2022-03-14 12:42:36 +03:00
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.PartialMerkleTree = void 0;
const simpleHash_1 = __importDefault(require("./simpleHash"));
const BaseTree_1 = require("./BaseTree");
class PartialMerkleTree extends BaseTree_1.BaseTree {
constructor(levels, { edgePath, edgeElement, edgeIndex, edgeElementsCount, }, leaves, { hashFunction, zeroElement } = {}) {
if (edgeIndex + leaves.length !== edgeElementsCount)
throw new Error('Invalid number of elements');
this._edgeLeafProof = edgePath;
this._initialRoot = edgePath.pathRoot;
this.zeroElement = zeroElement !== null && zeroElement !== void 0 ? zeroElement : 0;
this._edgeLeaf = { data: edgeElement, index: edgeIndex };
this._leavesAfterEdge = leaves;
this.levels = levels;
this._hashFn = hashFunction || simpleHash_1.default;
get edgeIndex() {
return this._edgeLeaf.index;
get edgeElement() {
return this._edgeLeaf.data;
get edgeLeafProof() {
return this._edgeLeafProof;
_createProofMap() {
this._proofMap = this.edgeLeafProof.pathPositions.reduce((p, c, i) => {
p.set(i, [c, this.edgeLeafProof.pathElements[i]]);
return p;
}, new Map());
this._proofMap.set(this.levels, [0, this.edgeLeafProof.pathRoot]);
_buildTree() {
const edgeLeafIndex = this._edgeLeaf.index;
this._leaves = Array(edgeLeafIndex).concat(this._leavesAfterEdge);
if (this._proofMap.has(0)) {
const [proofPos, proofEl] = this._proofMap.get(0);
this._leaves[proofPos] = proofEl;
this._layers = [this._leaves];
_buildHashes() {
for (let layerIndex = 1; layerIndex <= this.levels; layerIndex++) {
const nodes = this._layers[layerIndex - 1];
const currentLayer = this._processNodes(nodes, layerIndex);
if (this._proofMap.has(layerIndex)) {
const [proofPos, proofEl] = this._proofMap.get(layerIndex);
if (!currentLayer[proofPos])
currentLayer[proofPos] = proofEl;
this._layers[layerIndex] = currentLayer;
* Change an element in the tree
* @param {number} index Index of element to change
* @param element Updated element value
update(index, element) {
if (isNaN(Number(index)) || index < 0 || index > this._layers[0].length || index >= this.capacity) {
throw new Error('Insert index out of bounds: ' + index);
if (index < this._edgeLeaf.index) {
throw new Error(`Index ${index} is below the edge: ${this._edgeLeaf.index}`);
this._layers[0][index] = element;
path(index) {
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var _a;
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if (isNaN(Number(index)) || index < 0 || index >= this._layers[0].length) {
throw new Error('Index out of bounds: ' + index);
if (index < this._edgeLeaf.index) {
throw new Error(`Index ${index} is below the edge: ${this._edgeLeaf.index}`);
let elIndex = Number(index);
const pathElements = [];
const pathIndices = [];
const pathPositions = [];
for (let level = 0; level < this.levels; level++) {
pathIndices[level] = elIndex % 2;
const leafIndex = elIndex ^ 1;
if (leafIndex < this._layers[level].length) {
const [proofPos, proofEl] = this._proofMap.get(level);
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pathElements[level] = (_a = this._layers[level][leafIndex]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (proofPos === leafIndex ? proofEl : null);
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pathPositions[level] = leafIndex;
else {
pathElements[level] = this._zeros[level];
pathPositions[level] = 0;
elIndex >>= 1;
return {
pathRoot: this.root,
* Shifts edge of tree to left
* @param edge new TreeEdge below current edge
* @param elements leaves between old and new edge
shiftEdge(edge, elements) {
if (this._edgeLeaf.index <= edge.edgeIndex) {
throw new Error(`New edgeIndex should be smaller then ${this._edgeLeaf.index}`);
if (elements.length !== (this._edgeLeaf.index - edge.edgeIndex)) {
throw new Error(`Elements length should be ${this._edgeLeaf.index - edge.edgeIndex}`);
this._edgeLeafProof = edge.edgePath;
this._edgeLeaf = { index: edge.edgeIndex, data: edge.edgeElement };
this._leavesAfterEdge = [...elements, ...this._leavesAfterEdge];
serialize() {
const leaves = this.layers[0].slice(this._edgeLeaf.index);
return {
_edgeLeafProof: this._edgeLeafProof,
_edgeLeaf: this._edgeLeaf,
_edgeElementsCount: this._layers[0].length,
levels: this.levels,
_zeros: this._zeros,
static deserialize(data, hashFunction) {
const edge = {
edgePath: data._edgeLeafProof,
edgeElement: data._edgeLeaf.data,
edgeIndex: data._edgeLeaf.index,
edgeElementsCount: data._edgeElementsCount,
return new PartialMerkleTree(data.levels, edge, data.leaves, {
zeroElement: data._zeros[0],
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this.serialize());
exports.PartialMerkleTree = PartialMerkleTree;