//import { resolveAddress } from "@ethersproject/address"; import { defineProperties, getBigInt, getNumber, hexlify, throwError } from "../utils/index.js"; import { accessListify } from "../transaction/index.js"; import type { AddressLike, NameResolver } from "../address/index.js"; import type { BigNumberish, EventEmitterable, Frozen, Listener } from "../utils/index.js"; import type { Signature } from "../crypto/index.js"; import type { AccessList, AccessListish, TransactionLike } from "../transaction/index.js"; import type { ContractRunner } from "./contracts.js"; import type { Network } from "./network.js"; export type BlockTag = number | string; // ----------------------- function getValue(value: undefined | null | T): null | T { if (value == null) { return null; } return value; } function toJson(value: null | bigint): null | string { if (value == null) { return null; } return value.toString(); } // @TODO? implements Required export class FeeData { readonly gasPrice!: null | bigint; readonly maxFeePerGas!: null | bigint; readonly maxPriorityFeePerGas!: null | bigint; constructor(gasPrice?: null | bigint, maxFeePerGas?: null | bigint, maxPriorityFeePerGas?: null | bigint) { defineProperties(this, { gasPrice: getValue(gasPrice), maxFeePerGas: getValue(maxFeePerGas), maxPriorityFeePerGas: getValue(maxPriorityFeePerGas) }); } toJSON(): any { const { gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas } = this; return { _type: "FeeData", gasPrice: toJson(gasPrice), maxFeePerGas: toJson(maxFeePerGas), maxPriorityFeePerGas: toJson(maxPriorityFeePerGas), }; } } export interface TransactionRequest { type?: null | number; to?: null | AddressLike; from?: null | AddressLike; nonce?: null | number; gasLimit?: null | BigNumberish; gasPrice?: null | BigNumberish; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: null | BigNumberish; maxFeePerGas?: null | BigNumberish; data?: null | string; value?: null | BigNumberish; chainId?: null | BigNumberish; accessList?: null | AccessListish; customData?: any; // Todo? //gasMultiplier?: number; }; export interface CallRequest extends TransactionRequest { blockTag?: BlockTag; enableCcipRead?: boolean; } export interface PreparedRequest { type?: number; to?: AddressLike; from?: AddressLike; nonce?: number; gasLimit?: bigint; gasPrice?: bigint; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint; maxFeePerGas?: bigint; data?: string; value?: bigint; chainId?: bigint; accessList?: AccessList; customData?: any; blockTag?: BlockTag; enableCcipRead?: boolean; } export function copyRequest(req: CallRequest): PreparedRequest { const result: any = { }; // These could be addresses, ENS names or Addressables if (req.to) { result.to = req.to; } if (req.from) { result.from = req.from; } if (req.data) { result.data = hexlify(req.data); } const bigIntKeys = "chainId,gasLimit,gasPrice,maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas,value".split(/,/); for (const key in bigIntKeys) { if (!(key in req) || (req)[key] == null) { continue; } result[key] = getBigInt((req)[key], `request.${ key }`); } const numberKeys = "type,nonce".split(/,/); for (const key in numberKeys) { if (!(key in req) || (req)[key] == null) { continue; } result[key] = getNumber((req)[key], `request.${ key }`); } if (req.accessList) { result.accessList = accessListify(req.accessList); } if ("blockTag" in req) { result.blockTag = req.blockTag; } if ("enableCcipRead" in req) { result.enableCcipReadEnabled = !!req.enableCcipRead } if ("customData" in req) { result.customData = req.customData; } return result; } //Omit, "hash" | "signature">; /* export async function resolveTransactionRequest(tx: TransactionRequest, provider?: Provider): Promise { // A pending transaction with items that may require resolving const ptx: any = Object.assign({ }, tx); //await resolveProperties(await tx)); //if (tx.hash != null || tx.signature != null) { // throw new Error(); // @TODO: Check for bad keys? //} // @TODO: Why does TS not think that to and from are reoslved and require the cast to string if (ptx.to != null) { ptx.to = resolveAddress((ptx.to), provider); } if (ptx.from != null) { ptx.from = resolveAddress((ptx.from), provider); } return await resolveProperties(ptx); } */ //function canConnect(value: any): value is T { // return (value && typeof(value.connect) === "function"); //} ////////////////////// // Block