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"aka.cdor1@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cdor1", "login": "cdor1" } ], "issues": [ 1906 ], "message": "Fix address coder to prepare non-hexdatastring addresses as hexdatastring (#1906)." }, "017ea0d6bd22833e9d399ae6b818443786f17884": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/gitpusha", "login": "gitpusha" } ], "issues": [ 684 ], "message": "Make default constructor non-payable (#684)." }, "019c1fc7089b3da2d7bd41c933b6c6bc35c8dade": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mitar", "login": "mitar" } ], "issues": [ 592 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#592)." }, "023a20ff470f73a91a72d57bc85dfafd77255d4e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mschristensen", "login": "mschristensen" } ], "issues": [ 306 ], "message": "Fixed and refactored populating transaction values for signers (#306)." }, "03152ea0145de17912c035874b180125b7f353cf": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2489 ], "message": "Include trouble-shooting URLs in errors (#2489)." }, "03545aa78b0e7bd177e22432e4842b0580a11d7d": { "authors": [ { "email": "tim+github@tinman.be", "link": "https://github.com/tlammens", "login": "tlammens" }, { "link": "https://github.com/christopherdro", "login": "christopherdro" }, { "link": "https://github.com/cpixy3810", "login": "cpixy3810" } ], "issues": [ 2271, 2527, 2590 ], "message": "Support invalid but popular IPFS URI format (#2271, #2527, #2590)." }, "0358e8afb7a82bcac2c25f0e4b6b1b63bdedaca5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/christoph2806", "login": "christoph2806" } ], "issues": [ 259 ], "message": "Fixed typo in units for finney (#259)." }, "0364dd93680de00813ed3d4415917ab63bc258bc": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Added some provider-specific adjustments to deal with eip-1559 (#1610)." }, "0382faebb1f33f1fa47aab4dde26fc55c4daf996": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/gabrocheleau", "login": "gabrocheleau" } ], "issues": [ 1127 ], "message": "docs: Typo in BigNumber (#1127)." }, "042b74e6ee648d4fa37bf674194273d8f4483bfb": { "authors": [ { "email": "thegostep@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/thegostep", "login": "thegostep" } ], "issues": [ 1037 ], "message": "Add clamping functions to FixedNumber (#1037)." }, "048c571d3d307f6b5a0094865b54106f6d7c5ffa": { "authors": [ { "email": "davidvanisacker@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/Dvisacker", "login": "Dvisacker" } ], "issues": [ 346 ], "message": "Fixed 0 confirmation waiting (#346)." }, "04c0515f0ba522b15398452658e2f6eab9eeede3": { "authors": [ { "email": "fg@frang.io", "link": "https://github.com/frangio", "login": "frangio" } ], "issues": [ 2776 ], "message": "docs: fixed wrong Solidity function name (#2776)." }, "053a2d7fcdb4ca4c9bfd0bee0f42e0187d3db477": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/TamirTian", "login": "TamirTian" } ], "issues": [ 768 ], "message": "Fixed Signer call not forwarding blockTag (#768)." }, "056d7c8bfc5896759c383d7cfae8ed0ec5c5eefb": { "authors": [ { "email": "trybaj@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/tryba", "login": "tryba" } ], "issues": [ 2890 ], "message": "Fix pocket API key not being passed in for default provider (#2890)." }, "0589b3102e2da702f4ac19a32c8b083faa6bbeea": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 721 ], "message": "Fix backwards compatibility with certain parsed JSON objects passed into Interface and Contracts (#721)." }, "0609ea96519bf4afe6badc5f43c0d03ca91b8363": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/FSM1", "login": "FSM1" } ], "issues": [ 622 ], "message": "Fixed TypeScript 3.7-beta import issue (#622)." }, "0838135d4a4a0cffb5f9171d4a8e7bbf64e0d061": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ryanio", "login": "ryanio" } ], "issues": [ 921 ], "message": "Fixed typos in docs (#921)." }, "083fd76a3a638ec16d5f9bf652101e5a150c7347": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/naddison36", "login": "naddison36" } ], "issues": [ 562 ], "message": "Export provider.Formatter (#562)." }, "0844de4eb45eb4170fafb6f2a239b53b6be22f1c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/fritzschoff", "login": "fritzschoff" } ], "issues": [ 2335 ], "message": "Added arbitrum and optimism to networks and providers (#2335)." }, "0855d6e9f593515b639c10a3f65bad712c68221c": { "_missingIssues": [ 2845 ], "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" }, { "link": "https://github.com/timaiv", "login": "timaiv" } ], "issues": [ 2845, 2846 ], "message": "Support new OpenEthereum NONCE_EXPIRED string (#2845, #2846)." }, "08c74e9a132f37ab8cc3fb5dab3bd1fd708ee702": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/EvilJordan", "login": "EvilJordan" } ], "issues": [ 898 ], "message": "Fixed FixedNumber unguarded constructor and added isZero (#898)." }, "095c1fe579068a3204ea0d1bc1893f293f61e719": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mrwillis", "login": "mrwillis" } ], "issues": [ 537 ], "message": "Make TransactionResponse hash required (#537)." }, "098d7efb21bd648c2660342297d2419904a10925": { "authors": [ { "email": "greg.beaver.cello@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cellog", "login": "cellog" } ], "issues": [ 499 ], "message": "Only error on duplicate signatures in Contract ABI (#499)." }, "0a28679994c844cef514f9e800c6cd8e1a21aa30": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/olehmisar", "login": "olehmisar" }, { "link": "https://github.com/valentinmatter", "login": "valentinmatter" } ], "issues": [ 3062, 3085 ], "message": "Fix NonceManager for increment 0 and provided nonce (#3062, #3085)." }, "0a8be37b087470d9354f387d7c439cb0166eaf4d": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/TheGreatHB", "login": "TheGreatHB" }, { "link": "https://github.com/RyanRHall", "login": "RyanRHall" }, { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 1432, 2054, 2120 ], "message": "Fix issue when Solidity method collises with JavaScript prototype (#1432, #2054, #2120)." }, "0ae9ac6f98847864507ac067fb2b03c7341625d3": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/krasi-georgiev", "login": "krasi-georgiev" } ], "issues": [ 1266 ], "message": "docs: added details on URL for JsonRpcProvider regarding ConnectionInfo support (#1266)." }, "0c72e0f1fdd0ea9cfdfbe2bd2e3167e1ce1141da": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/GavinPacini", "login": "GavinPacini" } ], "issues": [ 2311 ], "message": "docs: added effectiveGasPrice to receipts (#2311)." }, "0e1721b13084dacf63089e47116f7d5331be4f36": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/naddison36", "login": "naddison36" } ], "issues": [ 1393 ], "message": "Fixed Contract properties that collide with null member properties (#1393)." }, "0e3a66c82959a08f3f4e4ffbca3ae3792ff2548f": { "authors": [ { "email": "jarindr23@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/jarindr", "login": "jarindr" } ], "issues": [ 814 ], "message": "Better messaging on low-level network errors (#814)." }, "0e5419ec79cb18d82bab8c47bfa3ab4a21cfd293": { "authors": [ { "email": "geigerzaehler@axiom.fm", "link": "https://github.com/geigerzaehler", "login": "geigerzaehler" } ], "issues": [ 1850 ], "message": "Added some explicit null results to previously implicit null results for ENS (#1850)." }, "0e6cc9a9a8ebceae4529ccbb7c107618eb54490a": { "authors": [ { "email": "hi@bpier.re", "link": "https://github.com/bpierre", "login": "bpierre" } ], "issues": [ 1009 ], "message": "Lock package versions for the ESM builds (#1009)." }, "0ed983a264077d74d23da194b580fc702e9139a9": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/area", "login": "area" } ], "issues": [ 411 ], "message": "Fixed support for calling self-destructed contracts (#411)." }, "0f0d0c00d3fc14e5454169d42a9286b1d8b0abef": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/OliverNChalk", "login": "OliverNChalk" } ], "issues": [ 1706 ], "message": "Fixed null confirmations in Wallet transaction (#1706)." }, "0fd9aa5cb6f4a3f9c1bea9b4eeee389700db01fa": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 901 ], "message": "Fixed StaticJsonRpcProvider when auto-detecting network (#901)." }, "117a5dd7ffa783c4335c0b87621437447cd499d0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/peetzweg", "login": "peetzweg" } ], "issues": [ 141 ], "message": "Added initial WebSocketProvider (#141)." }, "12cfc599656d7e3a6d3d9aa4e468592865a711cc": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/pldespaigne", "login": "pldespaigne" } ], "issues": [ 629 ], "message": "Fixed getBlock for blockhashes with a leading 0 (#629)." }, "13dd42c6c38d6977645555cdf7ab60354b0e2725": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/dghelm", "login": "dghelm" }, { "email": "peterjan.brone@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/peterjan", "login": "peterjan" } ], "issues": [ 2853, 2866 ], "message": "Add Skynet support (#2853, #2866)." }, "13e50ec6db1c7f898076a411b6aacbf4e7bb6f6a": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/kyriediculous", "login": "kyriediculous" }, { "link": "https://github.com/cf19drofxots", "login": "cf19drofxots" } ], "issues": [ 233, 271 ], "message": "Exposed more secp256k1 primitives (#233 #271)." }, "13f50abd847f7ddcc7e54c102da54e2d23b86fae": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/HenryNguyen5", "login": "HenryNguyen5" } ], "issues": [ 698 ], "message": "Better property access on ABI decoded results (#698)." }, "152d672278477321d6ff5dab03b2d1e812151f45": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/bojan96", "login": "bojan96" } ], "issues": [ 367 ], "message": "Add isHexString to exported utils (#367)." }, "15893537c3d9c92fe8748a3e9617d133d1d5d6a7": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Added EIP-712 test cases (#687)." }, "15a90af5be75806e26f589f0a3f3687c0fb1c672": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Fix signTypedData call for JsonRpcSigner (#687)." }, "1651389571b5dd16c1c056dcd94729b48a4bdd85": { "authors": [ { "email": "wighawag@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wighawag", "login": "wighawag" } ], "issues": [ 1886 ], "message": "docs: added skipFetchSetup to ConnectionInfo (#1886)." }, "16c974532603b6ed7e49cedd6ce11f2e92158bf0": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 421 ], "message": "Added goerli to InfuraProvider (#421)." }, "16fdf6b621fd45bb1d6ab4e636388d9e7a9028d2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/tlxnithin", "login": "tlxnithin" } ], "issues": [ 365 ], "message": "Added gas estimation back into JsonRpcSigner (#365)." }, "173f4d44bfaba1e785fa37f4d3992a360c83bff3": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/KillariDev", "login": "KillariDev" } ], "issues": [ 1281 ], "message": "docs: update links in README (#1281)." }, "18d8d1f34d87317d4d173153b6e55dd073043e3f": { "authors": [ { "email": "chaserileyroberts@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/Thenerdstation", "login": "Thenerdstation" } ], "issues": [ 2531 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos (#2531)." }, "18ee2c518c252a18fa172a8a7092c58cf6c0b7c5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/sulliwane", "login": "sulliwane" } ], "issues": [ 405 ], "message": "Support for xpub and xpriv derivation and generating extended keys; no fromExtendedKey yet (#405)." }, "1934ad3b48115cafb89142c8605f4187b2b60a22": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 2940 ], "message": "docs: added ConnectionInfo details (#2940)." }, "19587eea3f3fadc301ff4d949646b700ebb4a85b": { "authors": [ { "email": "raggamuffin.music@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/kshinn", "login": "kshinn" } ], "issues": [ 462 ], "message": "Warn on deprecated INFURA API Token; use Project ID instead (#462)." }, "19fd55e935e141318efc46bd0235a956ea8464d8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/DefiCake", "login": "DefiCake" } ], "issues": [ 911 ], "message": "Docs: add example for custom ENS address (#911)." }, "1a7c4e89efecc2b8afc8bea4c1f8f75fdaac08c5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/FrederikBolding", "login": "FrederikBolding" } ], "issues": [ 1371 ], "message": "Cache JsonRpcProvider requests for certain methods per event loop (#1371)." }, "1a89c591c26a7fcc2031d0df90137d8a096c5c01": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 862 ], "message": "Allow JsonRpcSigner to override from if it matches Signer (#862)." }, "1b0ad5aa69327f80c7814069142965914673dc06": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/bbarton", "login": "bbarton" } ], "issues": [ 856 ], "message": "Correctly set last emitted block for WebSocketProvider (#856)." }, "1b4bc7a6a6e1c7c4eed8d241a7dfe3222a78a23e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jrfrantz", "login": "jrfrantz" } ], "issues": [ 1851 ], "message": "docs: Fix listAccounts return type (#1851)." }, "1bd91615eedcb34a24fca04aa93a9aac394968ed": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/hogan0520", "login": "hogan0520" } ], "issues": [ 2190 ], "message": "Fixed abstract Provider signature issue (#2190)." }, "1be096130cfb4ddc1e4b03ee8345883ec78aea04": { "authors": [ { "email": "github.com@phor.net", "link": "https://github.com/fulldecent", "login": "fulldecent" } ], "issues": [ 2400 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos (#2400)." }, "1cb3199e5cb01f5a55eb00ab6c7904606d7ea1dd": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1364 ], "message": "Update tests for current EIP-2930 support across backends (#1364)." }, "1d27d95670ee3a51879393fed44297128c4a42a3": { "authors": [ { "email": "aayushg@mit.edu", "link": "https://github.com/Divide-By-0", "login": "Divide-By-0" } ], "issues": [ 1807 ], "message": "Fixed Etherscan API key in default provider (#1807)." }, "1d419b5829976b9c80c299e456e5ce0a5e8f63e1": { "authors": [ { "email": "github.com@phor.net", "link": "https://github.com/fulldecent", "login": "fulldecent" } ], "issues": [ 2115 ], "message": "docs: more explicitly describe the id function (#2115)." }, "1d4f90a958da6364117353850d62535c9702abd2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Velenir", "login": "Velenir" } ], "issues": [ 641 ], "message": "Added provider property to Web3Provider (#641)." }, "1e6a3c23c4af088acc113f6615f66df86363c976": { "authors": [ { "email": "swasti@sourabh.xyz", "link": "https://github.com/sourabhxyz", "login": "sourabhxyz" } ], "issues": [ 2970 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#2970)." }, "1e72fc7d6f7c3be4410dbdcfbab9a0463ceb52bd": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/rjchow", "login": "rjchow" } ], "issues": [ 694 ], "message": "Fixed resolveName when name is an address with an invalid checksum (#694)." }, "1ec5804bd460f6948d4813469fdc7bf739baa6a6": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/naddison36", "login": "naddison36" }, { "email": "raggamuffin.music@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/kshinn", "login": "kshinn" } ], "issues": [ 464, 651, 652 ], "message": "Added support for complex API keys including support for INFURA project secrets (#464, #651, #652)." }, "20409c083cd428c46cba09488ee609cc14ff1d2b": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 666 ], "message": "Update elliptic package to protect from Minerva timing attack (#666)." }, "20f34f1ba9c698d1731cb12c5de1822ad462fd7f": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 688 ], "message": "Added proper support for v0.6 Solidity JSON type (#688)." }, "20f6e16394909a43498c1ac6c73152957bd121bd": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Jonas121", "login": "Jonas121" }, { "email": "jannis@edgeandnode.com", "link": "https://github.com/Jannis", "login": "Jannis" }, { "link": "https://github.com/EvilJordan", "login": "EvilJordan" }, { "email": "andre.vmatos@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/andrevmatos", "login": "andrevmatos" } ], "issues": [ 1084, 1208, 1221, 1235 ], "message": "Better provider internal block management (#1084, #1208, #1221, #1235)." }, "22a26736cc332fe6e896c9d2707cc99ceee2fb10": { "authors": [ { "email": "contact@bitfalls.com", "link": "https://github.com/Swader", "login": "Swader" } ], "issues": [ 574 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#574)." }, "2359a98641d99b26cf88ec892e3601a8a2c81c9c": { "authors": [ { "email": "kevin.brown@hey.com", "link": "https://github.com/thekevinbrown", "login": "thekevinbrown" } ], "issues": [ 1028 ], "message": "Fixed link in docs (#1028)." }, "240aac568303deff14cbb2366b94c8c89cacefc1": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" }, { "email": "for4die@sina.com", "link": "https://github.com/282931", "login": "282931" } ], "issues": [ 944, 993 ], "message": "Updating shims for constrained environments (#944, #993)." }, "243beffa4f83c910f5f1c5e0554531e5dcf3ab93": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1290 ], "message": "Prevent unconfigured ENS names from making an init tx (#1290)." }, "24bd3281f721886c3663df9a2a0d33148a5270e6": { "authors": [ { "email": "namy.19@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/yqrashawn", "login": "yqrashawn" } ], "issues": [ 2662 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo in comments (#2662)." }, "24c3caae14bb642c2558284c9fb0a347e4120ef8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/peterslany", "login": "peterslany" } ], "issues": [ 2834 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos (#2834)." }, "24f243e689112048df502e10dbc2935303280c4d": { "authors": [ { "email": "michaelsbradleyjr@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/michaelsbradleyjr", "login": "michaelsbradleyjr" } ], "issues": [ 582 ], "message": "Allow Secret Storage wallet address to be optional (#582)." }, "251882ced4379931ec82ba28a4db10bc7dbf3580": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 711 ], "message": "Fixed out-of-bounds difficulty in getBlock, which can affect PoA networks (#711)." }, "25337d454399d3673ce245581f1c18d89150c5f6": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/JohnnySheffield", "login": "JohnnySheffield" } ], "issues": [ 272 ], "message": "Fix typo in error message (#272)." }, "2534b1b3b2feb41a0d831283cfd6088a4bb23e85": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/willrnch", "login": "willrnch" } ], "issues": [ 1411 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo in signature (#1411)." }, "25c3024a8937ada165573ebdd6eb28f44be2356f": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1364 ], "message": "docs: added AccessLists details (#1364)." }, "25c8b8b3e66c97f757973de53918fb8f3a56fed7": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/PierreJeanjacquot", "login": "PierreJeanjacquot" } ], "issues": [ 1729 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#1729)" }, "263bfe5ce632790e0399d06a0ab660a501997998": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 1047 ], "message": "Improve fetch errors with looser mime-type detection (#1047)." }, "26d32716436cd8925a5278173ba72ad54e00eef8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/chrsengel", "login": "chrsengel" } ], "issues": [ 700 ], "message": "Add missing chainId to transaction responses (#700)." }, "27a981c84b578feb762fdb37dd5325d9c335bd59": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/luyzdeleon", "login": "luyzdeleon" } ], "issues": [ 1052 ], "message": "Added load balancer support to PocketProvider (#1052)." }, "280dc56a747876973c78d7afae4d315840868ae9": { "authors": [ { "email": "patricio@nomiclabs.io", "link": "https://github.com/alcuadrado", "login": "alcuadrado" } ], "issues": [ 263 ], "message": "Removing address from JsonRpcSigner and cache address (#263)." }, "281bd0613d9da2542b519122496387e9e25c51ac": { "authors": [ { "email": "briar.sweetbriar.baron@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/briarsweetbriar", "login": "briarsweetbriar" } ], "issues": [ 288 ], "message": "Added support for JSON serialized BigNumbers in the constructor (#288)." }, "28800d7681f3bab08f6d30a22f0813e04feee18a": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jochenonline", "login": "jochenonline" } ], "issues": [ 437 ], "message": "Allow contract filters to include OR-ed values (#437)." }, "28a52cd485f48599ced1cbf58535e41e179a69bf": { "authors": [ { "email": "elena@arenabg.com", "link": "https://github.com/elenadimitrova", "login": "elenadimitrova" } ], "issues": [ 329 ], "message": "Fix for when blockTag is specified as a null equivalent value in contract overrides (#329)." }, "28ddf485ed4540889c52e579aff8e00d3de6fc34": { "authors": [ { "email": "roderik@settlemint.com", "link": "https://github.com/roderik", "login": "roderik" } ], "issues": [ 152 ], "message": "Allow large block difficulty, but set it to null for PoA (#152)." }, "28eb38ee703288aaad9f730b2d93fe3aeea7ada6": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 42 ], "message": "Added initial IDNA support for full UTF-8 support in namehash (#42)." }, "28f60d5ef83665541c8c1b432f8e173d73cb8227": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/DeltaBalances", "login": "DeltaBalances" } ], "issues": [ 1093 ], "message": "Use POST for long requests in EtherscanProvider (#1093)." }, "296473299cca5e28730ebf5f47603446d8805691": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Brbb", "login": "Brbb" } ], "issues": [ 146 ], "message": "Added blockHash to Etherscan getLogs result (#146)." }, "2997bae93599294935d1e467d8ede2960ee92e50": { "authors": [ { "email": "g.bytniewski@flexidao.com", "link": "https://github.com/greg-flexidao", "login": "greg-flexidao" } ], "issues": [ 514 ], "message": "Export poll function (#514)." }, "29f3d2dea87700c2cb82dacb21603a3f3ebda689": { "authors": [ { "email": "stephenalexbrowne@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/albrow", "login": "albrow" } ], "issues": [ 237 ], "message": "Fixed long fixed-length bytes from overflowing encoded ABI. (#237)" }, "29f6c34343d75fa42023bdcd07632f49a450570c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/matYang", "login": "matYang" } ], "issues": [ 1166 ], "message": "Allow private keys to Wallet to omit the 0x prefix (#1166)." }, "2a7ce0e72a1e0c9469e10392b0329e75e341cf18": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Merge: 91fff144 8ba64af2 merged master including transaction type 0 legacy constant (#1610)." }, "2bc7bb6e61219a40cfe2acd95c115c2195c21223": { "authors": [ { "email": "me@nikita.tk", "link": "https://github.com/ZitRos", "login": "ZitRos" }, { "link": "https://github.com/kerzhner", "login": "kerzhner" } ], "issues": [ 495, 861 ], "message": "Added initial support for spontaneous network changes (#495, #861)." }, "2c3dae08745530b8c3ea3ab6c8f03e8fa8ac1e5c": { "authors": [ { "email": "victorio.franco@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/fvictorio", "login": "fvictorio" } ], "issues": [ 2954 ], "message": "Ensure gas estimate errors are not call exceptions in disguise (#2954)." }, "2d854bd94c799271ce5a2aa4f5ad17d22c8d8dc0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ruzpuz", "login": "ruzpuz" } ], "issues": [ 335 ], "message": "Do not fill in implicit values for JSON-RPC based signers (#335)." }, "2d98b4fca1eb2544fec728f7c1c7b0d450e0dbee": { "authors": [ { "email": "wighawag@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wighawag", "login": "wighawag" } ], "issues": [ 1886 ], "message": "Added Cloudflare Worker support (#1886)." }, "2dd5c1a6d2e1288d7a2193ad6961362a1f412199": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/josh-richardson", "login": "josh-richardson" } ], "issues": [ 1538 ], "message": "docs: Fixed topicset example (#1538)." }, "2e24920d028d42908d0764ad4ca0b56b55f852d1": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jurosh", "login": "jurosh" } ], "issues": [ 798 ], "message": "Omit HID libraries for hardware-wallets package on unsupported environments (#798)." }, "2f57c6a4ab44083b2c03f5e57b2702ab7078d286": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/PierreJeanjacquot", "login": "PierreJeanjacquot" } ], "issues": [ 2387 ], "message": "Do not swallow ENS not supported errors (#2387)." }, "30b716bf2cfd67ca38f76e344a26c0c2d5b75935": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 3017 ], "message": "Bump BN.js for hexstring bug fix (#3017)." }, "3135d7ff6cb200d6916c5a52269312da21aa9a24": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 789 ], "message": "Added updated admin scripts needed for dist build (#789)." }, "315ecfd19e6148d6c328bd3f651b418477d0eac2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/snkashis", "login": "snkashis" } ], "issues": [ 2354 ], "message": "docs: fixed typs (#2354)." }, "319987ec3e1d0e8787f98f525e5fc07875bf5570": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Fixed EIP-1559 from address calculation bug (#1610)." }, "31d3ee899f4331cb75952eceb07b9a8ad7b30e9f": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 351 ], "message": "Throw exception instead of returning null for getDefaultProvider (#351)." }, "32a6b2a362815eb85ce3f3abad5adf92f2b80e10": { "authors": [ { "email": "abbas_mhosseini@yahoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/arkantos1482", "login": "arkantos1482" }, { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 2016, 1975, 1976 ], "message": "Fix parseUints with excess zeros and fix ReDoS issue (#2016, #1975, #1976)." }, "32b7373456972e0fbd47e7edaf056ed130adf1da": { "_missingIssues": [ 2860 ], "authors": [ { "email": "jettblu.fabrications@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/jettblu", "login": "jettblu" }, { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2860, 2861 ], "message": "Remove pedantic check for new keyword which broke some platforms for inheritance (#2860, #2861)." }, "3396846a30a4be0ed58fe449589e7e4e54f3d32e": { "authors": [ { "email": "micah@zoltu.net", "link": "https://github.com/MicahZoltu", "login": "MicahZoltu" } ], "issues": [ 401 ], "message": "Added TypeScript declaration maps (#401)." }, "34488cd7d821c22e50ed063b43f6d723097dffd7": { "authors": [ { "email": "contact@yuetloo.com", "link": "https://github.com/yuetloo", "login": "yuetloo" } ], "issues": [ 1122 ], "message": "docs: updates and fixes (#1122)." }, "345a830dc4bc869d5f3edfdc27465797e7663055": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Consolidated TypedDataEncoder methods (#687)." }, "375627f6b1ed904f087edb0d8863f5218d677488": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jataro", "login": "jataro" } ], "issues": [ 2032 ], "message": "docs: updated signer prefix info (#2032)." }, "376cf3cdbf6d2281331d36c5742414a425927318": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/gitpusha", "login": "gitpusha" } ], "issues": [ 1546 ], "message": "Added Matic testnet info to networks (#1546)." }, "37a9c77ab2acb7f75e1fc4cc918810d2fe59dd76": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/davidp94", "login": "davidp94" }, { "link": "https://github.com/mcastiglione777", "login": "mcastiglione777" } ], "issues": [ 1204, 1473 ], "message": "Abstracted EtherscanProivder to more easily fascilitate other Etherscan-supported chains (#1204, #1473)." }, "38a068bcea3f251c8f3a349a90fcb077a39d23ad": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1085 ], "message": "Add gzip support to AlchemyProivder and InfuraProvider fetching (#1085)." }, "38e825cee624ff935ec6b70023cf288126a6bb85": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2489 ], "message": "Updated help for errors (#2489)." }, "393c0c74a91175adca2e25026dcdb9e6445afd8f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/danielattilasimon", "login": "danielattilasimon" } ], "issues": [ 805 ], "message": "Fixed getLogs filter deserialization (#805)." }, "394c36cad43f229a94c72d21f94d1c7982a887a1": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/yayajacky", "login": "yayajacky" } ], "issues": [ 634 ], "message": "Migrating to modern syntax and scoping (#634)." }, "3a19f43844b3161d536455ee0cbb0712263cd061": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mrwillis", "login": "mrwillis" } ], "issues": [ 320 ], "message": "Added \"debug\" event for providers; do not depend on the format as it may change, but this should help debugging in most cases (#320)." }, "3a3764bdb4838c81dcd7afbb6eabd2792d3a5b00": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/sulliwane", "login": "sulliwane" } ], "issues": [ 405 ], "message": "Added xpub and xpriv test cases for HD nodes (#405)." }, "3ac91a414cd0718e5ff0dc351bc61cacc23e2133": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 1514, 1531 ], "message": "docs: added StaticJsonRpcProvider (#1514, #1531)." }, "3b7176f322376f8f42c333082388ef56d1720bae": { "authors": [ { "email": "secoif@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/timoxley", "login": "timoxley" } ], "issues": [ 722 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error (#722)." }, "3bb5fbf533107e880377ecc14f30f314a5028e56": { "authors": [ { "email": "deanshelton913@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/deanshelton913", "login": "deanshelton913" } ], "issues": [ 1499 ], "message": "Added support for null entries in EventFilter (#1499)." }, "3c760d014b71931392cf429ed543b955b953c162": { "authors": [ { "email": "me@egorfine.com", "link": "https://github.com/egorFiNE", "login": "egorFiNE" } ], "issues": [ 2997 ], "message": "docs: fixed type (#2997)." }, "3cb21dd6c7964aab99cfbbdde9be5c9d8e5a3337": { "authors": [ { "email": "yogeshkumar180592@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/itsyogesh", "login": "itsyogesh" } ], "issues": [ 174 ], "message": "Added timestamp to EtherscanProvider history (#174)." }, "3cbc4b462262ba61fa7d99a7a12e7bbf8049afb1": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/pldespaigne", "login": "pldespaigne" } ], "issues": [ 