'use strict'; import assert from "assert"; import { ethers } from "ethers"; import { loadTests } from "@ethersproject/testcases"; const bnify = ethers.BigNumber.from; function equals(actual, expected) { // Array (treat recursively) if (Array.isArray(actual)) { if (!Array.isArray(expected) || actual.length !== expected.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { if (!equals(actual[i], expected[i])) { return false; } } return true; } if (typeof (actual) === 'number') { actual = bnify(actual); } if (typeof (expected) === 'number') { expected = bnify(expected); } // BigNumber if (actual.eq) { if (typeof (expected) === 'string' && expected.match(/^-?0x[0-9A-Fa-f]*$/)) { let neg = (expected.substring(0, 1) === '-'); if (neg) { expected = expected.substring(1); } expected = bnify(expected); if (neg) { expected = expected.mul(-1); } } if (!actual.eq(expected)) { return false; } return true; } // Uint8Array if (expected.buffer) { if (!ethers.utils.isHexString(actual)) { return false; } actual = ethers.utils.arrayify(actual); if (!actual.buffer || actual.length !== expected.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) { return false; } } return true; } // Maybe address? try { let actualAddress = ethers.utils.getAddress(actual); let expectedAddress = ethers.utils.getAddress(expected); return (actualAddress === expectedAddress); } catch (error) { } // Something else return (actual === expected); } function getValues(object, named) { if (Array.isArray(object)) { let result = []; object.forEach(function (object) { result.push(getValues(object, named)); }); return result; } switch (object.type) { case 'number': return bnify(object.value); case 'boolean': case 'string': return object.value; case 'buffer': return ethers.utils.arrayify(object.value); case 'tuple': let result = getValues(object.value, named); if (named) { let namedResult = {}; result.forEach((value, index) => { namedResult['r' + String(index)] = value; }); return namedResult; } return result; default: throw new Error('invalid type - ' + object.type); } } describe('ABI Coder Encoding', function () { let coder = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder; let tests = loadTests('contract-interface'); tests.forEach((test) => { let values = getValues(JSON.parse(test.normalizedValues)); let types = JSON.parse(test.types); let result = test.result; let title = test.name + ' => (' + test.types + ') = (' + test.normalizedValues + ')'; it(('encodes parameters - ' + test.name + ' - ' + test.types), function () { this.timeout(120000); let encoded = coder.encode(types, values); assert.equal(encoded, result, 'encoded data - ' + title); }); }); }); describe('ABI Coder Decoding', function () { let coder = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder; let tests = loadTests('contract-interface'); tests.forEach((test) => { let values = getValues(JSON.parse(test.normalizedValues)); let types = JSON.parse(test.types); let result = test.result; let title = test.name + ' => (' + test.types + ') = (' + test.normalizedValues + ')'; it(('decodes parameters - ' + test.name + ' - ' + test.types), function () { this.timeout(120000); let decoded = coder.decode(types, result); assert.ok(equals(decoded, values), 'decoded parameters - ' + title); }); }); }); describe('ABI Coder ABIv2 Encoding', function () { let coder = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder; let tests = loadTests('contract-interface-abi2'); tests.forEach((test) => { let values = getValues(JSON.parse(test.values)); //let namedValues = getValues(JSON.parse(test.values), true); let types = JSON.parse(test.types); let expected = test.result; let title = test.name + ' => (' + test.types + ') = (' + test.values + ')'; it(('encodes ABIv2 parameters - ' + test.name + ' - ' + test.types), function () { this.timeout(120000); let encoded = coder.encode(types, values); assert.equal(encoded, expected, 'encoded positional parameters - ' + title); let namedEncoded = coder.encode(types, values); assert.equal(namedEncoded, expected, 'encoded named parameters - ' + title); }); }); }); describe('ABI Coder ABIv2 Decoding', function () { let coder = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder; let tests = loadTests('contract-interface-abi2'); tests.forEach((test) => { let values = getValues(JSON.parse(test.values)); let types = JSON.parse(test.types); let result = test.result; let title = test.name + ' => (' + test.types + ') = (' + test.values + ')'; it(('decodes ABIv2 parameters - ' + test.name + ' - ' + test.types), function () { this.timeout(120000); let decoded = coder.decode(types, result); assert.ok(equals(decoded, values), 'decoded positional parameters - ' + title); }); }); }); describe('Test