
233 lines
7.4 KiB

var aes = require('aes-js');
var elliptic = require('elliptic');
//var elliptic = require('./elliptic/lib/elliptic.js');
var pbkdf2 = require('pbkdf2');
var rlp = require('rlp');
var scrypt = require('scrypt-js');
var uuid = require('uuid');
var Contract = require('./lib/contract.js');
var utils = require('./lib/utils.js');
var BN = utils.BN;
var secp256k1 = new ('secp256k1');
// @TODO: Make our own implementation of rlp; the existing one is MLP-2.0, we want MIT. :)
function rlpEncodeLength(length) {
function rlpArray(items) {
var output = new Buffer(0);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
function defineProperty(object, name, value) {
Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
enumerable: true,
value: value
var exportUtils = {};
// These may go away in the future...
defineProperty(exportUtils, '_aes', aes);
defineProperty(exportUtils, '_scrypt', scrypt);
defineProperty(exportUtils, 'BN', BN);
defineProperty(exportUtils, 'Buffer', Buffer);
defineProperty(exportUtils, 'sha3', utils.sha3);
defineProperty(exportUtils, 'sha256', utils.sha256);
function getChecksumAddress(address) {
if (typeof(address) !== 'string' || !address.match(/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{40}$/)) {
throw new Error('invalid address');
address = address.substring(2).toLowerCase();
var hashed = utils.sha3(address);
address = address.split('');
for (var i = 0; i < 40; i += 2) {
if ((hashed[i >> 1] >> 4) >= 8) {
address[i] = address[i].toUpperCase();
if ((hashed[i >> 1] & 0x0f) >= 8) {
address[i + 1] = address[i + 1].toUpperCase();
return '0x' + address.join('');
// See:
var ibanChecksum = (function() {
// Create lookup table
var ibanLookup = {};
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ibanLookup[String(i)] = String(i); }
for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) { ibanLookup[String.fromCharCode(65 + i)] = String(10 + i); }
// How many decimal digits can we process? (for 64-bit float, this is 15)
var safeDigits = Math.floor(Math.log10(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER));
return function(address) {
address = address.toUpperCase();
address = address.substring(4) + address.substring(0, 2) + '00';
var expanded = address.split('');
for (var i = 0; i < expanded.length; i++) {
expanded[i] = ibanLookup[expanded[i]];
expanded = expanded.join('');
// Javascript can handle integers safely up to 15 (decimal) digits
while (expanded.length >= safeDigits){
var block = expanded.substring(0, safeDigits);
expanded = parseInt(block, 10) % 97 + expanded.substring(block.length);
checksum = String(98 - (parseInt(expanded, 10) % 97));
while (checksum.length < 2) { checksum = '0' + checksum; }
return checksum;
defineProperty(exportUtils, 'getContractAddress', function(transaction) {
if (typeof(address) !== 'string' || !address.match(/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{40}$/)) {
throw new Error('invalid from');
return '0x' + utils.sha3(rlp.encode([
utils.hexOrBuffer(utils.hexlify(transaction.nonce, 'nonce'))
var transactionFields = [
{name: 'nonce', maxLength: 32, },
{name: 'gasPrice', maxLength: 32, },
{name: 'gasLimit', maxLength: 32, },
{name: 'to', length: 20, },
{name: 'value', maxLength: 32, },
{name: 'data'},
function Wallet(privateKey) {
if (!(this instanceof Wallet)) { throw new Error('missing new'); }
if (typeof(privateKey) === 'string' && privateKey.match(/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{64}$/)) {
privateKey = new Buffer(privateKey.substring(2), 'hex');
} else if (!Buffer.isBuffer(privateKey) || privateKey.length !== 32) {
throw new Error('invalid private key');
var keyPair = secp256k1.keyFromPrivate(privateKey);
var publicKey = (new Buffer(keyPair.getPublic(false, 'hex'), 'hex')).slice(1);
var address = Wallet.getAddress(utils.sha3(publicKey).slice(12).toString('hex'));
defineProperty(this, 'address', address);
defineProperty(this, 'sign', function(transaction) {
var raw = [];
transactionFields.forEach(function(fieldInfo) {
var value = transaction[] || (new Buffer(0));
value = utils.hexOrBuffer(utils.hexlify(value),;
// Fixed-width field
if (fieldInfo.length && value.length !== fieldInfo.length) {
var error = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'wrong length';
error.value = value;
throw error;
// Variable-width (with a maximum)
if (fieldInfo.maxLength) {
value = utils.stripZeros(value);
if (value.length > fieldInfo.maxLength) {
var error = new Error('invalid ' +;
error.reason = 'too long';
error.value = value;
throw error;
var digest = utils.sha3(rlp.encode(raw));
var signature = keyPair.sign(digest, {canonical: true});
var s = signature.s;
var v = signature.recoveryParam;
raw.push(new Buffer([27 + v]));
return ('0x' + rlp.encode(raw).toString('hex'));
defineProperty(Wallet, 'utils', exportUtils);
defineProperty(Wallet, 'getAddress', function(address) {
var result = null;
if (typeof(address) !== 'string') { throw new Error('invalid address'); }
if (address.match(/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/)) {
// Missing the 0x prefix
if (address.substring(0, 2) !== '0x') { address = '0x' + address; }
result = getChecksumAddress(address);
// It is a checksummed address with a bad checksum
if (address.match(/([A-F].*[a-f])|([a-f].*[A-F])/) && result !== address) {
throw new Error('invalid address checksum');
// Maybe ICAP? (we only support direct mode)
} else if (address.match(/^XE[0-9]{2}[0-9A-Za-z]{30,31}$/)) {
// It is an ICAP address with a bad checksum
if (address.substring(2, 4) !== ibanChecksum(address)) {
throw new Error('invalid address icap checksum');
result = (new BN(address.substring(4), 36)).toString(16);
while (result.length < 40) { result = '0' + result; }
result = getChecksumAddress('0x' + result);
} else {
throw new Error('invalid address');
return result;
defineProperty(Wallet, 'getIcapAddress', function(address) {
address = Wallet.getAddress(address).substring(2);
var base36 = (new BN(address, 16)).toString(36).toUpperCase();
while (base36.length < 30) { base36 = '0' + base36; }
return 'XE' + ibanChecksum('XE00' + base36) + base36;
defineProperty(Wallet, '_Contract', Contract);
defineProperty(Wallet.prototype, 'getContract', function(address, abi, web3) {
return new Contract(web3, this, address, new Contract.Interface(abi));
module.exports = Wallet;