504 ], "message": "Better error message for unconfigured ENS names (#504)." }, "3d051e454db978f58c7b38ff4484096c3eb85b94": { "authors": [ { "email": "shanecarey17@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/shanecarey17", "login": "shanecarey17" } ], "issues": [ 1079 ], "message": "Export hexConcat in utils (#1079)." }, "3d6a7ec020eacd993b4b0fd3274574de3ddcc257": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/githubdoramon", "login": "githubdoramon" } ], "issues": [ 2426 ], "message": "Add support for IPFS metadata imageUrl in getAvatar (#2426)." }, "3de1b815014b10d223a42e524fe9c25f9087293b": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 2084 ], "message": "Fixed splitSignature logic for verifying EIP-2930 and EIP-1559 v (#2084)." }, "3df0e06c64bf5a2f9745525d8adc51751c2e2d30": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/PhoeniXAbhisheK", "login": "PhoeniXAbhisheK" } ], "issues": [ 2522 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos (#2522)." }, "3f5bc6ddc1013f0a5974f2ee6f542d6c91480c13": { "authors": [ { "email": "kingersoll@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/holic", "login": "holic" } ], "issues": [ 2500 ], "message": "Fixed case-folding in schemes for ENS avatars (#2500)." }, "3f631e968152911e7e963833a6ce0a26511154ab": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/kimpers", "login": "kimpers" } ], "issues": [ 2696 ], "message": "docs: fixed return type for receipt.status (#2696)." }, "3f76f603d9de66cb38b8c5d2e2fc6f7c6794d234": { "authors": [ { "email": "paul@marlow.dev", "link": "https://github.com/sweetpalma", "login": "sweetpalma" } ], "issues": [ 355 ], "message": "Fixed contract proxied tx.wait receipt properties (#355)." }, "3f97b94d159c5942803b18c14a8d6299b7dec19b": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/dievardump", "login": "dievardump" }, { "link": "https://github.com/sudeepb02", "login": "sudeepb02" } ], "issues": [ 1189, 1261 ], "message": "docs: typos (#1189, #1261)" }, "40264ff9006156ba8441e6101e5a7149a5cf03f6": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1054 ], "message": "Cache chain ID for WebSocketProvider (#1054)." }, "4151c0eacd22287e2369a8656ffa00359db6f84b": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/chrsengel", "login": "chrsengel" } ], "issues": [ 700 ], "message": "Fixed splitSignature computing wrong v for BytesLike (#700)." }, "417065bad6133b3fa0e8b6d4402f17e929432fb8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Perseverance", "login": "Perseverance" } ], "issues": [ 177 ], "message": "Added wait to transactions from JsonRpcSigner in sendTransaction (#177)." }, "41c2c8a729816226bc38a5bc0e73e0c573afe25d": { "authors": [ { "email": "suchangqin@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/suchangqin", "login": "suchangqin" } ], "issues": [ 420 ], "message": "Fixed out-of-safe-range hexlify values to throw an exception (#420)." }, "42dee67187adb04d0b88f420b24cb3e73301d609": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/cag", "login": "cag" }, { "email": "dennison@dennisonbertram.com", "link": "https://github.com/crazyrabbitLTC", "login": "crazyrabbitLTC" }, { "link": "https://github.com/danielattilasimon", "login": "danielattilasimon" } ], "issues": [ 819, 845, 847, 860 ], "message": "Major Contract refactor for overrides (#819, #845, #847, #860)." }, "4467d9fa004cab55ffd94376ab375bb24d86356b": { "authors": [ { "email": "nekomune@comfy.moe", "link": "https://github.com/nyanpasu", "login": "nyanpasu" } ], "issues": [ 2780 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#2780)." }, "4514229f275ef9d32e5b77862552203db49bd840": { "authors": [ { "email": "patricio@nomiclabs.io", "link": "https://github.com/alcuadrado", "login": "alcuadrado" } ], "issues": [ 189 ], "message": "Added eslint for promises. (#189)" }, "4577444c448f41114263077c5b54fbe6af749fd4": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1364 ], "message": "Prevent non-typed transactions from unsafely ignoring specified access lists (#1364)." }, "45a2902874e828a16396a253548bcb00bceccf95": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/blakewest", "login": "blakewest" } ], "issues": [ 1172 ], "message": "Fix BigNumber when passed something with a length property (#1172)." }, "45d3fea4014897ac4136b85e0be11ab973b62e3a": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/AlecGard", "login": "AlecGard" }, { "link": "https://github.com/bobanm", "login": "bobanm" } ], "issues": [ 3087, 3036 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos (#3087)." }, "45f367512d1d5dccfd06fad9cc8688e4d0cccdb8": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 2083 ], "message": "Stop allowing commas in fixed numbers; left over from legacy comma support (#2083)." }, "46fd2deb8b451b5dbf037ade8968d01d1c1b2f5c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ygnr", "login": "ygnr" } ], "issues": [ 132 ], "message": "Added pollingInterval to provider. (#132)" }, "470551e4ee3f1e343a26fc0775f9d9f7489129f8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/apps/dependabot", "login": "dependabot[bot]" }, { "link": "https://github.com/fredriksvantes", "login": "fredriksvantes" } ], "issues": [ 1633, 1634 ], "message": "Update ws dependency version to fix security (#1633, #1634)." }, "472e5b07eab180baa12185c8f00e5079ce4c671f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/danielattilasimon", "login": "danielattilasimon" } ], "issues": [ 813 ], "message": "Fix WebSocketProvider responses when message result is null (#813)." }, "478aaf9619bd2e75e559ac73f1e007457480cb61": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/raymogg", "login": "raymogg" } ], "issues": [ 338 ], "message": "Force unorm shim when String.prototype.normalize is broken (#338)." }, "47d92aeff02cacfb26793850c7faef7cb21ce4cf": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/vilsbole", "login": "vilsbole" } ], "issues": [ 470 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#470)." }, "483d67f55c15a76bcd853e889a0e35815d9850f7": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1498 ], "message": "Added EIP-838 error name as well as error signature (#1498)." }, "4852e837d2f47b70038136f3a702e9e127ad6c9c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/thomasmetta", "login": "thomasmetta" } ], "issues": [ 339 ], "message": "Fix for Kovan filters without an address (#339)." }, "48c9e0bf39eec9b5b30ab7cd5685effdccaa1b1a": { "authors": [ { "email": "mark.tyneway@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/tynes", "login": "tynes" } ], "issues": [ 2121 ], "message": "Export FallbackProviderConfig (#2121)." }, "493273d698b9cc71ce1c0555f9df2bd791cd851e": { "authors": [ { "email": "kevin.brown@hey.com", "link": "https://github.com/thekevinbrown", "login": "thekevinbrown" } ], "issues": [ 226 ], "message": "Added optional blockTag to call; note that this may not behave as expected on all nodes (#226)." }, "4935f93015d601c5097abced940d99727d4ff8d5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Rishabhraghwendra18", "login": "Rishabhraghwendra18" } ], "issues": [ 2535 ], "message": "docs: add MetaMask request info (#2535)." }, "4970385e7b42b764e82ca340db79811718aa9b5e": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Fixing up testcases for non-eip-1559 ready platforms (#1610)." }, "49f71574f4799d685a5ae8fd24fe1134f752d70a": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 1047 ], "message": "More robust blockchain error detection (#1047)" }, "4a44865a8c22adb9c55d5c37a81ee46ebc68228c": { "authors": [ { "email": "stivennoni77@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/nionis", "login": "nionis" } ], "issues": [ 1458 ], "message": "Fixed run-checking non-filter Contract events (#1458)." }, "4a8d579dcaf026d0c232e20176605d34cba4767d": { "authors": [ { "email": "agresso@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/bogdan", "login": "bogdan" } ], "issues": [ 949 ], "message": "Fix for new versions of Geth which return formatted data on revert rather than standard data (#949)." }, "4a9373e773dd78c62f4f5127f8357001e5940a22": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/vilsbole", "login": "vilsbole" } ], "issues": [ 470 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#470)." }, "4af2c19f455bb43406d3cc5421c3b3fdda75f78f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/luyzdeleon", "login": "luyzdeleon" } ], "issues": [ 1030, 1052 ], "message": "Added Pocket network to the default provider (#1030, #1052)." }, "4b331148d980e3056ceaabdcd6e50a2aa1beb40d": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jcbdev", "login": "jcbdev" } ], "issues": [ 1519 ], "message": "Removed Hangul checks in shims which crashes Android (#1519)." }, "4b7028a66128b2fdf0110b44368a81d5b05e7149": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jtakalai", "login": "jtakalai" } ], "issues": [ 1100 ], "message": "docs: Typo in BigNumber source (#1100)." }, "4b8e198bf209fcf0aea55018d8940355ea4345de": { "authors": [ { "email": "wighawag@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wighawag", "login": "wighawag" } ], "issues": [ 733 ], "message": "Fix log parsing when no matching topic is found (#733)." }, "4ba63acc107fdd0a6d6ef3e27349e65edb007447": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Elinia", "login": "Elinia" } ], "issues": [ 2405 ], "message": "Fix browser random in WebWorkers (#2405)." }, "4e394fc68019445ae4b4e201e41f95d6793dbe92": { "authors": [ { "email": "christophergewecke@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cgewecke", "login": "cgewecke" }, { "link": "https://github.com/GriffGreen", "login": "GriffGreen" } ], "issues": [ 891, 992 ], "message": "Allow events to use compact bytes ABI coded data for Solidity 0.4 external events (#891, #992)." }, "4e41871fa4cf701d714ad73527a367e9ca1d3431": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mrwillis", "login": "mrwillis" } ], "issues": [ 477 ], "message": "Fixed typo in arguments name for waitForTransaction (#477)." }, "4e8f004e9e42892840663311cafe042c0b24c61e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/cte", "login": "cte" } ], "issues": [ 2714 ], "message": "Remove spurious console.log from Interface (#2714)." }, "4e9abfdee478a8423da4d55feea8c1aae78a8eb4": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1472 ], "message": "Added hex support for bigint (#1472)." }, "4ef0e4f7653226bf8cca86e065ad614e7288af96": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/bbarton", "login": "bbarton" } ], "issues": [ 785 ], "message": "Fix provider log filters with zero topics (#785)." }, "5144acf456b51c95bbe3950bd37609abecc7ebc7": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1477 ], "message": "Added initial support for detecting replacement transactions (#1477)." }, "51f0e1a52fb885e6f146f7b3b70ed487fd1c8f5a": { "authors": [ { "email": "mikael@arvola.com", "link": "https://github.com/arvola", "login": "arvola" } ], "issues": [ 1486 ], "message": "Fail early for ABI decoding that will obviously run out of data (#1486)." }, "51fb4728091a30d147b7dcd61e08562c6171b372": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/hoytech", "login": "hoytech" } ], "issues": [ 375 ], "message": "Add abs method to BigNumber (#375)." }, "53671d0b17df3be40c545004c4eed718738681f5": { "authors": [ { "email": "jayphbee@163.com", "link": "https://github.com/calldata", "login": "calldata" } ], "issues": [ 1727 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#1727)" }, "5443363de43e92de712e72d55165c3f4d7f652e9": { "authors": [ { "email": "hello@yos.io", "link": "https://github.com/yosriady", "login": "yosriady" } ], "issues": [ 947 ], "message": "Fix Logger setLogLevel with enum case mismatch (#947)." }, "5456c359245d9eef5d2abdc05ccedb5269576c94": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Added EIP-1559 overrides to contracts (#1610)." }, "54c19dfb5a8c9b30f42ec304a616469c03bfeaa5": { "authors": [ { "email": "gfjhogue@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/GFJHogue", "login": "GFJHogue" } ], "issues": [ 51 ], "message": "Fixed default network for providers (#51)." }, "54e6e57fcece4c1718a577ecbeb1af97998e8bdc": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mjpowersjr", "login": "mjpowersjr" } ], "issues": [ 2225 ], "message": "Add support for pending blocks (#2225)." }, "550ecf2f25b90f6d8996583489a218dbf2306ebc": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Added verifyTypedData for EIP-712 typed data (#687)." }, "551cfa0062ec1645c9310335e0e6cbd250bb3788": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/alexanderwende", "login": "alexanderwende" } ], "issues": [ 1749 ], "message": "Fixed floor, ceiling and round for FixedNumber for non-default Formats (#1749)." }, "5724fa5d9c6fe73f14ec8bdea1f7226a222537ef": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 691 ], "message": "Added Czech wordlist to default wordlists export (#691)." }, "57439af25db99752ce0ea2d02b8e2361b8885c11": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/florianlenz", "login": "florianlenz" }, { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 202, 228 ], "message": "Removed options from unit conversion and added separate otto-safe commify function (#202, prep for #228)." }, "576e9b54abc3ff048113f93f765aa3177bf3b819": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/gitpusha", "login": "gitpusha" } ], "issues": [ 1546 ], "message": "Added matic support to INFURA and Alchemy (#1546)." }, "57eb5b777e2c67f1f8d74e41d3413e9f0564528d": { "authors": [ { "email": "for4die@sina.com", "link": "https://github.com/282931", "login": "282931" } ], "issues": [ 993 ], "message": "Initial React Native test harness (#993)." }, "58488e78f9ef79715693e19b42663335aad88c03": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/dmihal", "login": "dmihal" } ], "issues": [ 1484 ], "message": "Fixed JsonRpcProvider event-loop caching when using any network (#1484)." }, "593b4886ff607d00d656b8131b843933eb48838e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/llwslc", "login": "llwslc" } ], "issues": [ 1785 ], "message": "Prevent overriding value for non-payble constructors (#1785)." }, "5998fea53d5ea26358c2f10939dfdf0bc679936d": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2478 ], "message": "Fix issue with CCIP Read using wrong sender (#2478)." }, "5a4dd5a70377d3e86823d279d6ff466d03767644": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Added EIP-712 multi-dimensional array support (#687)." }, "5abc2f36e20eef79a935961f3dd8133b5528d9e5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jeffprestes", "login": "jeffprestes" } ], "issues": [ 981 ], "message": "Better error message for parseUnits of non-strings (#981)." }, "5aefb4303d2fdda62e7e5ddb644919f613d6016a": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jurosh", "login": "jurosh" } ], "issues": [ 798 ], "message": "Fix