Contract Events', function () { let tests = loadTests('contract-events'); tests.forEach((test, index) => { it(('decodes event parameters - ' + test.name + ' - ' + test.types), function () { this.timeout(120000); let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(test.interface); let parsed = iface.decodeEventLog(iface.getEvent("testEvent"), test.data, test.topics); test.normalizedValues.forEach((expected, index) => { if (test.hashed[index]) { assert.ok(equals(parsed[index].hash, expected), 'parsed event indexed parameter matches - ' + index); } else { assert.ok(equals(parsed[index], expected), 'parsed event parameter matches - ' + index); } }); }); }); tests.forEach((test, index) => { it(('decodes event data - ' + test.name + ' - ' + test.types), function () { this.timeout(120000); let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(test.interface); let parsed = iface.decodeEventLog(iface.getEvent("testEvent"), test.data); test.normalizedValues.forEach((expected, index) => { if (test.indexed[index]) { assert.ok((ethers.Contract.isIndexed(parsed[index]) && parsed[index].hash == null), 'parsed event data has empty Indexed - ' + index); } else { assert.ok(equals(parsed[index], expected), 'parsed event data matches - ' + index); } }); }); }); }); describe('Test Interface Signatures', function () { let tests = loadTests('contract-signatures'); tests.forEach((test) => { it('derives the correct signature - ' + test.name, function () { let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(test.abi); this.timeout(120000); assert.equal(iface.getFunction("testSig").format(), test.signature, 'derived the correct signature'); assert.equal(iface.getSighash(iface.getFunction("testSig")), test.sigHash, 'derived the correct signature hash'); }); }); it('derives correct description for human-readable ABI', function () { let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(["function transfer(address from, uint amount)"]); [ "transfer", "transfer(address,uint256)" ].forEach(function (key) { let descr = iface.getFunction(key); assert.equal(descr.name, "transfer", "incorrect name key - " + key); assert.equal(descr.format(), "transfer(address,uint256)", "incorrect signature key - " + key); assert.equal(iface.getSighash(descr), "0xa9059cbb", "incorrect sighash key - " + key); }); }); // See: https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/issues/370 it('parses transaction function', function () { let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(["function transfer(address from, uint amount)"]); // Transaction: 0x820cc57bc77be44d8f4f024a18e18f64a8b6e62a82a3d7897db5970dbe181ba1 let rawTx = "0xf8aa028502540be4008316e36094334eec1482109bd802d9e72a447848de3bcc106380b844a9059cbb000000000000000000000000851b9167b7cbf772d38efaf89705b35022880a070000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a764000026a03200bf26e5f10f7eda59c0aad9adc2334dda79e785b9b004342524d97a66fca9a0450b07a4dc450bb472e08f8370350fa365fcef6db1a95309ae4c06c9d0748092"; let tx = ethers.utils.parseTransaction(rawTx); let descr = iface.parseTransaction(tx); assert.equal(descr.args[0], '0x851b9167B7cbf772D38eFaf89705b35022880A07', 'parsed tx - args[0]'); assert.equal(descr.args[1].toString(), '1000000000000000000', 'parsed tx - args[1]'); assert.equal(descr.name, 'transfer', 'parsed tx - name'); assert.equal(descr.signature, 'transfer(address,uint256)', 'parsed tx - signature'); assert.equal(descr.sighash, '0xa9059cbb', 'parsed tx - sighash'); assert.equal(descr.value.toString(), '0', 'parsed tx - value'); }); }); describe('Test Number Coder', function () { let coder = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder; it('null input failed', function () { this.timeout(120000); assert.throws(() => { let result = coder.decode(['bool'], '0x'); console.log(result); }, (error) => { assert.equal(error.reason, 'data out-of-bounds', 'got invalid bool'); return true; }, 'null bytes throws an error'); }); let overflowAboveHex = '0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; let overflowBelowHex = '-0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; let maxHex = '0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'; let maxLessOneHex = '0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe'; let maxSignedHex = '0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'; let maxSignedLessOneHex = '0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe'; let minSignedHex = '-0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; let minSignedHex2s = '0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; let minMoreOneSignedHex = '-0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'; let minMoreOneSignedHex2s = '0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'; let