Add decaf448

Based on draft-irtf-cfrg-ristretto255-decaf448-07,
draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-16 and the ristretto255 implementation.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Knoblich <>
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Knoblich 2023-06-26 22:48:48 +02:00
parent 62e806cfaf
commit e3a4bbffe9
3 changed files with 367 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
/*! noble-curves - MIT License (c) 2022 Paul Miller ( */
import { shake256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha3';
import { concatBytes, randomBytes, utf8ToBytes, wrapConstructor } from '@noble/hashes/utils';
import { twistedEdwards } from './abstract/edwards.js';
import { mod, pow2, Field } from './abstract/modular.js';
import { ExtPointType, twistedEdwards } from './abstract/edwards.js';
import { mod, pow2, Field, isNegativeLE } from './abstract/modular.js';
import { montgomery } from './abstract/montgomery.js';
import { createHasher } from './abstract/hash-to-curve.js';
import { createHasher, htfBasicOpts, expand_message_xof } from './abstract/hash-to-curve.js';
import {
} from './abstract/utils.js';
import { AffinePoint } from './abstract/curve.js';
* Edwards448 (not Ed448-Goldilocks) curve with following addons:
* * X448 ECDH
* - X448 ECDH
* - Decaf cofactor elimination
* - Elligator hash-to-group / point indistinguishability
* Conforms to RFC 8032
@ -18,15 +29,16 @@ const ed448P = BigInt(
// prettier-ignore
const _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3), _4n = BigInt(4), _11n = BigInt(11);
// prettier-ignore
const _22n = BigInt(22), _44n = BigInt(44), _88n = BigInt(88), _223n = BigInt(223);
// powPminus3div4 calculates z = x^k mod p, where k = (p-3)/4.
// Used for efficient square root calculation.
// ((P-3)/4).toString(2) would produce bits [223x 1, 0, 222x 1]
function ed448_pow_Pminus3div4(x: bigint): bigint {
const P = ed448P;
// prettier-ignore
const _1n = BigInt(1), _2n = BigInt(2), _3n = BigInt(3), _11n = BigInt(11);
// prettier-ignore
const _22n = BigInt(22), _44n = BigInt(44), _88n = BigInt(88), _223n = BigInt(223);
const b2 = (x * x * x) % P;
const b3 = (b2 * b2 * x) % P;
const b6 = (pow2(b3, _3n, P) * b3) % P;
@ -53,8 +65,29 @@ function adjustScalarBytes(bytes: Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
return bytes;
// Constant-time ratio of u to v. Allows to combine inversion and square root u/√v.
// Uses algo from RFC8032 5.1.3.
function uvRatio(u: bigint, v: bigint): { isValid: boolean; value: bigint } {
const P = ed448P;
// To compute the square root of (u/v), the first step is to compute the
// candidate root x = (u/v)^((p+1)/4). This can be done using the
// following trick, to use a single modular powering for both the
// inversion of v and the square root:
// x = (u/v)^((p+1)/4) = u³v(u⁵v³)^((p-3)/4) (mod p)
const u2v = mod(u * u * v, P); // u²v
const u3v = mod(u2v * u, P); // u³v
const u5v3 = mod(u3v * u2v * v, P); // u⁵v³
const root = ed448_pow_Pminus3div4(u5v3);
const x = mod(u3v * root, P);
// Verify that root is exists
const x2 = mod(x * x, P); // x²
// If vx² = u, the recovered x-coordinate is x. Otherwise, no
// square root exists, and the decoding fails.
return { isValid: mod(x2 * v, P) === u, value: x };
const Fp = Field(ed448P, 456, true);
const _4n = BigInt(4);
const ED448_DEF = {
// Param: a
@ -94,28 +127,7 @@ const ED448_DEF = {
// Constant-time ratio of u to v. Allows to combine inversion and square root u/√v.