for HID on ES2015; does not support dymanic imports (#798)." }, "5ba6a616a6f969b1f28f8c6367c21488f497a7ae": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/aaronbarnardsound", "login": "aaronbarnardsound" } ], "issues": [ 532 ], "message": "Fixed default JsonRpcSigner (#532)." }, "5bf763fe2307e8570ab5e91e30c43e2e5731fc39": { "authors": [ { "email": "maarten@zuidhoorn.com", "link": "https://github.com/Mrtenz", "login": "Mrtenz" } ], "issues": [ 534 ], "message": "Fixed INFURA project ID checking (#534)." }, "5c776a83ffbd82b6c8161f257e8195a1960ec920": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/kabriel", "login": "kabriel" } ], "issues": [ 36 ], "message": "Removed chatty library (See issue #36)." }, "5cd1668e0d29099c5b7ce1fdc1d0e8a41af1a249": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 1066 ], "message": "Better errors for unconfigured ENS names (#1066)." }, "5e7d28b19b18aa1bbb4b851f74f6d7865725be02": { "authors": [ { "email": "maarten@zuidhoorn.com", "link": "https://github.com/Mrtenz", "login": "Mrtenz" } ], "issues": [ 874 ], "message": "Use URL parse instead of constructor for react compatibility (#874)." }, "5e86e02304f1c2ec65adf26e39f81aeb4a369b56": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/metsawyr", "login": "metsawyr" } ], "issues": [ 289 ], "message": "Fixed wildcard events and made nested events more robust (#289)." }, "5efd0c1f8ab9544f94f80a4f12f83e7809ce53ac": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/kyriediculous", "login": "kyriediculous" } ], "issues": [ 262 ], "message": "Backport fix for EIP-848 status codes from v4; only an error is generated in v3, the error string is ignored. (#262)." }, "5f013216c5f51830ef3fd3f725d42272f7ae5c99": { "authors": [ { "email": "hermantamas@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/onetom", "login": "onetom" } ], "issues": [ 384 ], "message": "Fixed long-response bug in IpcProvider (#384)." }, "5f26fd55c9d010c00f830a4c83a480a54773858d": { "authors": [ { "email": "zmp@umich.edu", "link": "https://github.com/zzmp", "login": "zzmp" } ], "issues": [ 2711 ], "message": "Fixed eth_chainId response for Eip1193Bridge (#2711)." }, "5f7ddcd5d71d8a1c9efbeef1232c34ef93f92e5a": { "authors": [ { "email": "justinjmoses@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/justinjmoses", "login": "justinjmoses" } ], "issues": [ 729 ], "message": "Fix EtherscanProvider from throwing outside async context (#729)." }, "6009a26c89c359ae44ef4b6e8a664ed57db24f67": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Velenir", "login": "Velenir" } ], "issues": [ 641 ], "message": "Added provider property to Web3Provider (#641)." }, "60b75c10d702b5a04ec1e381191fe1cd5a93274c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/epheph", "login": "epheph" } ], "issues": [ 412 ], "message": "Initial support for EIP-234; filter by blockHash (#412)." }, "620b7b91a133d9b5aeafc6b859ab6989fcd889c3": { "authors": [ { "email": "remscar@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/Remscar", "login": "Remscar" } ], "issues": [ 1199 ], "message": "docs: added some info on contract overrides (#1199)." }, "621313d2a697bc6e1dd25eb5b08d67e832a28d05": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/NoahZinsmeister", "login": "NoahZinsmeister" } ], "issues": [ 587 ], "message": "Added CloudflareProvider (#587)." }, "62201c5eebc52e9723dbbb2cc64823155ce1e0f9": { "authors": [ { "email": "greg.beaver.cello@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cellog", "login": "cellog" } ], "issues": [ 506 ], "message": "Migrated XMLHttpRequest to fetch API (#506)." }, "630656e949a8ffd940e4b66ec93ec07cd6ec2634": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/chebykin", "login": "chebykin" }, { "email": "decroockjovi@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/JoviDeCroock", "login": "JoviDeCroock" } ], "issues": [ 1624, 1626 ], "message": "Fixed broken variable in template string (#1624, #1626)." }, "63dd3d4682b564445948988243fa9139c598587b": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/0xGabi", "login": "0xGabi" } ], "issues": [ 959 ], "message": "Fixed ENS overrides for the default provider (#959)." }, "64744990ffb13c86af6cb34fb745f3b10277cf98": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/QaidVoid", "login": "QaidVoid" } ], "issues": [ 2991 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo in constant defaults (#2991)." }, "647fbd8cbfa0f94f72db6faadd528e61c49b1dd6": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/sz-piotr", "login": "sz-piotr" } ], "issues": [ 829 ], "message": "Add sub-error to gas estimate error for Ganache users (#829)." }, "64dccb275c68ebb40328350d4ab5be0f29b8a02e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/pldespaigne", "login": "pldespaigne" } ], "issues": [ 741 ], "message": "Fix address-less filter listening in Provider (#741)." }, "65196097f6626401638d85cf19e3d628a6223d5d": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1498 ], "message": "Support for EIP-838 custom contract errors (#1498)." }, "6526de016fda5403474dad61ee59acc62ee25ebc": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ddaws", "login": "ddaws" } ], "issues": [ 762 ], "message": "Fixed mutabilityState calculation for function fragments (#762)." }, "65772a8e1a55d663bdb67e3a2b160fecc9f986ef": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1085 ], "message": "Add gzip support to getUrl in node (#1085)." }, "6582ede1ce46be0b3abafb120e052b95a2d172b3": { "authors": [ { "email": "wighawag@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wighawag", "login": "wighawag" } ], "issues": [ 1886 ], "message": "Add support for Cloudflare Workers (#1886)." }, "660e69db71d42084b1fe791d864d13f0111f84fb": { "authors": [ { "email": "roderik@settlemint.com", "link": "https://github.com/roderik", "login": "roderik" } ], "issues": [ 971 ], "message": "Added wait to transactions returned by getBlockWithTransactions (#971)." }, "66440b8542e80e056bd96d94a1be9fcbb1c9b2d7": { "authors": [ { "email": "xuanji@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ldct", "login": "ldct" } ], "issues": [ 364 ], "message": "Better error messages for namehash (#364)." }, "6807a76b8ddfdd121f98b21e269de3b195a7673e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/moltam89", "login": "moltam89" } ], "issues": [ 2691 ], "message": "Preserve explicit chainId in JsonRpcProvider during transaction serialization (#2691)." }, "68095a48ae19ed06cbcf2f415f1fcbda90d4b2ae": { "authors": [ { "email": "lyova.potyomkin@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ly0va", "login": "ly0va" } ], "issues": [ 1761 ], "message": "Adding customData support to transactions to assist L2 chains (#1761)." }, "693094e97ce4f0dc0cd49b9cf6b1557bd7dc517d": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mrwillis", "login": "mrwillis" } ], "issues": [ 678 ], "message": "More debug information in timeout and fetch errors (#678)." }, "6978cca17d3fa9a18c56479985b658cc1f9fb0fc": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/manoj398", "login": "manoj398" } ], "issues": [ 1345, 1346 ], "message": "admin: fixed rats nest linking on Windows (#1345, #1346)" }, "69f707762ed5939c5f52bf6dce5c5513aaf6fa1d": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/bbarton", "login": "bbarton" } ], "issues": [ 784 ], "message": "Fixed WebSocketProvider filter events (#784)." }, "6ac2d923b75526ab663a677f6a712f5400c2a621": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Destiner", "login": "Destiner" } ], "issues": [ 305 ], "message": "Fixed filtering with null non-indexed parameters (#305)." }, "6ade5795423b9d611b15dd9573bcbf456844a515": { "authors": [ { "email": "adam.dossa@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/adamdossa", "login": "adamdossa" } ], "issues": [ 113 ], "message": "Added bool support to Solidity-style hash functions (#113)." }, "6b8f0f3cb38295cd5d693f9b71f629b591206f1e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ryanio", "login": "ryanio" } ], "issues": [ 853 ], "message": "Fixing GitHub actions (#853)." }, "6c71b515126d8ef3cea5a1aec814c4cab56cc1a5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Gabriel1590", "login": "Gabriel1590" } ], "issues": [ 776 ], "message": "Fixed getEtherPrice for EtherscanProvider (#776)." }, "6ca1d772986482b8be467d97fd9cd3107c959ab5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/metsawyr", "login": "metsawyr" } ], "issues": [ 370 ], "message": "Fixed function name in parsed transactions (#370)." }, "6d08968b8789976ee5a7ef23e3dd73e73342cf5b": { "authors": [ { "email": "cmarcelom@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/marcelomorgado", "login": "marcelomorgado" } ], "issues": [ 391 ], "message": "Fixed contract removeAllListeners which did not clean up the event loop properly (#391)." }, "6da5c531206777ceef98d111a12b050a04bdf49c": { "authors": [ { "email": "andre.vmatos@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/andrevmatos", "login": "andrevmatos" } ], "issues": [ 602 ], "message": "Fixed Contract and Interface constructor abi paramter type; should be a Fragment not a ParamType (#602)." }, "6f4291f65f0ea20c65fef7fd7b09b4d5bf5f0dcd": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mitar", "login": "mitar" } ], "issues": [ 592 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#592)." }, "700dd3413718ecfa3800aab361c4c5b91d1a7137": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/elv-kevin", "login": "elv-kevin" } ], "issues": [ 398 ], "message": "Added to and from for Transaction Receipts (#398)." }, "7075c8c2352ec306b5679da6fbe7c2ddf7bd65d1": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/pldespaigne", "login": "pldespaigne" } ], "issues": [ 504 ], "message": "Fixed error message for unconfigured ENS names (#504)." }, "7175e2e99c2747e8d2314feb407bf0a0f9371ece": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1817 ], "message": "Adjust default masPriorityFeePerGas to account for MEV-heavy blocks (#1817)." }, "7274cd06cf3f6f31c6df3fd6636706d8536b7ee2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/chaitanya5", "login": "chaitanya5" } ], "issues": [ 1766 ], "message": "Fixed JsonRpcProvider for pre-EIP-2930 chains (#1766)." }, "72b3bc9909074893038c768f3da1564ed96a6a20": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/chrsengel", "login": "chrsengel" } ], "issues": [ 700 ], "message": "Fix TransactionResponse to have chainId instead of legacy networkId (#700)." }, "72c89922a4e1b77295414c8e0717a7373f2397b8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jeansoonsik", "login": "jeansoonsik" } ], "issues": [ 379 ], "message": "Fixed log level filtering for Logger (#379)." }, "72edcd054fa78c52c82c33bcc7e389d93ff517ec": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/safead", "login": "safead" } ], "issues": [ 410 ], "message": "Fixed waitForTransaction and removeListener (#410)." }, "731f189010f03b22c085fa87f197d77988d7d0c2": { "authors": [ { "email": "mmoishin@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/memoishin", "login": "memoishin" } ], "issues": [ 292 ], "message": "Fixed nested errors for providers that were masking true error (#292)." }, "73b31b371fa47bacc4f5f6bed01d0d1e5d66fa2c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/cryppadotta", "login": "cryppadotta" } ], "issues": [ 1275 ], "message": "Fixed typos in JSON ABI formatting (#1275)." }, "73e94349de94d2969ccb21c834119525ddfcb961": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/flexsurfer", "login": "flexsurfer" } ], "issues": [ 1285 ], "message": "When in Status trigger personal_sign instead of eth_sign (#1285)." }, "74470defda5170338735bbbe676c207cdd5cc1cf": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Jonas121", "login": "Jonas121" }, { "email": "jannis@edgeandnode.com", "link": "https://github.com/Jannis", "login": "Jannis" }, { "link": "https://github.com/EvilJordan", "login": "EvilJordan" }, { "email": "andre.vmatos@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/andrevmatos", "login": "andrevmatos" } ], "issues": [ 1084, 1208, 1221, 1235 ], "message": "Fixed abundant UnhandledRejectErrors in provider polling (#1084, #1208, #1221, #1235)." }, "7498c18235c7566b2f652cddba991f55e0943da8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/SilentCicero", "login": "SilentCicero" } ], "issues": [ 781 ], "message": "Added bitwise operations to BigNumber (#781)." }, "751793ea25183d54d7fc4c610a789608f91c062e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/naddison36", "login": "naddison36" } ], "issues": [ 572 ], "message": "Fixed getContractAddress for odd-length hex values (#572)." }, "760a5aec74cfc2ce7467ae89214606500ed7a762": { "authors": [ { "email": "laurent.mallet@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ellis2323", "login": "ellis2323" } ], "issues": [ 581 ], "message": "Fixed ENS lookupAddress when the resolver isn't configured (#581)." }, "771190202f232cccf2f967c65b2cf28c0fcd1597": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/c0mm0n", "login": "c0mm0n" } ], "issues": [ 958 ], "message": "Fixed typo in DAI docs example (#958)." }, "78b350bbc5ea73561bf47038743b9e51049496f7": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 951 ], "message": "Removed unnecessary dependency from BigNumber (#951)." }, "78e4273a327d12da9a1ec008d3f2146d97385921": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/coinwalletdev", "login": "coinwalletdev" } ], "issues": [ 1858 ], "message": "Fxied getBlockWithTransactions results (1858)." }, "79494446128474745b10828f669eb58965367e7f": { "authors": [ { "email": "stephenalexbrowne@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/albrow", "login": "albrow" } ], "issues": [ 188 ], "message": "Added initial support for EIP838, revert codes (#188)." }, "796954f8807b0c464c7baa8f7ff299e22685e192": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/breakabort", "login": "breakabort" } ], "issues": [ 1284 ], "message": "Bump elliptic version for CVE-2020-28498 (#1284)." }, "7a12216cfbd3f86b917451924957471b8be21a8b": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Initial EIP-1559 support (#1610)." }, "7a404fb8ed95a99baab8f3b384f438b697fa5d76": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 1964 ], "message": "Fixed isBytes check for invalid length or elements (#1964)." }, "7adcf3b154669d9d1a0a66d5e15dabfbf6618180": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/yoshiwarab", "login": "yoshiwarab" } ], "issues": [ 1605 ], "message": "Fixed ENS namehash with leading and trailing dots (#1605)." }, "7aebe53e5b16585f0f3a8e1e17013f12121480d1": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/gabrielschulhof", "login": "gabrielschulhof" } ], "issues": [ 265 ], "message": "Change Buffer constructor to safer operations (#265)." }, "7b0d02d30e83a1c59d42ee169b3b940b33446c4d": { "authors": [ { "email": "etinosaobaseki@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/obasekietinosa", "login": "obasekietinosa" } ], "issues": [ 