export interface BlockParams { hash?: null | string; number: number; timestamp: number; parentHash: string; nonce: string; difficulty: bigint; gasLimit: bigint; gasUsed: bigint; miner: string; extraData: string; baseFeePerGas: null | bigint; transactions: ReadonlyArray; }; export interface MinedBlock extends Block { readonly number: number; readonly hash: string; readonly timestamp: number; readonly date: Date; readonly miner: string; } export class Block implements BlockParams, Iterable { readonly provider!: Provider; readonly number!: number; readonly hash!: null | string; readonly timestamp!: number; readonly parentHash!: string; readonly nonce!: string; readonly difficulty!: bigint; readonly gasLimit!: bigint; readonly gasUsed!: bigint; readonly miner!: string; readonly extraData!: string; readonly baseFeePerGas!: null | bigint; readonly #transactions: ReadonlyArray; constructor(block: BlockParams, provider?: null | Provider) { if (provider == null) { provider = dummyProvider; } this.#transactions = Object.freeze(block.transactions.map((tx) => { if (typeof(tx) !== "string" && tx.provider !== provider) { throw new Error("provider mismatch"); } return tx; }));; defineProperties>(this, { provider, hash: getValue(block.hash), number: block.number, timestamp: block.timestamp, parentHash: block.parentHash, nonce: block.nonce, difficulty: block.difficulty, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, gasUsed: block.gasUsed, miner: block.miner, extraData: block.extraData, baseFeePerGas: getValue(block.baseFeePerGas) }); } get transactions(): ReadonlyArray { return this.#transactions; } //connect(provider: Provider): Block { // return new Block(this, provider); //} toJSON(): any { const { baseFeePerGas, difficulty, extraData, gasLimit, gasUsed, hash, miner, nonce, number, parentHash, timestamp, transactions } = this; return { _type: "Block", baseFeePerGas: toJson(baseFeePerGas), difficulty: toJson(difficulty), extraData, gasLimit: toJson(gasLimit), gasUsed: toJson(gasUsed), hash, miner, nonce, number, parentHash, timestamp, transactions, }; } [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator { let index = 0; return { next: () => { if (index < this.length) { return { value: this.transactions[index++], done: false } } return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }; } get length(): number { return this.transactions.length; } get date(): null | Date { if (this.timestamp == null) { return null; } return new Date(this.timestamp * 1000); } async getTransaction(index: number): Promise { const tx = this.transactions[index]; if (tx == null) { throw new Error("no such tx"); } if (typeof(tx) === "string") { return (await this.provider.getTransaction(tx)); } else { return tx; } } isMined(): this is MinedBlock { return !!this.hash; } isLondon(): this is (Block & { baseFeePerGas: bigint }) { return !!this.baseFeePerGas; } orphanedEvent(): OrphanFilter { if (!this.isMined()) { throw new Error(""); } return createOrphanedBlockFilter(this); } } ////////////////////// // Log export interface LogParams { transactionHash: string; blockHash: string; blockNumber: number; removed: boolean; address: string; data: string; topics: ReadonlyArray; index: number; transactionIndex: number; } export class Log implements LogParams { readonly provider: Provider; readonly transactionHash!: string; readonly blockHash!: string; readonly blockNumber!: number; readonly removed!: boolean; readonly address!: string; readonly data!: string; readonly topics!: ReadonlyArray; readonly index!: number; readonly transactionIndex!: number; constructor(log: LogParams, provider?: null | Provider) { if (provider == null) { provider = dummyProvider; } this.provider = provider; const topics = Object.freeze(log.topics.slice()); defineProperties(this, { transactionHash: log.transactionHash, blockHash: log.blockHash, blockNumber: log.blockNumber, removed: log.removed, address: log.address, data: log.data, topics, index: log.index, transactionIndex: log.transactionIndex, }); } //connect(provider: Provider): Log { // return new Log(this, provider); //} toJSON(): any { const { address, blockHash, blockNumber, data, index, removed, topics, transactionHash, transactionIndex } = this; return { _type: "log", address, blockHash, blockNumber, data, index, removed, topics, transactionHash, transactionIndex }; } async getBlock(): Promise> { return >(await this.provider.getBlock(this.blockHash)); } async getTransaction(): Promise { return (await this.provider.getTransaction(this.transactionHash)); } async getTransactionReceipt(): Promise { return (await this.provider.getTransactionReceipt(this.transactionHash)); } removedEvent(): OrphanFilter { return createRemovedLogFilter(this); } } ////////////////////// // Transaction Receipt export interface TransactionReceiptParams { to: null | string; from: string; contractAddress: null | string; hash: string; index: number; blockHash: string; blockNumber: number; logsBloom: string; logs: ReadonlyArray; gasUsed: bigint; cumulativeGasUsed: bigint; gasPrice?: null | bigint; effectiveGasPrice?: null | bigint; byzantium: boolean; status: null | number; root: null | string; } /* export interface LegacyTransactionReceipt { byzantium: false; status: null; root: string; } export interface ByzantiumTransactionReceipt { byzantium: true; status: number; root: null; } */ export class TransactionReceipt implements TransactionReceiptParams, Iterable { readonly provider!: Provider; readonly to!: null | string; readonly from!: string; readonly contractAddress!: null | string; readonly hash!: string; readonly index!: number; readonly blockHash!: string; readonly blockNumber!: number; readonly logsBloom!: string; readonly gasUsed!: bigint; readonly cumulativeGasUsed!: bigint; readonly gasPrice!: bigint; readonly byzantium!: boolean; readonly status!: null | number; readonly root!: null | string; readonly #logs: ReadonlyArray; constructor(tx: TransactionReceiptParams, provider?: null | Provider) { if (provider == null) { provider = dummyProvider; } this.#logs = Object.freeze(tx.logs.map((log) => { if (provider !== log.provider) { //return log.connect(provider); throw new Error("provider mismatch"); } return log; })); defineProperties(this, { provider, to: tx.to, from: tx.from, contractAddress: tx.contractAddress, hash: tx.hash, index: tx.index, blockHash: tx.blockHash, blockNumber: tx.blockNumber, logsBloom: tx.logsBloom, gasUsed: tx.gasUsed, cumulativeGasUsed: tx.cumulativeGasUsed, gasPrice: ((tx.effectiveGasPrice || tx.gasPrice) as bigint), byzantium: tx.byzantium, status: tx.status, root: tx.root }); } get logs(): ReadonlyArray { return this.#logs; } //connect(provider: Provider): TransactionReceipt { // return new TransactionReceipt(this, provider); //} toJSON(): any { const { to, from, contractAddress, hash, index, blockHash, blockNumber, logsBloom, logs, byzantium, status, root } = this; return { _type: "TransactionReceipt", blockHash, blockNumber, byzantium, contractAddress, cumulativeGasUsed: toJson(this.cumulativeGasUsed), from, gasPrice: toJson(this.gasPrice), gasUsed: toJson(this.gasUsed), hash, index, logs, logsBloom, root, status, to }; } get length(): number { return this.logs.length; } [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator { let index = 0; return { next: () => { if (index < this.length) { return { value: this.logs[index++], done: false } } return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }; } get fee(): bigint { return this.gasUsed * this.gasPrice; } async getBlock(): Promise> { const block = await this.provider.getBlock(this.blockHash); if (block == null) { throw new Error("TODO"); } return block; } async getTransaction(): Promise { const tx = await this.provider.getTransaction(this.hash); if (tx == null) { throw new Error("TODO"); } return tx; } async getResult(): Promise { return (await this.provider.getTransactionResult(this.hash)); } async confirmations(): Promise { return (await this.provider.getBlockNumber()) - this.blockNumber + 1; } removedEvent(): OrphanFilter { return createRemovedTransactionFilter(this); } reorderedEvent(other?: TransactionResponse): OrphanFilter { if (other && !other.isMined()) { return throwError("unmined 'other' transction cannot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "reorderedEvent(other)" }); } return createReorderedTransactionFilter(this, other); } } ////////////////////// // Transaction Response export interface TransactionResponseParams { blockNumber: null | number; blockHash: null | string; hash: string; index: number; type: number; to: null | string; from: string; nonce: number; gasLimit: bigint; gasPrice: bigint; maxPriorityFeePerGas: null | bigint; maxFeePerGas: null | bigint; data: string; value: bigint; chainId: