import { Interface, Typed } from "../abi/index.js"; import { resolveAddress } from "../address/index.js"; import { copyRequest } from "../providers/index.js"; import { defineProperties, isCallException, isHexString, resolveProperties, makeError, throwArgumentError, throwError } from "../utils/index.js"; import { ContractEventPayload, ContractTransactionResponse, EventLog } from "./wrappers.js"; function canCall(value) { return (value && typeof ( === "function"); } function canEstimate(value) { return (value && typeof (value.estimateGas) === "function"); } function canResolve(value) { return (value && typeof (value.resolveName) === "function"); } function canSend(value) { return (value && typeof (value.sendTransaction) === "function"); } function concisify(items) { items = Array.from((new Set(items)).values()); items.sort(); return items; } class PreparedTopicFilter { #filter; fragment; constructor(contract, fragment, args) { defineProperties(this, { fragment }); if (fragment.inputs.length < args.length) { throw new Error("too many arguments"); } // Recursively descend into args and resolve any addresses const runner = getRunner(contract.runner, "resolveName"); const resolver = canResolve(runner) ? runner : null; this.#filter = (async function () { const resolvedArgs = await Promise.all(, index) => { return param.walkAsync(args[index], (type, value) => { if (type === "address") { return resolveAddress(value, resolver); } return value; }); })); return contract.interface.encodeFilterTopics(fragment, resolvedArgs); })(); } getTopicFilter() { return this.#filter; } } // A = Arguments passed in as a tuple // R = The result type of the call (i.e. if only one return type, // the qualified type, otherwise Result) // D = The type the default call will return (i.e. R for view/pure, // TransactionResponse otherwise) //export interface ContractMethod = Array, R = any, D extends R | ContractTransactionResponse = ContractTransactionResponse> { function _WrappedMethodBase() { return Function; } function getRunner(value, feature) { if (value == null) { return null; } if (typeof (value[feature]) === "function") { return value; } if (value.provider && typeof (value.provider[feature]) === "function") { return value.provider; } return null; } function getProvider(value) { if (value == null) { return null; } return value.provider || null; } export async function copyOverrides(arg) { // Create a shallow copy (we'll deep-ify anything needed during normalizing) const overrides = copyRequest(Typed.dereference(arg, "overrides")); // Some sanity checking; these are what these methods adds //if ((overrides).to) { if ( { throwArgumentError("cannot override to", "",; } else if ( { throwArgumentError("cannot override data", "",; } // Resolve any from if (overrides.from) { overrides.from = await resolveAddress(overrides.from); } return overrides; } export async function resolveArgs(_runner, inputs, args) { // Recursively descend into args and resolve any addresses const runner = getRunner(_runner, "resolveName"); const resolver = canResolve(runner) ? runner : null; return await Promise.all(, index) => { return param.walkAsync(args[index], (type, value) => { if (type === "address") { return resolveAddress(value, resolver); } return value; }); })); } class WrappedMethod extends _WrappedMethodBase() { name = ""; // Investigate! _contract; _key; constructor(contract, key) { super(); defineProperties(this, { name: contract.interface.getFunctionName(key), _contract: contract, _key: key }); const proxy = new Proxy(this, { // Perform the default operation for this fragment type apply: async (target, thisArg, args) => { const fragment = target.getFragment(...args); if (fragment.constant) { return await target.staticCall(...args); } return await target.send(...args); }, }); return proxy; } // Only works on non-ambiguous keys (refined fragment is always non-ambiguous) get fragment() { return this._contract.interface.getFunction(this._key); } getFragment(...args) { return this._contract.interface.getFunction(this._key, args); } async populateTransaction(...args) { const fragment = this.getFragment(...args); // If an overrides was passed in, copy it and normalize the values let overrides = {}; if (fragment.inputs.length + 1 === args.length) { overrides = await copyOverrides(args.pop()); } if (fragment.inputs.length !== args.length) { throw new Error("internal error: fragment inputs doesn't match arguments; should not happen"); } const resolvedArgs = await resolveArgs(this._contract.runner, fragment.inputs, args); return Object.assign({}, overrides, await resolveProperties({ to: this._contract.getAddress(), data: this._contract.interface.encodeFunctionData(fragment, resolvedArgs) })); } async staticCall(...args) { const result = await this.staticCallResult(...args); if (result.length === 1) { return result[0]; } return result; } async send(...args) { const runner = this._contract.runner; if (!canSend(runner)) { return throwError("contract runner does not support sending transactions", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "sendTransaction" }); } const tx = await runner.sendTransaction(await this.populateTransaction(...args)); const provider = getProvider(this._contract.runner); return new ContractTransactionResponse(this._contract.interface, provider, tx); } async estimateGas(...args) { const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "estimateGas"); if (!canEstimate(runner)) { return throwError("contract runner does not support gas estimation", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "estimateGas" }); } return await runner.estimateGas(await this.populateTransaction(...args)); } async staticCallResult(...args) { const runner = getRunner(this._contract.runner, "call"); if (!canCall(runner)) { return throwError("contract runner does not support calling", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "call" }); } const fragment = this.getFragment(...args); const tx = await this.populateTransaction(...args); let result = "0x"; try { result = await; } catch (error) { if (isCallException(error)) { throw this._contract.interface.makeError(fragment,, tx); } throw error; } return this._contract.interface.decodeFunctionResult(fragment, result); } } function _WrappedEventBase() { return Function; } class WrappedEvent extends _WrappedEventBase() { name = ""; // @TODO: investigate _contract; _key; constructor(contract, key) { super(); defineProperties(this, { name: contract.interface.getEventName(key), _contract: contract, _key: key }); return new Proxy(this, { // Perform the default operation for this fragment type apply: async (target, thisArg, args) => { return new PreparedTopicFilter(contract, target.getFragment(...args), args); }, }); } // Only works on non-ambiguous keys get fragment() { return this._contract.interface.getEvent(this._key); } getFragment(...args) { return this._contract.interface.getEvent(this._key, args); } } ; // The combination of TypeScrype, Private Fields and Proxies makes // the world go boom; so we hide variables with some trickery keeping // a symbol attached to each BaseContract which its sub-class (even // via a Proxy) can reach and use to look up its internal values. const internal = Symbol.for("_ethersInternal_contract"); const internalValues = new WeakMap(); function setInternal(contract, values) { internalValues.set(contract[internal], values); } function getInternal(contract) { return internalValues.get(contract[internal]); } function isDeferred(value) { return (value && typeof (value) === "object" && ("getTopicFilter" in value) && (typeof (value.getTopicFilter) === "function") && value.fragment); } async function getSubTag(contract, event) { let fragment; let topics; if (Array.isArray(event)) { // Topics; e.g. `[ "0x1234...89ab" ]` fragment = contract.interface.getEvent(event[0]); topics = event; } else if (typeof (event) === "string") { // Event name (name or signature); `"Transfer"` fragment = contract.interface.getEvent(event); topics = [fragment.topicHash]; } else if (isDeferred(event)) { // Deferred Topic Filter; e.g. `contract.filter.Transfer(from)` fragment = event.fragment; topics = await event.getTopicFilter(); } else if ("fragment" in event) { // ContractEvent; e.g. `contract.filter.Transfer` fragment = event.fragment; topics = [fragment.topicHash]; } else { console.log(event); throw new Error("TODO"); } // Normalize topics and sort TopicSets topics = => { if (t == null) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(t)) { return concisify( => t.toLowerCase())); } return t.toLowerCase(); }); const tag = => { if (t == null) { return "null"; } if (Array.isArray(t)) { return t.join("|"); } return t; }).join("&"); return { fragment, tag, topics }; } async function hasSub(contract, event) { const { subs } = getInternal(contract); return subs.get((await getSubTag(contract, event)).tag) || null; } async function getSub(contract, event) { // Make sure our runner can actually subscribe to events const provider = getProvider(contract.runner); if (!provider) { return throwError("contract runner does not support subscribing", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "on" }); } const { fragment, tag, topics } = await getSubTag(contract, event); const { addr, subs } = getInternal(contract); let sub = subs.get(tag); if (!sub) { const address = (addr ? addr : contract); const filter = { address, topics }; const listener = (log) => { const payload = new ContractEventPayload(contract, null, event, fragment, log); emit(contract, event, payload.args, payload); }; let started = false; const start = () => { if (started) { return; } provider.on(filter, listener); started = true; }; const stop = () => { if (!started) { return; }, listener); started = false; }; sub = { tag, listeners: [], start, stop }; subs.set(tag, sub); } return sub; } // We use this to ensure one emit resolves before firing the next to // ensure correct ordering (note this cannot throw and just adds the // notice to the event queu using setTimeout). let lastEmit = Promise.resolve(); async function _emit(contract, event, args, payload) { await lastEmit; const sub = await hasSub(contract, event); if (!sub) { return false; } const count = sub.listeners.length; sub.listeners = sub.listeners.filter(({ listener, once }) => { const passArgs = args.slice(); if (payload) { passArgs.push(new ContractEventPayload(contract, (once ? null : listener), event, payload.fragment, payload.log)); } try {, ...passArgs); } catch (error) { } return !once; }); return (count > 0); } async function emit(contract, event, args, payload) { try { await lastEmit; } catch (error) { } const resultPromise = _emit(contract, event, args, payload); lastEmit = resultPromise; return await resultPromise; } const passProperties = ["then"]; export class BaseContract { target; interface; runner; filters; [internal]; constructor(target, abi, runner = null, _deployTx) { const iface = Interface.from(abi); defineProperties(this, { target, runner, interface: iface }); Object.defineProperty(this, internal, { value: {} }); let addrPromise; let addr = null; let deployTx = null; if (_deployTx) { const provider = getProvider(runner); deployTx = new ContractTransactionResponse(this.interface, provider, _deployTx); } let subs = new Map(); // Resolve the target as the address if (typeof (target) === "string") { if (isHexString(target)) { addr = target; addrPromise = Promise.resolve(target); } else { const resolver = getRunner(runner, "resolveName"); if (!canResolve(resolver)) { throw makeError("contract runner does not support name resolution", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "resolveName" }); } addrPromise = resolver.resolveName(target).then((addr) => { if (addr == null) { throw new Error("TODO"); } getInternal(this).addr = addr; return addr; }); } } else { addrPromise = target.getAddress().then((addr) => { if (addr == null) { throw new Error("TODO"); } getInternal(this).addr = addr; return addr; }); } // Set our private values setInternal(this, { addrPromise, addr, deployTx, subs }); // Add the event filters const filters = new Proxy({}, { get: (target, _prop, receiver) => { // Pass important checks (like `then` for Promise) through if (passProperties.indexOf(_prop) >= 0) { return Reflect.get(target, _prop, receiver); } const prop = String(_prop); const result = this.getEvent(prop); if (result) { return result; } throw new Error(`unknown contract event: ${prop}`); } }); defineProperties(this, { filters }); // Return a Proxy that will respond to functions return new Proxy(this, { get: (target, _prop, receiver) => { if (_prop in target || passProperties.indexOf(_prop) >= 0) { return Reflect.get(target, _prop, receiver); } const prop = String(_prop); const result = target.getFunction(prop); if (result) { return result; } throw new Error(`unknown contract method: ${prop}`); } }); } async getAddress() { return await getInternal(this).addrPromise; } async getDeployedCode() { const provider = getProvider(this.runner); if (!provider) { return throwError("runner does not support .provider", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "getDeployedCode" }); } const code = await provider.getCode(await this.getAddress()); if (code === "0x") { return null; } return code; } async waitForDeployment() { // We have the deployement transaction; just use that (throws if deployement fails) const deployTx = this.deploymentTransaction(); if (deployTx) { await deployTx.wait(); return this; } // Check for code const code = await this.getDeployedCode(); if (code != null) { return this; } // Make sure we can subscribe to a provider event const provider = getProvider(this.runner); if (provider == null) { return throwError("contract runner does not support .provider", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "waitForDeployment" }); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const checkCode = async () => { try { const code = await this.getDeployedCode(); if (code != null) { return resolve(this); } provider.once("block", checkCode); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }; checkCode(); }); } deploymentTransaction() { return getInternal(this).deployTx; } getFunction(key) { if (typeof (key) !== "string") { key = key.format(); } return (new WrappedMethod(this, key)); } getEvent(key) { if (typeof (key) !== "string") { key = key.format(); } return (new WrappedEvent(this, key)); } async queryTransaction(hash) { // Is this useful? throw new Error("@TODO"); } async queryFilter(event, fromBlock = 0, toBlock = "latest") { const { addr, addrPromise } = getInternal(this); const address = (addr ? addr : (await addrPromise)); const { fragment, topics } = await getSubTag(this, event); const filter = { address, topics, fromBlock, toBlock }; const provider = getProvider(this.runner); if (!provider) { return throwError("contract runner does not have a provider", "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION", { operation: "queryFilter" }); } return (await provider.getLogs(filter)).map((log) => { return new EventLog(log, this.interface, fragment); }); } async on(event, listener) { const sub = await getSub(this, event); sub.listeners.push({ listener, once: false }); sub.start(); return this; } async once(event, listener) { const sub = await getSub(this, event); sub.listeners.push({ listener, once: true }); sub.start(); return this; } async emit(event, ...args) { return await emit(this, event, args, null); } async listenerCount(event) { if (event) { const sub = await hasSub(this, event); if (!sub) { return 0; } return sub.listeners.length; } const { subs } = getInternal(this); let total = 0; for (const { listeners } of subs.values()) { total += listeners.length; } return total; } async listeners(event) { if (event) { const sub = await hasSub(this, event); if (!sub) { return []; } return{ listener }) => listener); } const { subs } = getInternal(this); let result = []; for (const { listeners } of subs.values()) { result = result.concat({ listener }) => listener)); } return result; } async off(event, listener) { const sub = await hasSub(this, event); if (!sub) { return this; } if (listener) { const index ={ listener }) => listener).indexOf(listener); if (index >= 0) { sub.listeners.splice(index, 1); } } if (listener == null || sub.listeners.length === 0) { sub.stop(); getInternal(this).subs.delete(sub.tag); } return this; } async removeAllListeners(event) { if (event) { const sub = await hasSub(this, event); if (!sub) { return this; } sub.stop(); getInternal(this).subs.delete(sub.tag); } else { const { subs } = getInternal(this); for (const { tag, stop } of subs.values()) { stop(); subs.delete(tag); } } return this; } // Alias for "on" async addListener(event, listener) { return await this.on(event, listener); } // Alias for "off" async removeListener(event, listener) { return await, listener); } static buildClass(abi) { class CustomContract extends BaseContract { constructor(address, runner = null) { super(address, abi, runner); } } return CustomContract; } ; static from(target, abi, runner = null) { const contract = new this(target, abi, runner); return contract; } } function _ContractBase() { return BaseContract; } export class Contract extends _ContractBase() { } //#