'use strict'; var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k]; result["default"] = mod; return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); // See: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki // See: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki var secp256k1_1 = require("./secp256k1"); var words_1 = require("./words"); var convert_1 = require("../utils/convert"); var bignumber_1 = require("../utils/bignumber"); var utf8_1 = require("../utils/utf8"); var pbkdf2_1 = require("../utils/pbkdf2"); var hmac_1 = require("../utils/hmac"); var sha2_1 = require("../utils/sha2"); var errors = __importStar(require("../utils/errors")); // "Bitcoin seed" var MasterSecret = utf8_1.toUtf8Bytes('Bitcoin seed'); var HardenedBit = 0x80000000; // Returns a byte with the MSB bits set function getUpperMask(bits) { return ((1 << bits) - 1) << (8 - bits); } // Returns a byte with the LSB bits set function getLowerMask(bits) { return (1 << bits) - 1; } var HDNode = /** @class */ (function () { // @TODO: Private constructor? function HDNode(keyPair, chainCode, index, depth, mnemonic, path) { errors.checkNew(this, HDNode); this.keyPair = keyPair; this.privateKey = keyPair.privateKey; this.publicKey = keyPair.compressedPublicKey; this.chainCode = convert_1.hexlify(chainCode); this.index = index; this.depth = depth; this.mnemonic = mnemonic; this.path = path; } HDNode.prototype._derive = function (index) { // Public parent key -> public child key if (!this.privateKey) { if (index >= HardenedBit) { throw new Error('cannot derive child of neutered node'); } throw new Error('not implemented'); } var data = new Uint8Array(37); // Base path var mnemonic = this.mnemonic; var path = this.path; if (path) { path += '/' + index; } if (index & HardenedBit) { // Data = 0x00 || ser_256(k_par) data.set(convert_1.arrayify(this.privateKey), 1); // Hardened path if (path) { path += "'"; } } else { // Data = ser_p(point(k_par)) data.set(this.keyPair.publicKeyBytes); } // Data += ser_32(i) for (var i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8) { data[33 + (i >> 3)] = ((index >> (24 - i)) & 0xff); } var I = convert_1.arrayify(hmac_1.createSha512Hmac(this.chainCode).update(data).digest()); var IL = bignumber_1.bigNumberify(I.slice(0, 32)); var IR = I.slice(32); var ki = IL.add(this.keyPair.privateKey).mod(secp256k1_1.N); return new HDNode(new secp256k1_1.KeyPair(convert_1.arrayify(ki)), IR, index, this.depth + 1, mnemonic, path); }; HDNode.prototype.derivePath = function (path) { var components = path.split('/'); if (components.length === 0 || (components[0] === 'm' && this.depth !== 0)) { throw new Error('invalid path'); } if (components[0] === 'm') { components.shift(); } var result = this; for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (component.match(/^[0-9]+'$/)) { var index = parseInt(component.substring(0, component.length - 1)); if (index >= HardenedBit) { throw new Error('invalid path index - ' + component); } result = result._derive(HardenedBit + index); } else if (component.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { var index = parseInt(component); if (index >= HardenedBit) { throw new Error('invalid path index - ' + component); } result = result._derive(index); } else { throw new Error('invlaid path component - ' + component); } } return result; }; return HDNode; }()); exports.HDNode = HDNode; function _fromSeed(seed, mnemonic) { var seedArray = convert_1.arrayify(seed); if (seedArray.length < 16 || seedArray.length > 64) { throw new Error('invalid seed'); } var I = convert_1.arrayify(hmac_1.createSha512Hmac(MasterSecret).update(seedArray).digest()); return new HDNode(new secp256k1_1.KeyPair(I.slice(0, 32)), I.slice(32), 0, 0, mnemonic, 'm'); } function fromMnemonic(mnemonic) { // Check that the checksum s valid (will throw an error) mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic); return _fromSeed(mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic), mnemonic); } exports.fromMnemonic = fromMnemonic; function fromSeed(seed) { return _fromSeed(seed, null); } exports.fromSeed = fromSeed; function mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic, password) { if (!password) { password = ''; } else if (password.normalize) { password = password.normalize('NFKD'); } else { for (var i = 0; i < password.length; i++) { var c = password.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 32 || c > 127) { throw new Error('passwords with non-ASCII characters not supported in this environment'); } } } var salt = utf8_1.toUtf8Bytes('mnemonic' + password, utf8_1.UnicodeNormalizationForm.NFKD); return convert_1.hexlify(pbkdf2_1.pbkdf2(utf8_1.toUtf8Bytes(mnemonic, utf8_1.UnicodeNormalizationForm.NFKD), salt, 2048, 64, hmac_1.createSha512Hmac)); } exports.mnemonicToSeed = mnemonicToSeed; function mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic) { var words = mnemonic.toLowerCase().split(' '); if ((words.length % 3) !== 0) { throw new Error('invalid mnemonic'); } var entropy = convert_1.arrayify(new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(11 * words.length / 8))); var offset = 0; for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { var index = words_1.getWordIndex(words[i]); if (index === -1) { throw new Error('invalid mnemonic'); } for (var bit = 0; bit < 11; bit++) { if (index & (1 << (10 - bit))) { entropy[offset >> 3] |= (1 << (7 - (offset % 8))); } offset++; } } var entropyBits = 32 * words.length / 3; var checksumBits = words.length / 3; var checksumMask = getUpperMask(checksumBits); var checksum = convert_1.arrayify(sha2_1.sha256(entropy.slice(0, entropyBits / 8)))[0]; checksum &= checksumMask; if (checksum !== (entropy[entropy.length - 1] & checksumMask)) { throw new Error('invalid checksum'); } return convert_1.hexlify(entropy.slice(0, entropyBits / 8)); } exports.mnemonicToEntropy = mnemonicToEntropy; function entropyToMnemonic(entropy) { entropy = convert_1.arrayify(entropy); if ((entropy.length % 4) !== 0 || entropy.length < 16 || entropy.length > 32) { throw new Error('invalid entropy'); } var indices = [0]; var remainingBits = 11; for (var i = 0; i < entropy.length; i++) { // Consume the whole byte (with still more to go) if (remainingBits > 8) { indices[indices.length - 1] <<= 8; indices[indices.length - 1] |= entropy[i]; remainingBits -= 8; // This byte will complete an 11-bit index } else { indices[indices.length - 1] <<= remainingBits; indices[indices.length - 1] |= entropy[i] >> (8 - remainingBits); // Start the next word indices.push(entropy[i] & getLowerMask(8 - remainingBits)); remainingBits += 3; } } // Compute the checksum bits var checksum = convert_1.arrayify(sha2_1.sha256(entropy))[0]; var checksumBits = entropy.length / 4; checksum &= getUpperMask(checksumBits); // Shift the checksum into the word indices indices[indices.length - 1] <<= checksumBits; indices[indices.length - 1] |= (checksum >> (8 - checksumBits)); return indices.map(function (index) { return words_1.getWord(index); }).join(' '); } exports.entropyToMnemonic = entropyToMnemonic; function isValidMnemonic(mnemonic) { try { mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic); return true; } catch (error) { } return false; } exports.isValidMnemonic = isValidMnemonic;