bigint; signature: Signature; accessList: null | AccessList; }; export interface MinedTransactionResponse extends TransactionResponse { blockNumber: number; blockHash: string; date: Date; } export class TransactionResponse implements TransactionLike, TransactionResponseParams { readonly provider: Provider; readonly blockNumber: null | number; readonly blockHash: null | string; readonly index!: number; readonly hash!: string; readonly type!: number; readonly to!: null | string; readonly from!: string; readonly nonce!: number; readonly gasLimit!: bigint; readonly gasPrice!: bigint; readonly maxPriorityFeePerGas!: null | bigint; readonly maxFeePerGas!: null | bigint; readonly data!: string; readonly value!: bigint; readonly chainId!: bigint; readonly signature!: Signature; readonly accessList!: null | AccessList; constructor(tx: TransactionResponseParams, provider?: null | Provider) { if (provider == null) { provider = dummyProvider; } this.provider = provider; this.blockNumber = (tx.blockNumber != null) ? tx.blockNumber: null; this.blockHash = (tx.blockHash != null) ? tx.blockHash: null; this.hash = tx.hash; this.index = tx.index; this.type = tx.type; this.from = tx.from; this.to = tx.to || null; this.gasLimit = tx.gasLimit; this.nonce = tx.nonce; this.data = tx.data; this.value = tx.value; this.gasPrice = tx.gasPrice; this.maxPriorityFeePerGas = (tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas != null) ? tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas: null; this.maxFeePerGas = (tx.maxFeePerGas != null) ? tx.maxFeePerGas: null; this.chainId = tx.chainId; this.signature = tx.signature; this.accessList = (tx.accessList != null) ? tx.accessList: null; } //connect(provider: Provider): TransactionResponse { // return new TransactionResponse(this, provider); //} toJSON(): any { const { blockNumber, blockHash, index, hash, type, to, from, nonce, data, signature, accessList } = this; return { _type: "TransactionReceipt", accessList, blockNumber, blockHash, chainId: toJson(this.chainId), data, from, gasLimit: toJson(this.gasLimit), gasPrice: toJson(this.gasPrice), hash, maxFeePerGas: toJson(this.maxFeePerGas), maxPriorityFeePerGas: toJson(this.maxPriorityFeePerGas), nonce, signature, to, index, type, value: toJson(this.value), }; } async getBlock(): Promise> { let blockNumber = this.blockNumber; if (blockNumber == null) { const tx = await this.getTransaction(); if (tx) { blockNumber = tx.blockNumber; } } if (blockNumber == null) { return null; } const block = this.provider.getBlock(blockNumber); if (block == null) { throw new Error("TODO"); } return block; } async getTransaction(): Promise { return this.provider.getTransaction(this.hash); } async wait(confirms?: number): Promise { return this.provider.waitForTransaction(this.hash, confirms); } isMined(): this is MinedTransactionResponse { return (this.blockHash != null); } isLegacy(): this is (TransactionResponse & { accessList: null, maxFeePerGas: null, maxPriorityFeePerGas: null }) { return (this.type === 0) } isBerlin(): this is (TransactionResponse & { accessList: AccessList, maxFeePerGas: null, maxPriorityFeePerGas: null }) { return (this.type === 1); } isLondon(): this is (TransactionResponse & { accessList: AccessList, maxFeePerGas: bigint, maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint }){ return (this.type === 2); } removedEvent(): OrphanFilter { if (!this.isMined()) { return throwError("unmined transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" }); } return createRemovedTransactionFilter(this); } reorderedEvent(other?: TransactionResponse): OrphanFilter { if (!this.isMined()) { return throwError("unmined transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" }); } if (other && !other.isMined()) { return throwError("unmined 'other' transaction canot be orphaned", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "removeEvent()" }); } return createReorderedTransactionFilter(this, other); } } ////////////////////// // OrphanFilter export type OrphanFilter = { orphan: "drop-block", hash: string, number: number } | { orphan: "drop-transaction", tx: { hash: string, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number }, other?: { hash: string, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number } } | { orphan: "reorder-transaction", tx: { hash: string, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number }, other?: { hash: string, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number } } | { orphan: "drop-log", log: { transactionHash: string, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number, address: string, data: string, topics: ReadonlyArray, index: number } }; function createOrphanedBlockFilter(block: { hash: string, number: number }): OrphanFilter { return { orphan: "drop-block", hash: block.hash, number: block.number }; } function createReorderedTransactionFilter(tx: { hash: string, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number }, other?: { hash: string, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number }): OrphanFilter { return { orphan: "reorder-transaction", tx, other }; } function createRemovedTransactionFilter(tx: { hash: string, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number }): OrphanFilter { return { orphan: "drop-transaction", tx }; } function createRemovedLogFilter(log: { blockHash: string, transactionHash: string, blockNumber: number, address: string, data: string, topics: ReadonlyArray, index: number }): OrphanFilter { return { orphan: "drop-log", log: { transactionHash: log.transactionHash, blockHash: log.blockHash, blockNumber: log.blockNumber, address: log.address, data: log.data, topics: Object.freeze(log.topics.slice()), index: log.index } }; } ////////////////////// // EventFilter export type TopicFilter = Array>; // @TODO: //export type DeferableTopicFilter = Array | Array>>; export interface EventFilter { address?: AddressLike | Array; topics?: TopicFilter; } export interface Filter extends EventFilter { fromBlock?: BlockTag; toBlock?: BlockTag; } export interface FilterByBlockHash extends EventFilter { blockHash?: string; } ////////////////////// // ProviderEvent export type ProviderEvent = string | Array> | EventFilter | OrphanFilter; ////////////////////// // Provider export interface Provider extends ContractRunner, EventEmitterable, NameResolver { provider: this; //////////////////// // State /** * Get the current block number. */ getBlockNumber(): Promise; /** * Get the connected [[Network]]. */ getNetwork(): Promise>; /** * Get the best guess at the recommended [[FeeData]]. */ getFeeData(): Promise; //////////////////// // Account /** * Get the account balance (in wei) of %%address%%. If %%blockTag%% is specified and * the node supports archive access, the balance is as of that [[BlockTag]]. * * @param {Address | Addressable} address - The account to lookup the balance of * @param blockTag - The block tag to use for historic archive access. [default: ``"latest"``] * * @note On nodes without archive access enabled, the %%blockTag%% may be * **silently ignored** by the node, which may cause issues if relied on. */ getBalance(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise; /** * Get the number of transactions ever sent for %%address%%, which is used as * the ``nonce`` when sending a transaction. If %%blockTag%% is specified and * the node supports archive access, the transaction count is as of that [[BlockTag]]. * * @param {Address | Addressable} address - The account to lookup the transaction count of * @param blockTag - The block tag to use for historic archive access. [default: ``"latest"``] * * @note On nodes without archive access enabled, the %%blockTag%% may be * **silently ignored** by the node, which may cause issues if relied on. */ getTransactionCount(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise; /** * Get the bytecode for //address//. * * @param {Address | Addressable} address - The account to lookup the bytecode of * @param blockTag - The block tag to use for historic archive access. [default: ``"latest"``] * * @note On nodes without archive access enabled, the %%blockTag%% may be * **silently ignored** by the node, which may cause issues if relied on. */ getCode(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise /** * Get the storage slot value for a given //address// and slot //position//. * * @param {Address | Addressable} address - The account to lookup the storage of * @param position - The storage slot to fetch the value of * @param blockTag - The block tag to use for historic archive access. [default: ``"latest"``] * * @note On nodes without archive access enabled, the %%blockTag%% may be * **silently ignored** by the node, which may cause issues if relied on. */ getStorageAt(address: AddressLike, position: BigNumberish, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise //////////////////// // Execution /** * Estimates the amount of gas required to executre %%tx%%. * * @param tx - The transaction to estimate the gas requirement for */ estimateGas(tx: TransactionRequest): Promise; // If call fails, throws CALL_EXCEPTION { data: string, error, errorString?, panicReason? } /** * Uses call to simulate execution of %%tx%%. * * @param tx - The transaction to simulate */ call(tx: CallRequest): Promise /** * Broadcasts the %%signedTx%% to the network, adding it to the memory pool * of any node for which the transaction meets the rebroadcast requirements. * * @param signedTx - The transaction to broadcast */ broadcastTransaction(signedTx: string): Promise; //////////////////// // Queries getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string): Promise>; getBlockWithTransactions(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string): Promise> getTransaction(hash: string): Promise; getTransactionReceipt(hash: string): Promise; getTransactionResult(hash: string): Promise; //////////////////// // Bloom-filter Queries getLogs(filter: Filter | FilterByBlockHash): Promise>; //////////////////// // ENS resolveName(name: string): Promise; lookupAddress(address: string): Promise; waitForTransaction(hash: string, confirms?: number, timeout?: number): Promise; waitForBlock(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise>; } // @TODO: I think I can drop T function fail(): T { throw new Error("this provider should not be used"); } class DummyProvider implements Provider { get provider(): this { return this; } async getNetwork(): Promise> { return fail>(); } async getFeeData(): Promise { return fail(); } async estimateGas(tx: TransactionRequest): Promise { return fail(); } async call(tx: CallRequest): Promise { return fail(); } async resolveName(name: string): Promise { return fail(); } // State async getBlockNumber(): Promise { return fail(); } // Account async getBalance(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise { return fail(); } async getTransactionCount(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise { return fail(); } async getCode(address: AddressLike, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise { return fail(); } async getStorageAt(address: AddressLike, position: BigNumberish, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise { return fail(); } // Write async broadcastTransaction(signedTx: string): Promise { return fail(); } // Queries async getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string): Promise>{ return fail>(); } async getBlockWithTransactions(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string): Promise> { return fail>(); } async getTransaction(hash: string): Promise { return fail(); } async getTransactionReceipt(hash: string): Promise { return fail(); } async getTransactionResult(hash: string): Promise { return fail(); } // Bloom-filter Queries async getLogs(filter: Filter | FilterByBlockHash): Promise> { return fail>(); } // ENS async lookupAddress(address: string): Promise { return fail(); } async waitForTransaction(hash: string, confirms?: number, timeout?: number): Promise { return fail(); } async waitForBlock(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise> { return fail>(); } // EventEmitterable async on(event: ProviderEvent, listener: Listener): Promise { return fail(); } async once(event: ProviderEvent, listener: Listener): Promise { return fail(); } async emit(event: ProviderEvent, ...args: Array): Promise { return fail(); } async listenerCount(event?: ProviderEvent): Promise { return fail(); } async listeners(event?: ProviderEvent): Promise> { return fail(); } async off(event: ProviderEvent, listener?: Listener): Promise { return fail(); } async removeAllListeners(event?: ProviderEvent): Promise { return fail(); } async addListener(event: ProviderEvent, listener: Listener): Promise { return fail(); } async removeListener(event: ProviderEvent, listener: Listener): Promise { return fail(); } } /** * A singleton [[Provider]] instance that can be used as a placeholder. This * allows API that have a Provider added later to not require a null check. * * All operations performed on this [[Provider]] will throw. */ export const dummyProvider: Provider = new DummyProvider();