zeroHex = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; let oneHex = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'; it('encodes zero', function () { let ZeroValues = [ { n: 'number zero', v: 0 }, { n: 'hex zero', v: '0x0' }, { n: 'hex leading even length', v: '0x0000' }, { n: 'hex leading odd length', v: '0x00000' }, { n: 'BigNumber', v: ethers.constants.Zero } ]; let expected = zeroHex; ['uint8', 'uint256', 'int8', 'int256'].forEach(function (type) { ZeroValues.forEach(function (value) { let result = coder.encode([type], [value.v]); assert.equal(result, expected, value.n + ' ' + type); }); }); }); it('encodes one', function () { let ZeroValues = [ { n: 'number', v: 1 }, { n: 'hex', v: '0x1' }, { n: 'hex leading even length', v: '0x0001' }, { n: 'hex leading odd length', v: '0x00001' }, { n: 'BigNumber', v: ethers.constants.One } ]; let expected = oneHex; ['uint8', 'uint256', 'int8', 'int256'].forEach(function (type) { ZeroValues.forEach(function (value) { let result = coder.encode([type], [value.v]); assert.equal(result, expected, value.n + ' ' + type); }); }); }); it('encodes negative one', function () { let Values = [ { n: 'number', v: -1 }, { n: 'hex', v: '-0x1' }, { n: 'hex leading even length', v: '-0x0001' }, { n: 'hex leading odd length', v: '-0x00001' }, { n: 'BigNumber', v: ethers.constants.NegativeOne } ]; let expected = maxHex; ['int8', 'int256'].forEach(function (type) { Values.forEach(function (value) { let result = coder.encode([type], [value.v]); assert.equal(result, expected, value.n + ' ' + type); }); }); }); it('encodes full uint8 range', function () { for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) { let expected = '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; expected += ethers.utils.hexlify(i).substring(2); let result = coder.encode(['uint8'], [i]); assert.equal(result, expected, 'int8 ' + i); } }); it('encodes full int8 range', function () { for (let i = -128; i < 128; i++) { let expected = null; if (i === -128) { expected = '0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff80'; } else if (i < 0) { expected = '0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'; expected += ethers.utils.hexlify(256 + i).substring(2); } else { expected = '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; expected += ethers.utils.hexlify(i).substring(2); } let result = coder.encode(['int8'], [i]); assert.equal(result, expected, 'int8 ' + i); } }); it('encodes uint256 end range', function () { assert.equal(coder.encode(['uint256'], [bnify(maxHex)]), maxHex, 'uint256 max'); assert.equal(coder.encode(['uint256'], [bnify(maxLessOneHex)]), maxLessOneHex, 'uint256 max'); }); it('encodes int256 end ranges', function () { assert.equal(coder.encode(['int256'], [bnify(maxSignedHex)]), maxSignedHex, 'int256 max'); assert.equal(coder.encode(['int256'], [bnify(maxSignedLessOneHex)]), maxSignedLessOneHex, 'int256 max'); assert.equal(coder.encode(['int256'], [bnify(minSignedHex)]), minSignedHex2s, 'int256 max'); assert.equal(coder.encode(['int256'], [bnify(minMoreOneSignedHex)]), minMoreOneSignedHex2s, 'int256 max'); }); it('fails to encode out-of-range uint8', function () { [-128, -127, -2, -1, 256, 1000, bnify(maxHex), bnify(maxSignedHex).add(1), bnify(minSignedHex), bnify(overflowAboveHex), bnify(overflowBelowHex)].forEach(function (value) { assert.throws(() => { let result = coder.encode(['uint8'], [value]); console.log('RESULT', value, result); }, (error) => { assert.equal(error.reason, 'value out-of-bounds', 'wrong error'); return true; }, 'out-of-range numbers throw an error'); }); }); it('fails to encode out-of-range int8', function () { [-129, -130, -1000, 128, 129, 1000, bnify(maxHex), bnify(maxSignedHex).add(1), bnify(minSignedHex).sub(1), bnify(overflowAboveHex), bnify(overflowBelowHex)].forEach(function (value) { assert.throws(() => { let result = coder.encode(['int8'], [value]); console.log('RESULT', value, result); }, (error) => { assert.equal(error.reason, 'value out-of-bounds', 'wrong error'); return true; }, 'out-of-range numbers throw an error'); }); }); it('fails to encode out-of-range uint256', function () { [-128, -127, -2, -1, bnify(maxHex).add(1), bnify('-' + maxHex), bnify(overflowAboveHex), bnify(overflowBelowHex)].forEach(function (value) { assert.throws(() => { let result = coder.encode(['uint256'], [value]); console.log('RESULT', value, result); }, (error) => { assert.equal(error.reason, 'value out-of-bounds', 'wrong error'); return true; }, 'out-of-range numbers throw an error'); }); }); it('fails to encode out-of-range int256', function () { [bnify(maxHex), bnify(maxSignedHex).add(1), bnify(minSignedHex).sub(1), bnify(overflowAboveHex), bnify(overflowBelowHex)].forEach(function (value, index) { assert.throws(() => { let result = coder.encode(['int256'], [value]); console.log('RESULT', index, value, result); }, (error) => { assert.equal(error.reason, 'value out-of-bounds', 'wrong error'); return true; }, 'out-of-range numbers throw an error'); }); }); }); describe('Test Fixed Bytes Coder', function () { let coder = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder; let zeroHex = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; it('fails to encode out-of-range bytes4', function () { ['0x', '0x00000', '0x000', zeroHex, '0x12345', '0x123456', '0x123', '0x12'].forEach(function (value, index) { assert.throws(() => { let result = coder.encode(['bytes4'], [value]); console.log('RESULT', index, value, result); }, (error) => { if (value.length % 2) { assert.equal(error.reason, 'hex data is odd-length', 'wrong error'); } else { assert.equal(error.reason, 'incorrect data length', 'wrong error'); } return true; }, 'out-of-range fixed bytes throw an error'); }); }); it('fails to encode out-of-range bytes32', function () { ['0x', '0x00000', '0x000', '0x12345', '0x123456', (zeroHex + '0'), (zeroHex + '00')].forEach(function (value, index) { assert.throws(() => { let result = coder.encode(['bytes32'], [value]); console.log('RESULT', index, value, result); }, (error) => { if (value.length % 2) { assert.equal(error.reason, 'hex data is odd-length', 'wrong error'); } else { assert.equal(error.reason, 'incorrect data length', 'wrong error'); } return true; }, 'out-of-range fixed bytes throw an error'); }); }); }); describe('Test Filters', function () { // @TODO: Add a LOT more tests here function doTest(test) { it(test.name, function () { let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface([test.signature]); let eventDescription = iface.getEvent(test.event); let filter = iface.encodeFilterTopics(eventDescription, test.args); assert.equal(filter.length, test.expected.length, 'filter length matches - ' + test.name); filter.forEach((expected, index) => { assert.equal(expected, test.expected[index], 'signature topic matches - ' + index + ' - ' + test.name); }); }); } let Tests = [ // Skips null in non-indexed fields // See: https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/issues/305 { name: "creates correct filters for null non-indexed fields", args: [null, 2, null, null], event: "LogSomething", signature: "event LogSomething(int hup, int indexed two, bool three, address indexed four)", expected: [ "0xf6b983969813047dce97b9ff8a48cfb0a13306eb2caae2ef186b280bc27491c8", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002" ] }, // https://etherscan.io/tx/0x820cc57bc77be44d8f4f024a18e18f64a8b6e62a82a3d7897db5970dbe181ba1 { name: "transfer filtering from", args: [ "0x59DEa134510ebce4a0c7146595dc8A61Eb9D0D79" ], event: "Transfer", signature: "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value)", expected: [ "0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef", "0x00000000000000000000000059dea134510ebce4a0c7146595dc8a61eb9d0d79" ] }, { name: "transfer filtering to", args: [ null, "0x851b9167B7cbf772D38eFaf89705b35022880A07" ], event: "Transfer", signature: "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value)", expected: [ "0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef", null, "0x000000000000000000000000851b9167b7cbf772d38efaf89705b35022880a07" ] } ]; Tests.forEach(function (test) { doTest(test); }); }); describe("Test ParamType Parser", function () { const Tests = [ { type: "address", format: "address" }, { type: "address foo", format: "address foo" }, { type: "address payable", format: "address" }, { type: "address payable foo", format: "address foo" }, { type: "uint", format: "uint256" }, { type: "uint16", format: "uint16" }, { type: "uint256", format: "uint256" }, { type: "int", format: "int256" }, { type: "int16", format: "int16" }, { type: "int256", format: "int256" }, { type: "string", format: "string" }, { type: "string memory", format: "string" }, { type: "string calldata", format: "string" }, { type: "string storage", format: "string" }, { type: "string memory foo", format: "string foo" }, { type: "string foo", format: "string foo" }, { type: "string[]", format: "string[]" }, { type: "string[5]", format: "string[5]" }, { type: "uint[] memory", format: "uint256[]" }, { type: "tuple(address a, string[] b) memory foo", format: "tuple(address a, string[] b) foo" }, ]; Tests.forEach((test) => { it(`allows correct modifiers ${JSON.stringify(test.type)}`, function () { const paramType = ethers.utils.ParamType.from(test.type); //console.log(test, paramType.format("full")); assert.equal(paramType.format("full"), test.format); }); }); });