_section: Encoding Utilities @ _subsection: Base58 @ @SRC _property: ethers.utils.base58.decode(textData) => Uin8Array Return a typed Uint8Array representation of //textData// decoded using base-58 encoding. _property: ethers.utils.base58.encode(aBytesLike) => string Return //aBytesLike// encoded as a string using the base-58 encoding. _subsection: Base64 @ _property: ethers.utils.base64.decode(textData) => Uin8Array @SRC Return a typed Uint8Array representation of //textData// decoded using base-64 encoding. _property: ethers.utils.base64.encode(aBytesLike) => string @SRC Return //aBytesLike// encoded as a string using the base-64 encoding. _subsection: Recursive-Length Prefix @ The [[link-rlp]] encoding is used throughout Ethereum to serialize nested structures of Arrays and data. _property: ethers.utils.RLP.encode(dataObject) => string<[[datahexstring]]> @ @SRC Encode a structured Data Object into its RLP-encoded representation. Each Data component may be an valid [[byteslike]]. _property: ethers.utils.RLP.decode(aBytesLike) => [DataObject](rlp-dataobject) @ @SRC Decode an RLP-encoded //aBytesLike// into its structured Data Object. All Data components will be returned as a [[datahexstring]]. _heading: Data Object @ A **Data Object** is a recursive structure which is used to serialize many internal structures in Ethereum. Each **Data Object** can either be: - Binary Data - An Array of **Data Objects** (i.e. this recursively includes Nesting) _definition: **Examples** - ``"0x1234"`` - ``[ "0x1234", [ "0xdead", "0xbeef" ], [ ] ]``