// const { ethers } = require("./packages/ethers"); const { arrayify, hexlify, hexValue } = ethers.utils; function _inspect(result) { if (result && typeof(result.length) === "number" && typeof(result) !== "string") { return "[ " + Array.prototype.map.call(result, (i) => _inspect(i)).join(", ") + " ]"; } return result; } // // Convert a hexstring to a Uint8Array arrayify("0x1234") //! // Convert an Array to a hexstring hexlify([1, 2, 3, 4]) //! // Convert an Object to a hexstring hexlify({ length: 2, "0": 1, "1": 2 }) //! // Convert an Array to a hexstring hexlify([ 1 ]) //! // Convert a number to a stripped hex value hexValue(1) //! // Convert an Array to a stripped hex value hexValue([ 1, 2 ]) //!