_section: ContractFactory @ @SRC To deploy a [[Contract]], additional information is needed that is not available on a Contract object itself. Mainly, the bytecode (more specifically the initcode) of a contract is required. The **Contract Factory** sends a special type of transaction, an initcode transaction (i.e. the ``to`` field is null, and the ``data`` field is the initcode) where the initcode will be evaluated and the result becomes the new code to be deployed as a new contract. _subsection: Creating Instances @ _property: new ethers.ContractFactory(interface, bytecode [ , signer ]) @SRC Creates a new instance of a **ContractFactory** for the contract described by the //interface// and //bytecode// initcode. _property: ContractFactory.fromSolidity(compilerOutput [ , signer ]) => [[ContractFactory]] Consumes the output of the Solidity compiler, extracting the ABI and bytecode from it, allowing for the various formats the solc compiler has emitted over its life. _property: contractFactory.connect(signer) => [[Contract]] @ Returns a **new instance** of the ContractFactory with the same //interface// and //bytecode//, but with a different //signer//. _subsection: Properties @ _property: contractFactory.interface => [[Interface]] The [[Contract]] interface. _property: contractFactory.bytecode => string<[[DataHexString]]> The bytecode (i.e. initcode) that this **ContractFactory** will use to deploy the Contract. _property: contractFactory.signer => [[Signer]] The [[Signer]] (if any) this ContractFactory will use to deploy instances of the Contract to the Blockchain. _subsection: Methods @ _property: contractFactory.attach(address) => [[Contract]] @ Return an instance of a [[Contract]] attached to //address//. This is the same as using the [Contract constructor](Contract--creating) with //address// and this the //interface// and //signerOrProvider// passed in when creating the ContractFactory. _property: contractFactory.getDeployTransaction(...args [ , overrides ]) => [[UnsignedTransaction]] Returns the unsigned transaction which would deploy this Contract with //args// passed to the Contract's constructor. If the optional //overrides// is specified, they can be used to override the endowment ``value``, transaction ``nonce``, ``gasLimit`` or ``gasPrice``. _property: contractFactory.deploy(...args [ , overrides ]) => Promise<[[Contract]]> @ Uses the signer to deploy the Contract with //args// passed into the constructor and returns a Contract which is attached to the address where this contract **will** be deployed once the transaction is mined. The transaction can be found at ``contract.deployTransaction``, and no interactions should be made until the transaction is mined. If the optional //overrides// is specified, they can be used to override the endowment ``value``, transaction ``nonce``, ``gasLimit`` or ``gasPrice``. _code: Deploying a Contract @lang // const signer = localSigner; const ContractFactory = ethers.ContractFactory; const bytecode = "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"; // // If your contract constructor requires parameters, the ABI // must include the constructor const abi = [ "constructor(address owner, uint256 initialValue)", "function value() view returns (uint)" ]; // The factory we use for deploying contracts factory = new ContractFactory(abi, bytecode, signer) // Deploy an instance of the contract contract = await factory.deploy("ricmoo.eth", 42); // //! async contract // // The address is available immediately, but the contract // is NOT deployed yet contract.address //! // The transaction that the signer sent to deploy contract.deployTransaction //! // Wait until the transaction is mined (i.e. contract is deployed) // - returns the receipt // - throws on failure (the reciept is on the error) contract.deployTransaction.wait() //! // Now the contract is safe to interact with contract.value() //!