// Uses algo from RFC8032 5.1.3.
uvRatio: (u: bigint, v: bigint): { isValid: boolean; value: bigint } => {
const P = ed448P;
// To compute the square root of (u/v), the first step is to compute the
// candidate root x = (u/v)^((p+1)/4). This can be done using the
// following trick, to use a single modular powering for both the
// inversion of v and the square root:
// x = (u/v)^((p+1)/4) = u³v(u⁵v³)^((p-3)/4) (mod p)
const u2v = mod(u * u * v, P); // u²v
const u3v = mod(u2v * u, P); // u³v
const u5v3 = mod(u3v * u2v * v, P); // u⁵v³
const root = ed448_pow_Pminus3div4(u5v3);
const x = mod(u3v * root, P);
// Verify that root is exists
const x2 = mod(x * x, P); // x²
// If vx² = u, the recovered x-coordinate is x. Otherwise, no
// square root exists, and the decoding fails.
return { isValid: mod(x2 * v, P) === u, value: x };
} as const;
export const ed448 = twistedEdwards(ED448_DEF);
@ -245,3 +257,209 @@ const htf = /* @__PURE__ */ (() =>
export const hashToCurve = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => htf.hashToCurve)();
export const encodeToCurve = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => htf.encodeToCurve)();
function assertDcfPoint(other: unknown) {
if (!(other instanceof DcfPoint)) throw new Error('DecafPoint expected');
// 1-d
const ONE_MINUS_D = BigInt('39082');
// 1-2d
const ONE_MINUS_TWO_D = BigInt('78163');
// √(-d)
const SQRT_MINUS_D = BigInt(
// 1 / √(-d)
const INVSQRT_MINUS_D = BigInt(
// Calculates 1/√(number)
const invertSqrt = (number: bigint) => uvRatio(_1n, number);
const MAX_448B = BigInt(
const bytes448ToNumberLE = (bytes: Uint8Array) =>
ed448.CURVE.Fp.create(bytesToNumberLE(bytes) & MAX_448B);
type ExtendedPoint = ExtPointType;
// Computes Elligator map for Decaf
function calcElligatorDecafMap(r0: bigint): ExtendedPoint {
const { d } = ed448.CURVE;
const P = ed448.CURVE.Fp.ORDER;
const mod = ed448.CURVE.Fp.create;
const r = mod(-(r0 * r0)); // 1
const u0 = mod(d * (r - _1n)); // 2
const u1 = mod((u0 + _1n) * (u0 - r)); // 3
const { isValid: was_square, value: v } = uvRatio(ONE_MINUS_TWO_D, mod((r + _1n) * u1)); // 4
let v_prime = v; // 5
if (!was_square) v_prime = mod(r0 * v);
let sgn = _1n; // 6
if (!was_square) sgn = mod(-_1n);
const s = mod(v_prime * (r + _1n)); // 7
let s_abs = s;
if (isNegativeLE(s, P)) s_abs = mod(-s);
const s2 = s * s;
const W0 = mod(s_abs * _2n); // 8
const W1 = mod(s2 + _1n); // 9
const W2 = mod(s2 - _1n); // 10
const W3 = mod(v_prime * s * (r - _1n) * ONE_MINUS_TWO_D + sgn); // 11
return new ed448.ExtendedPoint(mod(W0 * W3), mod(W2 * W1), mod(W1 * W3), mod(W0 * W2));
* Each ed448/ExtendedPoint has 4 different equivalent points. This can be
* a source of bugs for protocols like ring signatures. Decaf was created to solve this.
* Decaf point operates in X:Y:Z:T extended coordinates like ExtendedPoint,
* but it should work in its own namespace: do not combine those two.
class DcfPoint {
static BASE: DcfPoint;
static ZERO: DcfPoint;
// Private property to discourage combining ExtendedPoint + DecafPoint
// Always use Decaf encoding/decoding instead.
constructor(private readonly ep: ExtendedPoint) {}
static fromAffine(ap: AffinePoint<bigint>) {
return new DcfPoint(ed448.ExtendedPoint.fromAffine(ap));
* Takes uniform output of 112-byte hash function like shake256 and converts it to `DecafPoint`.
