function throwError(message, info) { const error = new Error(`AssertionError: ${ message }`); error.code = "ERR_ASSERTION"; for (const key of info) { error[key] = info[key]; } throw error; } export function equal(actual, expected, reason) { if (actual != expected) { if (reason == null) { reason = `${ actual } == ${ expected }`; } throwError(reason, { actual, expected, operator: "==" }); } } function isDeepEqual(actual, expected, memo) { if (actual === expected) { return true; } // One or both things aren't objects if (actual === null || typeof(expected) !== 'object') { if (expected === null || typeof(expected) !== 'object') { return actual == expected; } return false; } else if (expected === null || typeof(expected) !== 'object') { return false; } if (Array.isArray(actual)) { if (!Array.isArray(expected) || actual.length !== expected.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { if (!isDeepEqual(actual[i], expected[i])) { return false; } } return true; } // Object const keysActual = Object.keys(actual).sort(), keysExpected = Object.keys(expected).sort(); if (!isDeepEqual(keysActual, keysExpected)) { return false; } for (const key of keysActual) { if (!isDeepEqual(actual[key], expected[key], memo)) { return false; } } return true; } export function deepEqual(actual, expected, reason) { const memo = [ ]; const isOk = isDeepEqual(actual, expected, memo); if (!isOk) { equal(actual, expected, reason); } } export function ok(check, reason) { equal(!!check, true, reason); } export function throws(func, checkFunc, reason) { try { func(); } catch (e) { if (checkFunc(e)) { return true; } throwError(`The expected exception validation function returned false`, { actual: e, expected: checkFunc, operation: "throws" }); } throwError("Missing expected exception", { operator: "throws" }); } export async function rejects(func, checkFunc, reason) { try { await func(); } catch (e) { if (checkFunc(e)) { return true; } throwError(`The rejection validation function returned false`, { actual: e, expected: checkFunc, operation: "throws" }); } throwError("Missing rejection", { operator: "rejects" }); } export default { equal, deepEqual, ok, rejects, throws };