2289 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos (#2289)." }, "7b1a7c7f31a3631e12c2a341b562983360e670e9": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 815 ], "message": "Manage FallbackProvider stalling without unref (#815)." }, "7b299dd9c97571b12916e3ae529540f3f2e5a367": { "authors": [ { "email": "olaf@tomalka.me", "link": "https://github.com/ritave", "login": "ritave" } ], "issues": [ 2926 ], "message": "Enforce 32-byte private key length (2926)." }, "7b80ba20fee68bc4eae8ed1653f8ff9ff2acf7c1": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/chris56974", "login": "chris56974" } ], "issues": [ 2614 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos (#2614)." }, "7e56f3d392e52815c5c859772b99660e0fc38ef5": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 935 ], "message": "Fixed BigNumber string validation (#935)." }, "813fcef4adff69783c094c879a425c6f300d1c91": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@adamspiers.org", "link": "https://github.com/aspiers", "login": "aspiers" } ], "issues": [ 2611 ], "message": "docs: added jsonRpcProvider.connection (#2611)" }, "8175c83026436b6335800780ca12b7257e1b490f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/miguelmota", "login": "miguelmota" } ], "issues": [ 1236 ], "message": "Fixed non-checksum address comparisons in abstract Signer (#1236)." }, "819b1ace5c9b16e29dc354ad80e0e5b71ac63c52": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/tennox", "login": "tennox" } ], "issues": [ 1478 ], "message": "Version bumps for bn.js and hash.js to match elliptic and fix some build tools (#1478)." }, "81fd628292b7dde90fe5115074fa68476a872dbf": { "authors": [ { "email": "matt@mattsolomon.dev", "link": "https://github.com/mds1", "login": "mds1" } ], "issues": [ 1415 ], "message": "Added BigNumber.toBigInt method (#1415)." }, "8277f5a62a6739a05ae6682da6956fb490b81e4a": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/FrederikBolding", "login": "FrederikBolding" } ], "issues": [ 1628 ], "message": "Fixed transaction serialization with explicit null type (#1628)." }, "8279120e0ad1cbb7aeabd32c08e168a4228abbec": { "authors": [ { "email": "contact@yuetloo.com", "link": "https://github.com/yuetloo", "login": "yuetloo" } ], "issues": [ 1243 ], "message": "Better error messaging when provider backends give bogus responses (#1243)." }, "82d6dcbdde95004e041f9ff353de37af5e557d2e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/meteorologic", "login": "meteorologic" } ], "issues": [ 2430 ], "message": "docs: fix typos (#2430)." }, "8320d534d78173dfa8ecb4def634a00483a6aa9c": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1967 ], "message": "Temporarily remove the block miner for clique-based networks from CI testing (#1967)." }, "83891f9258492f9801aa579ac50764b6491b6180": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" }, { "link": "https://github.com/TomAFrench", "login": "TomAFrench" } ], "issues": [ 2477, 2582, 2583 ], "message": "Add EIP-2544 Wildcard support (#2477, #2582, #2583)." }, "8395cc146f4821da5c03d9c889db05741709e7fb": { "authors": [ { "email": "satyamsgsits1994@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/satyambnsal", "login": "satyambnsal" } ], "issues": [ 1979 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo in providers README (#1979)." }, "83db8a6bd1364458dcfeea544de707df41890b4e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/moodysalem", "login": "moodysalem" } ], "issues": [ 1003 ], "message": "Added basic ENS resolver functions for contenthash, text and multi-coin addresses (#1003)." }, "84344ac4c2a2502234373c24c0f02d8912417039": { "authors": [ { "email": "micah@zoltu.net", "link": "https://github.com/MicahZoltu", "login": "MicahZoltu" } ], "issues": [ 299 ], "message": "Check all transaction parameters are valid; protect against typos (#299)." }, "84e253f3f9674b52fa2a17b097644e91e6474021": { "authors": [ { "email": "rksethuram9@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/rhlsthrm", "login": "rhlsthrm" } ], "issues": [ 925 ], "message": "Prevent negative exponents in BigNumber (#925)." }, "85160766cdcd031f226382901ebadee9d7f40200": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/sz-piotr", "login": "sz-piotr" } ], "issues": [ 828 ], "message": "Add correct tag to release on publish (#828)." }, "8681cd59698d02d040871aa889fc6ccc8550df98": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/zedkai", "login": "zedkai" } ], "issues": [ 1629 ], "message": "Fixed FixedNumber rounding for non-default formats (#1629)." }, "8737f12e1bbeee477413e1d96c4124463256161e": { "authors": [ { "email": "contact@bitfalls.com", "link": "https://github.com/Swader", "login": "Swader" } ], "issues": [ 574 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#574)." }, "8770cc46fdb4dd70865286ddac7fecb1416b9b54": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/aux0x", "login": "aux0x" } ], "issues": [ 2680 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#2680)." }, "87ceaed4be21283619da74678cf371c228c918b7": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/krzkaczor", "login": "krzkaczor" } ], "issues": [ 1384 ], "message": "Abstracted Contract with BaseContract without meta-class properties for easier extensions (#1384)." }, "88c7eaed061ae9a6798733a97e4e87011d36b8e7": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" }, { "email": "thegostep@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/thegostep", "login": "thegostep" }, { "link": "https://github.com/alazarevski", "login": "alazarevski" } ], "issues": [ 139, 904, 926 ], "message": "Added initial throttling support (#139, #904, #926)." }, "88f2f51266a66cc8a5934ef5371e0458d08a46e8": { "authors": [ { "email": "xuanji@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ldct", "login": "ldct" } ], "issues": [ 318 ], "message": "Fix spacing in checkArgument errors (#318)." }, "892f30a051211489bab60481711a782d03cd217c": { "authors": [ { "email": "micah@zoltu.net", "link": "https://github.com/MicahZoltu", "login": "MicahZoltu" } ], "issues": [ 280 ], "message": "Check HTTP status before parsing body in fetchJson (#280)." }, "8947fd405e3aea07f6db958d89a3ad39abe3a25a": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/alfetopito", "login": "alfetopito" }, { "link": "https://github.com/ghost", "login": "ghost" } ], "issues": [ 1542, 1840 ], "message": "Use personal_sign instead of eth_sign for message signing with JsonRpcSigner; added _legacySignMessage for legacy support (#1542, #1840)." }, "89bae3bd634b20ce29b33309d4c816350dc81119": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/00iCon", "login": "00iCon" } ], "issues": [ 1594 ], "message": "docs: grammar fix (#1594)." }, "8a7b5efad0775fab28a79706f2699db2ee5310a0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/a2468834", "login": "a2468834" } ], "issues": [ 2821 ], "message": "docs: Fixed link typo (#2821)." }, "8abdbbbf633f96fde2346c4ae70e538895fd7829": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" }, { "email": "for4die@sina.com", "link": "https://github.com/282931", "login": "282931" } ], "issues": [ 944, 993 ], "message": "Updating shims for constrained environments (#944, #993)." }, "8ad26f0ff42614a6c40e735cb6fffd36874da1a0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/epheph", "login": "epheph" } ], "issues": [ 415 ], "message": "Removed transactionLogIndex from tests (#415)." }, "8b2e57276fa6e5fa983474127f5080331254ddeb": { "authors": [ { "email": "me@nikita.tk", "link": "https://github.com/ZitRos", "login": "ZitRos" } ], "issues": [ 282 ], "message": "Do not override nonce if forced to 0 (#282)." }, "8b62aeff9cce44cbd16ff41f8fc01ebb101f8265": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ljybill", "login": "ljybill" } ], "issues": [ 2320 ], "message": "Use case-insensitive schemes for getDefaultProvider (#2320)." }, "8bb2a0fd08f6f128a80444e3fd90c29e4cd7edfb": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/pyggie", "login": "pyggie" } ], "issues": [ 796 ], "message": "Fixed ContractFactory.deploy ignoring overrides (#796)." }, "8cdda37095df28f828ccd2ac5437ccb6541b16cc": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/asselstine", "login": "asselstine" } ], "issues": [ 404 ], "message": "Fixed contract events (#404)." }, "8e31b4dcf4a88fa1eecbc1f1769e3d25dca290a5": { "authors": [ { "email": "angrybeatty@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/0xWarren", "login": "0xWarren" } ], "issues": [ 2981 ], "message": "docs: fix type in comments of admin tools (#2981)." }, "8e682cc8481c6051a6f8115b29d78f4996120ccd": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/naddison36", "login": "naddison36" } ], "issues": [ 1018 ], "message": "Added debug event info to WebSocketProvider (#1018)." }, "8e7751f7dfb41e58f81c7918cf36c152c3209ae2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/bbarton", "login": "bbarton" } ], "issues": [ 795 ], "message": "Fixed inconsistent log format in WebSocketProvider (#795)." }, "8e83ceaedc11e414a432934bf6c87c869665d657": { "authors": [ { "email": "micah@zoltu.net", "link": "https://github.com/MicahZoltu", "login": "MicahZoltu" } ], "issues": [ 219 ], "message": "Check for invalid strings in BigNumber constructor. (#219)" }, "8ed67a5c198d17501e9b9ad91c5b31fd9fc830b0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Coda-Coda", "login": "Coda-Coda" } ], "issues": [ 885 ], "message": "Fixed typo in docs (#885)." }, "8efd8d203158ebdef040ec759c3b423312a86e7c": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 854 ], "message": "Fixed delayed network detection attempting to overwrite read-only value (#854)." }, "8f3d71dc5fd0e91407737a4b82c58c31269ed2be": { "authors": [ { "email": "jimmie@subpixel.net", "link": "https://github.com/j1mmie", "login": "j1mmie" } ], "issues": [ 1494 ], "message": "admin: fixed alias script (#1494)." }, "8f4b3027ef2854421300a19ffa1fcabdcf5f3fc7": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/kumavis", "login": "kumavis" } ], "issues": [ 1001 ], "message": "Run bootstrap in postinstall for better testing UX (#1001)." }, "8facc1a5305b1f699aa3afc5a0a692abe7927652": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/KillariDev", "login": "KillariDev" } ], "issues": [ 1010 ], "message": "Added JSON support to BigNumber (#1010)." }, "8fc5914c5a57427d99aaef60a4a260d6aaf31cc2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/dsk7", "login": "dsk7" } ], "issues": [ 2011 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo in cookbook (#2011)." }, "905e98aa392e2a52d6b0339b21bfce5237fd8662": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2478 ], "message": "Update test cases for CCIP Read fix (#2478)." }, "908258f8d4c56b58f6826011a805c2e690d9a4a0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/asselstine", "login": "asselstine" } ], "issues": [ 404 ], "message": "Fixed duplicate events from triggering (#404)." }, "918b66bc2e176fc3c6f3088cc10b9d03e2df1f6e": { "authors": [ { "email": "greg.beaver.cello@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cellog", "login": "cellog" } ], "issues": [ 376 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error strings (#376)." }, "91951dc825af42d4440d2d3b43cfa7a601b20342": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1690 ], "message": "Trap CALL_EXCEPTION errors when resolving ENS entries (#1690)." }, "91fff1449df5e337fd3b4681b5a04b151d92f5a1": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Better baseFee calculation (#1610)." }, "92a383ff0dad4587e44953efca3c6ab795a1b1bd": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/elranu", "login": "elranu" } ], "issues": [ 685 ], "message": "Abstracting mnemonic phrases (#685)." }, "92c978e5c20aca96a4297c7d494e154c3a796e71": { "authors": [ { "email": "deric.walintukan@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/dwalintukan", "login": "dwalintukan" } ], "issues": [ 539 ], "message": "Fixed error in throwing an error for ABI decode (#539)." }, "93152ef86394720e911aaf98011013e6dae87c77": { "authors": [ { "email": "kevin@kliu.io", "link": "https://github.com/kliu128", "login": "kliu128" } ], "issues": [ 343 ], "message": "Do not replay block events when the provider event block is reset (#343)." }, "9565c28a91b558a96a3895ccfc03975efc639432": { "authors": [ { "email": "logvinov.leon@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/LogvinovLeon", "login": "LogvinovLeon" } ], "issues": [ 357 ], "message": "More relaxed transaction parsing (#357)." }, "95708b9a4ae003db6c7d39e608af9ea6e123bae3": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jcstein", "login": "jcstein" } ], "issues": [ 2779 ], "message": "docs: add Ankr to list of Providers (#2779)." }, "95b2c72b1200c32616a99697fb87072843ff2d28": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/emanuel-sol", "login": "emanuel-sol" } ], "issues": [ 2242 ], "message": "docs: updated API provider supported networks (#2242)." }, "95b87f61a6bdfde39887ed3acfa28486d0a215ca": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/JL2718", "login": "JL2718" } ], "issues": [ 1799 ], "message": "docs: added BigNumber.toBigInt (#1799)." }, "963197d70c96e5970b431173c2cc782cb496674c": { "authors": [ { "email": "wighawag@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wighawag", "login": "wighawag" } ], "issues": [ 822 ], "message": "Fix JsonRpcProvider out-of-order super call (#822)." }, "9668f98b69b420d047376658d605c1f871a93c3a": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/adassoul", "login": "adassoul" }, { "email": "andrei.stefan.work@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/andreistefanwork", "login": "andreistefanwork" } ], "issues": [ 2989, 2998 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#2989)." }, "9785eed8dd227234afbfcb0eef9892e6a7a2b187": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 421 ], "message": "Added goerli testnet support (#421)." }, "9797b36186add496aafc29c96b44d61fa62b23e3": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jlindberg-oss", "login": "jlindberg-oss" }, { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 156, 238 ], "message": "Added confirmations to TransactionResponse (#156, #238)." }, "97acaa11296cf54c59a2d10b1b3aa7bcc4a8d063": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/willrnch", "login": "willrnch" } ], "issues": [ 1026 ], "message": "Docs: fixed typo (#1026)." }, "97efeba8dc6d0aaf793c4b740e7db8f3336a7bbd": { "authors": [ { "email": "maxcwolff@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/maxwolff", "login": "maxwolff" } ], "issues": [ 1128 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo in contracts readme (#1128)." }, "987bec87afaa365f291290a0136cedbc2b1992f2": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1477 ], "message": "Added new error for replaced transactions (#1477)." }, "98bb58964bec7dff0ccf481d474354ec1ca6f376": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/danielattilasimon", "login": "danielattilasimon" } ], "issues": [ 860 ], "message": "Allow undefined properties in transaction object and fix stray this (#860)." }, "99422c1c7c9af65887ea202d4bdc17c1d6bd7ec2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/spape", "login": "spape" } ], "issues": [ 1686 ], "message": "admin: fixed typo in docs (#1686)." }, "9947acc349691734bce8b33d870ab48944a7962f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/elranu", "login": "elranu" } ], "issues": [ 685 ], "message": "Partial support for non-English mnemonics for encrypted JSON wallets (#685)." }, "99a21660ab5b360cc4cbdba87dc54245c00565b9": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/pointtoken", "login": "pointtoken" } ], "issues": [ 340 ], "message": "Allow unchecked transactions which will remain unwrapped for the JsonRpcSigner (#340)." }, "99ae946476a317a9d89e5d8f57cf37f8680bfa2b": { "authors": [ { "email": "jarindr23@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/jarindr", "login": "jarindr" } ], "issues": [ 814 ], "message": "Allow providers to detect their network after instantiation (#814)." }, "9aac785395e9b47655477a3ba7baf05df3274de9": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/safead", "login": "safead" }, { "link": "https://github.com/RobbingBlocks", "login": "RobbingBlocks" } ], "issues": [ 2562, 2644 ], "message": "Allow raw WebSocket to be passed into WebSocketProvider (#2562, #2644)." }, "9ae6b70efb9f3d3251820403597085cfa30ace05": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" }, { "email": "greg.beaver.cello@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cellog", "login": "cellog" } ], "issues": [ 789, 506 ], "message": "Fixes for dist builds without injected XMLHttpRequest (#789, #506)." }, "9bf17fa07c6149a02ef217f2b89f1bfd990b1a6c": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2948 ], "message": "Fixed decimal strings as value-type properties for JsonRpcSigner (#2948)." }, "9c63b4a7535f423a802bb1c17c325ce968987349": { "authors": [ { "email": "kevin@kliu.io", "link": "https://github.com/kliu128", "login": "kliu128" } ], "issues": [ 580 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#580)." }, "9d04f2c1ebda7a27c2580b8c819282f7efe9402c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/yann300", "login": "yann300" } ], "issues": [ 281 ], "message": "Prevent odd-length values from being passed in as bytesXX (#281)." }, "9d9b14b95299b793c1a0f4cb8f42e4e0252fed1c": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2603 ], "message": "More robust JSON-RPC error handling for reverted executions (#2603)." }, "9dcf6f32531f8132c1b78b38bfbb27587430e7c3": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/tracoco", "login": "tracoco" }, { "email": "micah@zoltu.net", "link": "https://github.com/MicahZoltu", "login": "MicahZoltu" } ], "issues": [ 224, 257 ], "message": "Added headers and timeout to fetchJson (#224 #257)." }, "9e273220b6f1e147ab95ef0731a009390ad0a9bc": { "authors": [ { "email": "hi@austinki.ng", "link": "https://github.com/0xASK", "login": "0xASK" } ], "issues": [ 1423 ], "message": "docs: Fixed typo in getting-started (#1423)." }, "9ee685df46753c46cbbde12d05d6ea04f2b5ea3f": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 1047 ], "message": "Forward blockchain errors from Signer during gas estimation (#1047)." }, "9eed04a6d5e6fac2f4f77e554e49d64e14fb276e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/vsevdrob", "login": "vsevdrob" } ], "issues": [ 2407 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos (#2407)." }, "a11602d066667629908ffdef5e103f1567fde6c1": { "authors": [ { "email": "felipe.lima@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/felipecsl", "login": "felipecsl" } ], "issues": [ 1450 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#1450)." }, "a12030ad29aa13c02aa75d9e0860f4986a0043b4": { "authors": [ { "email": "wighawag@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wighawag", "login": "wighawag" } ], "issues": [ 614 ], "message": "Allow numeric values in a transaction to be odd-lengthed hexstrings (#614)." }, "a12d60d722dfcf998a2e06eba5e46390d7d442e5": { "authors": [ { "email": "michaelsbradleyjr@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/michaelsbradleyjr", "login": "michaelsbradleyjr" } ], "issues": [ 582 ], "message": "Port optional Secret Storage wallet address to v5 (#582)." }, "a144ed8a714b5553be5bf100b490bff6995cae70": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/fritzschoff", "login": "fritzschoff" } ], "issues": [ 890 ], "message": "Fixed migration docs (#890)." }, "a21202c66b392ec6f91296d66551dffca742cf0a": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Export verifyTypedData in utils (#687)." }, "a27ef825772f72071439c51e51180b6fcc64f03c": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 3017 ], "message": "Lock versions for BigNumber fix (#3017)." }, "a34ca6b3a38d0854d5b57c908d523a98262c0f53": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 557 ], "message": "Added test cases for case-agnostic mnemonics (#557)." }, "a48552a4fb85a08178d07437a3934db98b7d0736": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/sz-piotr", "login": "sz-piotr" }, { "email": "wmitsuda@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wmitsuda", "login": "wmitsuda" } ], "issues": [ 2001, 2036 ], "message": "Added BigNumber _difficulty to Block results (#2001, #2036)." }, "a5296a9258a475b6d3ebe4c6b848945a77ba4887": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 553 ], "message": "Added tests for testnet extended private key (#553)." }, "a56a0a33366ea9276fba5bc45f1e4678dd723fa6": { "authors": [ { "email": "zimmah@openhedge.com", "link": "https://github.com/zimmah", "login": "zimmah" } ], "issues": [ 1205 ], "message": "Fixed listenerCount for contract when requesting for all events (#1205)." }, "a5c6a468f4a7ad29fb5277e08c6b8b208383a575": { "authors": [ { "email": "patricio@nomiclabs.io", "link": "https://github.com/alcuadrado", "login": "alcuadrado" } ], "issues": [ 1051 ], "message": "Better errors when non-string address or ENS name is passed into Contracts or provider methods (#1051)." }, "a5d2ec534f75b21eebe69a789a3c43c33014a825": { "authors": [ { "email": "wighawag@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wighawag", "login": "wighawag" } ], "issues": [ 733 ], "message": "Merge: 8c164ab3 4b8e198b Fix log parsing when no matching topic hash is found (#733)." }, "a62d20d86f2d545b9a7bcda5418993790b7db91c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/luyzdeleon", "login": "luyzdeleon" } ], "issues": [ 1052 ], "message": "Added initial PocketProvider (#1052)." }, "a662490e82a9b71b5f6dee0a8242e6fa78409d79": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/NoahZinsmeister", "login": "NoahZinsmeister" } ], "issues": [ 1894 ], "message": "Added Deferred Error support to Description objects to extent Interface parse methods (#1894)." }, "a6e128f5cc566d291b722cca1734ba41aae6c548": { "authors": [ { "email": "fg@frang.io", "link": "https://github.com/frangio", "login": "frangio" } ], "issues": [ 1657 ], "message": "Match Solidity identifier regex (#1657)." }, "a72e40425965396c6661b7882d270adf9eda1ae7": { "authors": [ { "email": "jasonzhouu@outlook.com", "link": "https://github.com/jasonzhouu", "login": "jasonzhouu" } ], "issues": [ 2903 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#2903)." }, "a8e3380ed547b6368be5fe40b48be6e31b5cdd93": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/slavik0329", "login": "slavik0329" } ], "issues": [ 1101 ], "message": "Add ABI coder function to compute default values (#1101)." }, "a9cdbe1238c149a7167c6bb1a78f314805b52755": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/coinwalletdev", "login": "coinwalletdev" }, { "link": "https://github.com/rstormsf", "login": "rstormsf" }, { "link": "https://github.com/aya-eiya", "login": "aya-eiya" } ], "issues": [ 1019, 1291, 1463 ], "message": "More flexible FixedNumber input and output for strings with no decimals (#1019, #1291, #1463)." }, "aa6753709726c4a1bebc5d1752f4229fe62f53da": { "authors": [ { "email": "arul@luracast.com", "link": "https://github.com/Arul-", "login": "Arul-" } ], "issues": [ 182 ], "message": "Added fallback operations to contract (#182)." }, "aacb95cd6b49237656c48d058885350c3ba3b446": { "_missingIssues": [ 1301 ], "authors": [ { "email": "nicolas.venturo@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/nventuro", "login": "nventuro" }, { "link": "https://github.com/alexisgauba", "login": "alexisgauba" } ], "issues": [ 1147, 1301, 1302 ], "message": "docs: added struct encoding example (#1147, #1301, #1302)." }, "ab13887cda3939703dc1f7e27d139ef6001b7dd2": { "authors": [ { "email": "johnsgresham@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/jgresham", "login": "jgresham" } ], "issues": [ 2434 ], "message": "Added Kintsugi network (#2434)." }, "ab319f2f4c365d4cd1b1e17e577ecd18a7a89276": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Dan-Nolan", "login": "Dan-Nolan" } ], "issues": [ 1334 ], "message": "Include events on ContractFactory deployment transactions (#1334)." }, "ab806cad153d0246a668014d1621a058cf98ab60": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/viztor", "login": "viztor" } ], "issues": [ 1770 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#1770)." }, "accb85268c92fa894e769ec1dca322e117d33e5f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/lily-57blocks", "login": "lily-57blocks" } ], "issues": [ 1893 ], "message": "Removed temporary code for better errors needed until Alchemy added EIP-1559 support (#1893)." }, "ad87b718a9c79a96c6fbecc1bb4f8bd270e041f9": { "authors": [ { "email": "paul@sablier.finance", "link": "https://github.com/paulrberg", "login": "paulrberg" } ], "issues": [ 2087 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos in comments (#2087)." }, "ae0d5eb7c2e37a003d893671db59c2d5719aea0f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/doraemondrian", "login": "doraemondrian" }, { "link": "https://github.com/jamesmorgan", "login": "jamesmorgan" }, { "link": "https://github.com/tobyjaguar", "login": "tobyjaguar" } ], "issues": [ 62, 656, 892 ], "message": "Removed underscore from the JsonRpcBatchProvider name (#62, #656, #892)." }, "ae23bb76a937924bf57baf679e6efd8cdf59bc47": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2478 ], "message": "Added CCIP support to provider.call (#2478)." }, "af10705632bc1f8203ea50ea7ed3120b01c67122": { "authors": [ { "email": "hello@yos.io", "link": "https://github.com/yosriady", "login": "yosriady" } ], "issues": [ 947 ], "message": "Add testcases for setLogLevel (#947)." }, "af3aed4580da47be1f89fce94c37b91012f92b91": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/sulliwane", "login": "sulliwane" } ], "issues": [ 405 ], "message": "Added xpub and xpriv deserialization (#405)." }, "b0c082d728dc66b0f2a5ec315da44d6295716284": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 1004 ], "message": "Fix emitted error for ABI code array count mismatch (#1004)." }, "b1affdbc10701c6fc4773ba2712244111623b5f7": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mrwillis", "login": "mrwillis" } ], "issues": [ 1713 ], "message": "Fixed documentation on FallbackProvider priority (#1713)." }, "b21681a7f4292b0e77315caad3a59fe814e9292b": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 42 ], "message": "Added generation scripts for Table A.1 for stringprep (#42)." }, "b2db10e216748e4c4d5d359bded904af7bd1128f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/attente", "login": "attente" } ], "issues": [ 293 ], "message": "Mark progressCallback as optional (#293)." }, "b2ecffb0c8d44c8ee65199e7866dc744abae4e6e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/glomotion", "login": "glomotion" } ], "issues": [ 1288 ], "message": "Bumped TypeScript to 4.2.2 (#1288)." }, "b5f720ace6ac3e43beb2aaeda774f00f050192f4": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ochikov", "login": "ochikov" } ], "issues": [ 400 ], "message": "Ganache does not include from in receipts (#400)." }, "b65508995ce7d02f109a970ebeb625819beb915a": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1364 ], "message": "Fixed EIP-2930 transactions for EtherscanProvider (#1364)." }, "bacc4403979fa423890e269e7a5c7d11c6891a9f": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mrwillis", "login": "mrwillis" } ], "issues": [ 477 ], "message": "Added timeout to waitForTransaction (#477)." }, "bbb4f407b34782c36ff93fa528e3b9f793987d4a": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 882 ], "message": "Allow provider.ready to stall until the network is available (#882)." }, "bc3eeeca39adb734f24019d0e942eff2eac6ad4d": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/dev1644", "login": "dev1644" } ], "issues": [ 1021 ], "message": "Better error forwarding from FallbackProvider (#1021)." }, "bc457bb3bde7f3c3f1ca2e8345cdf1a4e0701454": { "authors": [ { "email": "liam@lihorne.com", "link": "https://github.com/snario", "login": "snario" } ], "issues": [ 360 ], "message": "Allow any whitespace characters in human-readable ABI (#360)." }, "bcba17a9e76e9ff7867e3d8e32a508fc1582e003": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 228 ], "message": "Allow nonce to be a BigNumber (#228)." }, "bd05aed070ac9e1421a3e2bff2ceea150bedf9b7": { "authors": [ { "email": "fg@frang.io", "link": "https://github.com/frangio", "login": "frangio" }, { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1493, 1497 ], "message": "Do not throw on ABI _error_ type (#1493, #1497)." }, "bd066b85421b1d0e575180e0626fcfb70135caf0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/rjchow", "login": "rjchow" } ], "issues": [ 694 ], "message": "Fix resolveName when name is an address with an invalid checksum (#694)." }, "bd152f7ea06300dddc07e9f52c2d41e0e27de699": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/a2468834", "login": "a2468834" } ], "issues": [ 2821 ], "message": "docs: added info on the block._difficulty property and explain its necessity (#2821)." }, "bda66230916e58e25a522e8430ce4de25091eb6b": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 800 ], "message": "Added initial support for recoverable coding erros (#800)." }, "bdb54ac52bd58b535aaff0fb366bc91828ecaa21": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/Code0x2", "login": "Code0x2" } ], "issues": [ 1857 ], "message": "docs: added cookbook entry to compute raw transaction (#1857)." }, "be273f26e9d0814c47090685412a27fc848ab7e5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/nicholasjpaterno", "login": "nicholasjpaterno" } ], "issues": [ 996 ], "message": "Fixed typos in readme (#996)." }, "be3854e648fdef0478db8a64c26be6d9e90cf453": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/chaitanya5", "login": "chaitanya5" } ], "issues": [ 1766 ], "message": "Forward some missing EIP-1559 fields to