new FetchRequest(location); req.method = "GET"; req.allowGzip = this.allowGzip; req.timeout = this.timeout; req.#headers = Object.assign({}, this.#headers); if (this.#body) { req.#body = new Uint8Array(this.#body); } req.#bodyType = this.#bodyType; // Do not forward credentials unless on the same domain; only absolute //req.allowInsecure = false; // paths are currently supported; may want a way to specify to forward? //setStore(req.#props, "creds", getStore(this.#pros, "creds")); return req; } clone() { const clone = new FetchRequest(this.url); // Preserve "default method" (i.e. null) clone.#method = this.#method; // Preserve "default body" with type, copying the Uint8Array is present if (this.#body) { clone.#body = this.#body; } clone.#bodyType = this.#bodyType; // Preserve "default headers" clone.#headers = Object.assign({}, this.#headers); // Credentials is readonly, so we copy internally clone.#creds = this.#creds; if (this.allowGzip) { clone.allowGzip = true; } clone.timeout = this.timeout; if (this.allowInsecureAuthentication) { clone.allowInsecureAuthentication = true; } clone.#preflight = this.#preflight; clone.#process = this.#process; clone.#retry = this.#retry; return clone; } static lockConfig() { locked = true; } static getGateway(scheme) { return Gateways[scheme.toLowerCase()] || null; } static registerGateway(scheme, func) { scheme = scheme.toLowerCase(); if (scheme === "http" || scheme === "https") { throw new Error(`cannot intercept ${scheme}; use registerGetUrl`); } if (locked) { throw new Error("gateways locked"); } Gateways[scheme] = func; } static registerGetUrl(getUrl) { if (locked) { throw new Error("gateways locked"); } getUrlFunc = getUrl; } } ; export class FetchResponse { #statusCode; #statusMessage; #headers; #body; #request; #error; toString() { return ``; } get statusCode() { return this.#statusCode; } get statusMessage() { return this.#statusMessage; } get headers() { return this.#headers; } get body() { return (this.#body == null) ? null : new Uint8Array(this.#body); } get bodyText() { try { return (this.#body == null) ? "" : toUtf8String(this.#body); } catch (error) { return logger.throwError("response body is not valid UTF-8 data", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "bodyText", info: { response: this } }); } } get bodyJson() { try { return JSON.parse(this.bodyText); } catch (error) { return logger.throwError("response body is not valid JSON", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "bodyJson", info: { response: this } }); } } [Symbol.iterator]() { const headers = this.headers; const keys = Object.keys(headers); let index = 0; return { next: () => { if (index < keys.length) { const key = keys[index++]; return { value: [key, headers[key]], done: false }; } return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }; } constructor(statusCode, statusMessage, headers, body, request) { this.#statusCode = statusCode; this.#statusMessage = statusMessage; this.#headers = Object.freeze(Object.assign({}, Object.keys(headers).reduce((accum, k) => { accum[k.toLowerCase()] = String(headers[k]); return accum; }, {}))); this.#body = ((body == null) ? null : new Uint8Array(body)); this.#request = (request || null); this.#error = { message: "" }; } makeServerError(message, error) { let statusMessage; if (!message) { message = `${this.statusCode} ${this.statusMessage}`; statusMessage = `CLIENT ESCALATED SERVER ERROR (${message})`; } else { statusMessage = `CLIENT ESCALATED SERVER ERROR (${this.statusCode} ${this.statusMessage}; ${message})`; } const response = new FetchResponse(599, statusMessage, this.headers, this.body, this.#request || undefined); response.#error = { message, error }; return response; } throwThrottleError(message, stall) { if (stall == null) { stall = -1; } else if (typeof (stall) !== "number" || !Number.isInteger(stall) || stall < 0) { return logger.throwArgumentError("invalid stall timeout", "stall", stall); } const error = new Error(message || "throttling requests"); defineProperties(error, { stall, throttle: true }); throw error; } getHeader(key) { return this.headers[key.toLowerCase()]; } hasBody() { return (this.#body != null); } get request() { return this.#request; } ok() { return (this.#error.message === "" && this.statusCode >= 200 && this.statusCode < 300); } assertOk() { if (this.ok()) { return; } let { message, error } = this.#error; if (message === "") { message = `server response ${this.statusCode} ${this.statusMessage}`; } logger.throwError(message, "SERVER_ERROR", { request: (this.request || "unknown request"), response: this, error }); } } function getTime() { return (new Date()).getTime(); } function unpercent(value) { return toUtf8Bytes(value.replace(/%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/gi, (all, code) => { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(code, 16)); })); } function wait(delay) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); } //#