call and estimateGas (#1766)." }, "be4e2164e64dfa0697561763e8079120a485a566": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Initial Signer support for EIP-712 signed typed data (#687)." }, "be518c32ec7db9dd4769b57cdf130eb333aebb72": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2478 ], "message": "Enable CCIP Read for ENS resolvers (#2478)." }, "bebd6698c6c3193f0bdb96b54c5daa5ee5d0692c": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2846 ], "message": "Better error coalescing for OpenEthereum nodes (#2846)." }, "bf65ddbff0036f6eb8e99c145f30edff157687f5": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/oed", "login": "oed" }, { "link": "https://github.com/Amxx", "login": "Amxx" } ], "issues": [ 893, 933 ], "message": "Fixed splitSignature when recoveryParam is encoded directly (#893, #933)." }, "bfcd05fcbb132d456d6f22f70c8ac9cf5b1826f7": { "authors": [ { "email": "jmcph4.github@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/jmcph4", "login": "jmcph4" } ], "issues": [ 1576 ], "message": "Added MinInt256 and MaxInt256 constants (#1576)." }, "bfcf224b2bcfa10ff1a1250c3943d33daa98d6d8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mitar", "login": "mitar" } ], "issues": [ 592 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#592)." }, "bffc557be1b84ae2b69edd5071f7a072c94421e9": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 351 ], "message": "Added default provider support for Ethereum classic (#351)." }, "c0869623024bbf3671938dad03b131ff2ac54345": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/lcswillems", "login": "lcswillems" } ], "issues": [ 1485 ], "message": "Fixed BigNumber toBigInt return type (#1485)." }, "c15a89832b2fd8ab06b9ec655487cb50e8ded7c1": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 424 ], "message": "Fix waitForTransaction delay (#424)." }, "c2a6a012bf1d8fcd5805e45754cebdfe211c6933": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2737 ], "message": "Fix contracts when name resolution fails without any checks (#2737)." }, "c303199d26d6c5959b1a85a24ca162a1e405c63b": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mitar", "login": "mitar" } ], "issues": [ 592 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#592)." }, "c34a1f73c6e05a098bd15e760971f68c0a471770": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/zhaozhiming", "login": "zhaozhiming" } ], "issues": [ 191 ], "message": "Added French and Spanish BIP-39 wordlists (#191)." }, "c3b5a6e47e67c37b46f4ae58b4355c84e5f653f8": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/dwardu", "login": "dwardu" } ], "issues": [ 3061 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo in example (#3061)." }, "c47d2eba4dc741eb5cb754c3ef5064b8ea7ac7cc": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1364 ], "message": "Added EIP-2930 support (#1364)." }, "c4a494b528f2e5f706c159d916d8ff0ffd96a211": { "authors": [ { "email": "maarten@zuidhoorn.com", "link": "https://github.com/Mrtenz", "login": "Mrtenz" } ], "issues": [ 530 ], "message": "Fixed invalid arrayify value in browser for SHA2-HMAC (#530)." }, "c4de88af6f8b72d9632ab9840db0f6b37c43289f": { "authors": [ { "email": "pauldavidcowgill@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/pcowgill", "login": "pcowgill" } ], "issues": [ 1044 ], "message": "Docs: Fix typo (#1044)." }, "c53864de0af55dd8ec8ca5681e78da380d85250a": { "authors": [ { "email": "22412996+zemse@users.noreply.github.com", "link": "https://github.com/zemse", "login": "zemse" } ], "issues": [ 901 ], "message": "Added StaticJsonRpcProvider for reducing calls to chainId in certain cases (#901)." }, "c562150d2678710f50e5ee3ffa88d0e62d6f696f": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2489 ], "message": "Tweaked error URLs (#2489)." }, "c5a53d6911d7c41dd03a290b550e80f2919e9379": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/PierreJeanjacquot", "login": "PierreJeanjacquot" } ], "issues": [ 1193 ], "message": "Force TypedData numbers to be in decimal (#1193)." }, "c5bca7767e3f3d43e3d0bd3c9e9420321ee9907a": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Refactored eip-1559 logic (#1610)." }, "c61f3bc2a070149ca219f76241ea9901e1b7fcb9": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/mikaeldusenne", "login": "mikaeldusenne" } ], "issues": [ 2397 ], "message": "docs: fixed import typo (#2397)." }, "c6eebf9928597cab305b663fa409d30e3122e7d0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/eliotstock", "login": "eliotstock" } ], "issues": [ 2968 ], "message": "Added optimism to EtherscanProvider (#2968)." }, "c76e01e61fd52692f58c516842f7ed3b252b0f83": { "authors": [ { "email": "phireskyde+gh@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/phiresky", "login": "phiresky" } ], "issues": [ 695 ], "message": "Properly handle errors in the IpcProvider (#695)." }, "c7e9715758c865aeb726bec6608d31d45dfde22c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ASmallPotato", "login": "ASmallPotato" } ], "issues": [ 2224, 2257 ], "message": "docs: Fixed ContractFactory.connect return type (#2224, #2257)" }, "c8bb77d8af85d2f9f9df82f1afbe7516ab296e98": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/matYang", "login": "matYang" } ], "issues": [ 1164 ], "message": "Allow base-10 to be passed into BigNumbner.toString and improve errors for other radices (#1164)." }, "c93b48920e4861b4fe35c60be19344abbb19a184": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/BigMurry", "login": "BigMurry" } ], "issues": [ 489 ], "message": "Increment JSON-RPC ID for JsonRpcProviders for environments that unsafely manage callbacks (#489)." }, "c969fe5a68a0703a892dc5ab6e09a6938ccc9e4c": { "authors": [ { "email": "kevin@kliu.io", "link": "https://github.com/kliu128", "login": "kliu128" } ], "issues": [ 580 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#580)." }, "c9e548071e9ed03e3b12f40f0be779c16422a73f": { "authors": [ { "email": "rksethuram9@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/rhlsthrm", "login": "rhlsthrm" } ], "issues": [ 1163 ], "message": "Force address to use bignumber package with base36 private functions (#1163)." }, "caa198366539830e5a7497871c2ad1dee0a5f2e1": { "authors": [ { "email": "samlaf92@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/samlaf", "login": "samlaf" } ], "issues": [ 2336 ], "message": "docs: Add view/pure to docs (#2336)" }, "cadb28d6b364e68e43a06f7a9b8a31797afbd920": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/andrewpaulicek", "login": "andrewpaulicek" } ], "issues": [ 936 ], "message": "Fixed LedgerSigner sendTransaction (#936)." }, "cadccc3060b88ab2ca64aeb302717d2d1c95a897": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1472 ], "message": "Add bigint to allowed BigNumberish types (#1472)." }, "cb43a99405cdc5bdcc875efc1821e00e55447791": { "authors": [ { "email": "zmp@umich.edu", "link": "https://github.com/zzmp", "login": "zzmp" }, { "link": "https://github.com/aksdevac", "login": "aksdevac" } ], "issues": [ 2058, 2077 ], "message": "Removed extra wordlists from the dist files (#2058, #2077)." }, "cb8f4a3a4e378a749c6bbbddf46d8d79d35722cc": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1013 ], "message": "Updated docs for all packages on npm pages (#1013)." }, "cc250b2060451e0ee6b1cf3edb6b005f9eee9c61": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/NiftyAndy", "login": "NiftyAndy" } ], "issues": [ 2031 ], "message": "Allow any Networkish for getDefaultProvider (#2031)." }, "cc63e61f73d530c28655f9421506a25fc0a49df0": { "authors": [ { "email": "mark.tyneway@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/tynes", "login": "tynes" } ], "issues": [ 1136 ], "message": "Remove stray console.log in hardware wallets (#1136)." }, "cddc258c963ab63de426b89ef190b83aefe6f6cd": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/desfero", "login": "desfero" } ], "issues": [ 1133 ], "message": "Remove invalid pkg.module reference (#1133)." }, "cf036e1ffad3340fcf1c7559d0032493ccc08e6e": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 666 ], "message": "Update elliptic package to protect from Minerva timing attack (#666)." }, "cf39adb09020ca0393e028b330bfd07fb4869236": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 476 ], "message": "Allow storage class in Human-Readable ABI (#476)." }, "cf47ec5fd5c7e6dda4da499b1c25ac1d1cc84b5a": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/starwalker00", "login": "starwalker00" } ], "issues": [ 2760 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#2760)." }, "cfa6dec29314fe485df283974612d40550bc4179": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Initial EIP-712 utilities (#687)." }, "d001901c8c0541c823eb9638b9b309a316b00757": { "authors": [ { "email": "mfornet94@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/mfornet", "login": "mfornet" } ], "issues": [ 1687 ], "message": "Added type to TransactionResponse and TrnsactionReceipt (#1687)." }, "d06aa26d74eecd06149f908ce25dbaf867754c0e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/psytron", "login": "psytron" } ], "issues": [ 2976 ], "message": "Fix WebWorker support in rollup files (#2976)." }, "d0e0e30532baf387df6b4a8efe0805986cc265f2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/andrewgordstewart", "login": "andrewgordstewart" } ], "issues": [ 613 ], "message": "Fix filters by forcing a poll instantly when polling starts to capture the current block (#613)." }, "d1d636b503f7dec8b7b6efc109c4590654fbf782": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/PierreJeanjacquot", "login": "PierreJeanjacquot" } ], "issues": [ 2125 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#2125)." }, "d2406c42a18c123205918eb46bf24de0ff97ee23": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/danielattilasimon", "login": "danielattilasimon" } ], "issues": [ 860 ], "message": "Added test case for null from and blockTag to contract populateTransaction (#860)." }, "d2ca4fb443b2653063ca5aa349b52ecd0ff79e2f": { "authors": [ { "email": "me@nikita.tk", "link": "https://github.com/ZitRos", "login": "ZitRos" }, { "link": "https://github.com/kerzhner", "login": "kerzhner" } ], "issues": [ 495, 861 ], "message": "Fix non-any Provider network emit (#495, #861)." }, "d3b1ac046aaf2a46f6c3efbd93c55adb0cb8f16d": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 687 ], "message": "Fixed EIP-712 getPayload dropping EIP712Domain from types for JSON-RPC calls (#687)." }, "d3d2953e8d9be971453cbb3745bb7d1385a77367": { "authors": [ { "email": "keir@chainfrog.com", "link": "https://github.com/kf106", "login": "kf106" } ], "issues": [ 2321 ], "message": "docs: fixed and expanded explanation of fees (#2321)" }, "d55ab6d4e6025c484cc7e64486d927bd54a0772b": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/doraemondrian", "login": "doraemondrian" }, { "link": "https://github.com/jamesmorgan", "login": "jamesmorgan" }, { "link": "https://github.com/tobyjaguar", "login": "tobyjaguar" } ], "issues": [ 62, 656, 892 ], "message": "Added experimental _JsonRpcBatchProvider (#62, #656, #892)." }, "d5815cc4f1c13e5265c748d8afc4c085a97b1945": { "authors": [ { "email": "trkporter@ucdavis.edu", "link": "https://github.com/tkporter", "login": "tkporter" } ], "issues": [ 2982 ], "message": "Pad position in JSON-RPC getStorageAt calls (#2982)." }, "d5b41ce210c0f22dd795749810f6ce798f71a00f": { "authors": [ { "email": "lyova.potyomkin@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ly0va", "login": "ly0va" } ], "issues": [ 1838 ], "message": "Removed redundant call to normalizing blockTag (1838)." }, "d67f8fb778533ac450c6764c09862588f49da126": { "authors": [ { "email": "github.com@phor.net", "link": "https://github.com/fulldecent", "login": "fulldecent" } ], "issues": [ 2033 ], "message": "docs: fixed capitalization of MetaMask (#2033)." }, "d7c8b355a049b36068b0525a357c6278639a8d58": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ddaws", "login": "ddaws" } ], "issues": [ 762 ], "message": "Fix stateMutability calculation for constructors (#762)." }, "d83c5834126ce6035ce319b6c1b373ceb678ce7a": { "authors": [ { "email": "suraneti.rod@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/suraneti", "login": "suraneti" } ], "issues": [ 1271 ], "message": "docs: updated NonceManager method name (#1271)." }, "d8821d731746f9a684be81123b9a4814680dd74b": { "authors": [ { "email": "treeder@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/treeder", "login": "treeder" } ], "issues": [ 1087 ], "message": "Docs: Fixed typo (#1087)." }, "d88ee45937b3484b68f72e3f72ad6c29556c984b": { "authors": [ { "email": "greg.beaver.cello@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cellog", "login": "cellog" } ], "issues": [ 561 ], "message": "Updated package.json description for Contract package (#561)." }, "d936b4cd09126f395d5478b65c076049e560940c": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/NoahMarconi", "login": "NoahMarconi" } ], "issues": [ 223 ], "message": "Fixed scrypt for long passwords (#223)." }, "d937668dc1d39cc293f64bbd30b99b29614d1607": { "authors": [ { "email": "mikael.lazarev@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/0xmikko", "login": "0xmikko" } ], "issues": [ 1234 ], "message": "Prevent unhandled rejections when passing nullish into Contract constructor (#1234)." }, "d9d438a119bb11f8516fc9cf02c534ab3816fcb3": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/naddison36", "login": "naddison36" } ], "issues": [ 573 ], "message": "Force deploy receipt to address to be null (#573)." }, "d9f45b3b9db92c72f9c606bab8315d0eb02fec70": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/codingwithmanny", "login": "codingwithmanny" } ], "issues": [ 2949, 2950 ], "message": "Added testnets for AnkrProvider (#2949, #2950)." }, "da412f660723d1c411484e74970ce4eb166374c2": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/epheph", "login": "epheph" } ], "issues": [ 415 ], "message": "Force Log properties to be non-optional (#415)." }, "dab6ede226e572706655e2865d4c953e37741a5c": { "_missingIssues": [ 2849 ], "authors": [ { "email": "kamil.sliwak+github@codepoets.it", "link": "https://github.com/cameel", "login": "cameel" }, { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2849, 2862 ], "message": "Mimic Hardhard error strings in CALL_EXCEPTION for popular matchers (#2849, #2862)." }, "dd09bf0735813c80467340bccbb5b1ecf27ee0d4": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jeffprestes", "login": "jeffprestes" } ], "issues": [ 982 ], "message": "docs: dded code examples for Contract (#982)." }, "df1ae611bab0955005b0da6604191b60b34f198f": { "authors": [ { "email": "agresso@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/bogdan", "login": "bogdan" } ], "issues": [ 663 ], "message": "Moved node types to devDependencies (#663)." }, "e0927461657f2e26bb13a9919f5a9ca679bd1b38": { "authors": [ { "email": "micah@zoltu.net", "link": "https://github.com/MicahZoltu", "login": "MicahZoltu" } ], "issues": [ 261 ], "message": "Removed jsonCopy and added deepCopy instead (#261)." }, "e1509a6326dd2cb8bf7ed64b82dd3947b768a314": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/yayajacky", "login": "yayajacky" } ], "issues": [ 634 ], "message": "Migrating providers to modern syntax and scoping (#634)." }, "e1754483809b45dcf948b1d91c91517bd5387e42": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/krunkosaurus", "login": "krunkosaurus" } ], "issues": [ 2625 ], "message": "docs: added BaseProvider (#2625)." }, "e19290305080ebdfa2cb2ab2719cb53fee5a6cc7": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/ceo-domido", "login": "ceo-domido" } ], "issues": [ 2833 ], "message": "Fixed left-padding in arrayify (#2833)." }, "e39e2ed718364cfccb6921518500dd19f2a479fe": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/SilentCicero", "login": "SilentCicero" } ], "issues": [ 196 ], "message": "Added address to HDNode (#196)." }, "e3f7426af4d6d7e43db322700d768216b06433e0": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/pnlp-dev", "login": "pnlp-dev" } ], "issues": [ 966 ], "message": "Removed UUID dependency from json-wallets (#966)." }, "e4423b7a277e7e1be1c02d345d4ab1eab484c9b8": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 557 ], "message": "Make mnemonic phrases case agnostic (#557)." }, "e67a66f90016a54e8334793bb2496545b51b5b16": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 95 ], "message": "Major version update; some changes are not backwards compatible. This package has been merged into one package instead of an umbrella pacakge. (See: #95)" }, "e6f6383346818fa67423f1f20450e011242eb554": { "authors": [ { "email": "greg.beaver.cello@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cellog", "login": "cellog" } ], "issues": [ 512 ], "message": "Expose poll function in utils (#512)." }, "e727efc33eaa31c3af6adbb64a893caf354d0ba7": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/bguiz", "login": "bguiz" }, { "link": "https://github.com/FrederikBolding", "login": "FrederikBolding" } ], "issues": [ 952, 1251 ], "message": "Added support for networks with slightly incorrect EIP-658 implementations (#952, #1251)." }, "e80f8dd4e64425b42da4d8a2a238c8cfe8efb2c7": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/GiraeffleAeffle", "login": "GiraeffleAeffle" } ], "issues": [ 1777 ], "message": "docs: updates for EIP-1559 (#1777)." }, "e86f83b9c052522da6ec8651a4bf1b8d18935586": { "authors": [ { "email": "pauldavidcowgill@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/pcowgill", "login": "pcowgill" } ], "issues": [ 1074 ], "message": "Docs: Fixed typo (#1074)." }, "e8a0144b7aa95add967578d9629d70bf01fc55cf": { "authors": [ { "email": "aakilfernandes@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/aakilfernandes", "login": "aakilfernandes" } ], "issues": [ 728 ], "message": "Fix issue with loading JSON ABI with internalType property (#728)." }, "e8b23c29a5b8fe9109516bcdb7c397cb394b0ada": { "authors": [ { "email": "zenkjenna@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/jennazenk", "login": "jennazenk" } ], "issues": [ 69 ], "message": "Fixed for PoA networks getTransactionReceipt (#69)." }, "e8c89d7ca9cea6e20281f614c4fb22f180114622": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/superoo7", "login": "superoo7" } ], "issues": [ 746 ], "message": "Allow receive type in ABI without warning (#746)." }, "e9009631d533bc675848f741c37f642572934dbd": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/willrnch", "login": "willrnch" } ], "issues": [ 976 ], "message": "Fixed typo in docs (#976)." }, "e95708eedc130aeb92820a2234398970a987c507": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 1610 ], "message": "Updated gasPrice to be optional for eip-1559 (#1610)." }, "ea102ef7c4fa5df7b9389fbc8a2947bbbd4c471e": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/pstuermlinger", "login": "pstuermlinger" } ], "issues": [ 497 ], "message": "Fixed some typing for receipts and logs (#497)." }, "eb1ec2f2318e2851073ea1634e5003cdb53f1c1b": { "authors": [ { "email": "tnalsl1984@naver.com", "link": "https://github.com/gruming", "login": "gruming" } ], "issues": [ 1298 ], "message": "Fix Android React Native environment shims which crash on normalizing Korean test (#1298)." }, "eb26a6d95022a241c44f859e7b2f29646afb4914": { "authors": [ { "email": "julien.genestoux@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/julien51", "login": "julien51" } ], "issues": [ 697 ], "message": "Added function to generate CREATE2 addresses (#697)." }, "ebf42dc9e036dd16e58e55f141ea64cb2c6e585f": { "authors": [ { "email": "micah@zoltu.net", "link": "https://github.com/MicahZoltu", "login": "MicahZoltu" } ], "issues": [ 220 ], "message": "Fixed extra output in array data. (#220)" }, "ebfca98dc276d6f6ca6961632635e8203bb17645": { "authors": [ { "email": "greg.beaver.cello@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cellog", "login": "cellog" } ], "issues": [ 561 ], "message": "Fixed package descriptions (#561)." }, "ecce86125d87ef5258406bde2fff5bc8c9ff3141": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 2185 ], "message": "Added ENS avatar support to provider (#2185)." }, "ed7e6a500e6087efcace8a5ff98997fbce2c6d6d": { "authors": [ { "email": "ouromoros@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ouromoros", "login": "ouromoros" } ], "issues": [ 2995 ], "message": "Remove superfluous logging (#2995)." }, "edb7c5da91ce271688561364d867998b0f0675e3": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/3sGgpQ8H", "login": "3sGgpQ8H" } ], "issues": [ 708 ], "message": "Safer transaction serialization, matching signature.v with chainId (#708)." }, "ee82e86ccc439825259d20825a00050217890ad3": { "authors": [ { "email": "mohamed@paraswap.io", "link": "https://github.com/mwamedacen", "login": "mwamedacen" } ], "issues": [ 1658 ], "message": "Fixed replacement transaction detection for JsonRpcSigner (#1658)." }, "eea53bb1be29ad2bd1b229a13c85b12be264b019": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/rstormsf", "login": "rstormsf" } ], "issues": [ 463 ], "message": "Added queryFilter to Contracts (#463)." }, "ef8e4330d3c4fd53af1c0a3cb9cd69aaf180c3c5": { "authors": [ { "email": "contact@yuetloo.com", "link": "https://github.com/yuetloo", "login": "yuetloo" } ], "issues": [ 1082 ], "message": "Merge: d8821d73 a0278615 Docs: Merge typos fixes (#1082)." }, "ef91dcd757349dfb31ad2fbd0b840abe6a4043be": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 557 ], "message": "Make mnemonics case-agnostic (#557)." }, "f0a5869c53475e55a5f47d8651f609fff45dc9a7": { "authors": [ { "email": "cruzdanilo@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/cruzdanilo", "login": "cruzdanilo" } ], "issues": [ 1058 ], "message": "Add more accurate intrinsic gas cost to ABI calls with specified gas property (#1058)." }, "f26074b92b0fc8efd3d85c68e84cc6ff8897e4a8": { "authors": [ { "email": "pmj@pmj.hu", "link": "https://github.com/pmjohann", "login": "pmjohann" } ], "issues": [ 2246 ], "message": "Add support for EIP-2098 compact signatures (#2246)." }, "f2dd977de4fb6216d6a990d13999644a9be5815d": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jasonbukowski", "login": "jasonbukowski" } ], "issues": [ 286 ], "message": "Added v3 INFURA end-points to InfuraProvider (#286)." }, "f318fd9cf1303fe2770f400cbce14c778f77e454": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/marekkirejczyk", "login": "marekkirejczyk" } ], "issues": [ 402 ], "message": "Added fastRetry to polling for JsonRpcSigner to improve polling for sent transactions (#402)." }, "f3c6d819f34b6d93f53d98b9f337ade5aa37a594": { "authors": [ { "email": "jay.mccarthy@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/jeapostrophe", "login": "jeapostrophe" } ], "issues": [ 1130 ], "message": "Added more information to some invalid argument errors (#1130)." }, "f3e5b0ded1b227a377fd4799507653c95c76e353": { "authors": [ { "email": "johngrantuk@googlemail.com", "link": "https://github.com/johngrantuk", "login": "johngrantuk" } ], "issues": [ 1012 ], "message": "ABI encoding performance additions (#1012)." }, "f3ec27b95fcb56d521952c708fdc0229f6d6f7f3": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/jeansoonsik", "login": "jeansoonsik" } ], "issues": [ 379 ], "message": "Added customizable log levels to quiet warnings (#379)." }, "f46aa75ef1f3428e640cd046db3f080d264b32f3": { "_missingIssues": [ 2652 ], "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/atropos0902", "login": "atropos0902" }, { "link": "https://github.com/shanefontaine", "login": "shanefontaine" }, { "email": "raggamuffin.music@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/kshinn", "login": "kshinn" }, { "link": "https://github.com/claasahl", "login": "claasahl" } ], "issues": [ 1798, 1814, 1830, 2274, 2652 ], "message": "Fix events getting blocked from fix for missed events (#1798, #1814, #1830, #2274, #2652)." }, "f4b97c00ed295f6a39d66e971904659b202972db": { "authors": [ { "email": "victorio.franco@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/fvictorio", "login": "fvictorio" } ], "issues": [ 1153 ], "message": "docs: added more on contributing (#1153)." }, "f4bcf24a257a17ec9beb98f3d0b3682de543534c": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" }, { "link": "https://github.com/NoahZinsmeister", "login": "NoahZinsmeister" } ], "issues": [ 635, 588 ], "message": "Much more resiliant FallbackProvider which can ignore properties that are only approximate and supports per-provider priorities (#635, #588)." }, "f54f06b5c8092997fd3c9055d69a3e0796ce44f3": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 691 ], "message": "Added Czech BIP-39 wordlist (#691)." }, "f56fc572f159e6375db27caa1b3d464dd67803c7": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/thundo", "login": "thundo" } ], "issues": [ 362 ], "message": "Squashed unhandled promise exception for Providers that are never used (#362)." }, "f5c7ccbb80e157ad27a51f310686d4ca3e1db7c8": { "authors": [ { "email": "subramanian.bsv@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/subramanianv", "login": "subramanianv" } ], "issues": [ 229 ], "message": "Added ability to wait for a specific number of confirmations (#229)." }, "f635af2684a619b5c5d0269c0968b6a566547ff6": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/cpixy3810", "login": "cpixy3810" } ], "issues": [ 2591 ], "message": "docs: added getAvatar (#2591)." }, "f67a9a8569cdfd0ef9ce5fbf09866aab6e4814d4": { "_missingIssues": [ 2652 ], "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/atropos0902", "login": "atropos0902" }, { "link": "https://github.com/shanefontaine", "login": "shanefontaine" }, { "email": "raggamuffin.music@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/kshinn", "login": "kshinn" }, { "link": "https://github.com/claasahl", "login": "claasahl" } ], "issues": [ 1798, 1814, 1830, 2274, 2652 ], "message": "Fix missing events on certain network conditions (#1798, #1814, #1830, #2274, #2652)." }, "f733fac875caf8be2923a2ee3ad60238b693639f": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 824 ], "message": "Custom API key for Etherscan during tests (#824)." }, "f8087ae39ce7631425b6b4763347a4f9618f9730": { "authors": [ { "email": "julien.genestoux@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/julien51", "login": "julien51" } ], "issues": [ 697 ], "message": "Added utility function to compute CREATE2 addresses (#697)." }, "f8adf82e16aaad1a7c1750e7f2e3a9f8073b73e1": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 1977 ], "message": "Fixed randomBytes not rejecting NaN as a length (#1977)." }, "f955dca417a6f86690cf33a81b08baa99e1b1a5c": { "authors": [ { "email": "github@ricmoo.com", "link": "https://github.com/ricmoo", "login": "ricmoo" } ], "issues": [ 42 ], "message": "Fixed some case-folding and added Table A.1 for IDNA (#42)." }, "f96358940043123aa7a8fe97a1af7af293ce9740": { "authors": [ { "email": "jordan.michael.last@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/lastmjs", "login": "lastmjs" } ], "issues": [ 841 ], "message": "Fixed FallbackProvider sync-stalling for backends (#841)." }, "f9d09645e7697c3833b5e854bc5c001d1124508d": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/wjmelements", "login": "wjmelements" } ], "issues": [ 1343 ], "message": "docs: Added info on signMessage (#1343)." }, "f9dd0996caeb0d51bbfccedc3d7ea4e40509d950": { "authors": [ { "email": "easrng@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/easrng", "login": "easrng" } ], "issues": [ 1387 ], "message": "docs: fixed typo (#1387)." }, "fa4db2ceccb76a60ebdbad31c81c93464d98ef09": { "authors": [ { "email": "zenkjenna@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/jennazenk", "login": "jennazenk" } ], "issues": [ 80 ], "message": "Add binary message support for wallet.signMessage (#80)." }, "fa87417e9416d99a37d9a2668a1e54feb7e342fc": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/kamescg", "login": "kamescg" } ], "issues": [ 816 ], "message": "Moved ABI check for unique names to coding time and only if ambiguous (#816)." }, "fab14f8f5a16091810bbe4d35f38e0b976adab7c": { "authors": [ { "email": "brian@brianmcmichael.com", "link": "https://github.com/brianmcmichael", "login": "brianmcmichael" } ], "issues": [ 778 ], "message": "Fixed typo in error message (#778)." }, "fb6d14172384f73b8e127e4c5c9748aba7353139": { "authors": [ { "email": "lyova.potyomkin@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ly0va", "login": "ly0va" } ], "issues": [ 1838 ], "message": "docs: fixed typos in comments; h/t @ly0va (#1838)." }, "fb9eea6c7e33c09a291b9ab9d975debe85a6af4c": { "authors": [ { "email": "victorio.franco@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/fvictorio", "login": "fvictorio" }, { "link": "https://github.com/vilsbole", "login": "vilsbole" } ], "issues": [ 1252, 1255 ], "message": "docs: typos and corrected priority order (#1252, #1255)." }, "fbbe4ad638e06089cdd976a7f4ffd51b85a31558": { "authors": [ { "link": "https://github.com/matYang", "login": "matYang" } ], "issues": [ 1164 ], "message": "Fixed typo in BigNumber error (#1164)." }, "fbf15c0ffe046290749fe307e9d4e8624b81664a": { "authors": [ { "email": "chalkerx@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/ChALkeR", "login": "ChALkeR" } ], "issues": [ 553 ], "message": "Fixed testnet exteneded private keys (#553)." }, "fde102b7eda304403dcc677cd6d3b48339cd3a81": { "authors": [ { "email": "wighawag@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/wighawag", "login": "wighawag" } ], "issues": [ 822 ], "message": "Fixed FallbackProvider ESM super-this out-of-order issue (#822)." }, "fe17a295816214d063f3d6bd4f3273e0ce0c3eac": { "authors": [ { "email": "kaiansaari@gmail.com", "link": "https://github.com/kaiansaari", "login": "kaiansaari" } ], "issues": [ 1104 ], "message": "Allow 0x as a numeric value for 0 in Provider formatter (#1104)." } }