* The hash-to-group operation applies Elligator twice and adds the results.
* **Note:** this is one-way map, there is no conversion from point to hash.
* @param hex 112-byte output of a hash function
static hashToCurve(hex: Hex): DcfPoint {
hex = ensureBytes('decafHash', hex, 112);
const r1 = bytes448ToNumberLE(hex.slice(0, 56));
const R1 = calcElligatorDecafMap(r1);
const r2 = bytes448ToNumberLE(hex.slice(56, 112));
const R2 = calcElligatorDecafMap(r2);
return new DcfPoint(R1.add(R2));
* Converts decaf-encoded string to decaf point.
* @param hex Decaf-encoded 56 bytes. Not every 56-byte string is valid decaf encoding
static fromHex(hex: Hex): DcfPoint {
hex = ensureBytes('decafHex', hex, 56);
const { d } = ed448.CURVE;
const P = ed448.CURVE.Fp.ORDER;
const mod = ed448.CURVE.Fp.create;
const emsg = 'DecafPoint.fromHex: the hex is not valid encoding of DecafPoint';
const s = bytes448ToNumberLE(hex);
// 1. Check that s_bytes is the canonical encoding of a field element, or else abort.
// 2. Check that s is non-negative, or else abort
if (!equalBytes(numberToBytesLE(s, 56), hex) || isNegativeLE(s, P)) throw new Error(emsg);
const s2 = mod(s * s); // 1
const u1 = mod(_1n + s2); // 2
const u1sq = mod(u1 * u1);
const u2 = mod(u1sq - _4n * d * s2); // 3
const { isValid, value: invsqrt } = invertSqrt(mod(u2 * u1sq)); // 4
let u3 = mod((s + s) * invsqrt * u1 * SQRT_MINUS_D); // 5
if (isNegativeLE(u3, P)) u3 = mod(-u3);
const x = mod(u3 * invsqrt * u2 * INVSQRT_MINUS_D); // 6
const y = mod((_1n - s2) * invsqrt * u1); // 7
const t = mod(x * y); // 8
if (!isValid) throw new Error(emsg);
return new DcfPoint(new ed448.ExtendedPoint(x, y, _1n, t));
* Encodes decaf point to Uint8Array.
toRawBytes(): Uint8Array {
let { ex: x, ey: _y, ez: z, et: t } = this.ep;
const P = ed448.CURVE.Fp.ORDER;
const mod = ed448.CURVE.Fp.create;
const u1 = mod(mod(x + t) * mod(x - t)); // 1
const x2 = mod(x * x);
const { value: invsqrt } = invertSqrt(mod(u1 * ONE_MINUS_D * x2)); // 2
let ratio = mod(invsqrt * u1 * SQRT_MINUS_D); // 3
if (isNegativeLE(ratio, P)) ratio = mod(-ratio);
const u2 = mod(INVSQRT_MINUS_D * ratio * z - t); // 4
let s = mod(ONE_MINUS_D * invsqrt * x * u2); // 5
if (isNegativeLE(s, P)) s = mod(-s);
return numberToBytesLE(s, 56);
toHex(): string {
return bytesToHex(this.toRawBytes());
toString(): string {
return this.toHex();
// Compare one point to another.
equals(other: DcfPoint): boolean {
const { ex: X1, ey: Y1 } = this.ep;
const { ex: X2, ey: Y2 } = other.ep;
const mod = ed448.CURVE.Fp.create;
// (x1 * y2 == y1 * x2)
return mod(X1 * Y2) === mod(Y1 * X2);
add(other: DcfPoint): DcfPoint {
return new DcfPoint(this.ep.add(other.ep));
subtract(other: DcfPoint): DcfPoint {
return new DcfPoint(this.ep.subtract(other.ep));
multiply(scalar: bigint): DcfPoint {
return new DcfPoint(this.ep.multiply(scalar));
multiplyUnsafe(scalar: bigint): DcfPoint {
return new DcfPoint(this.ep.multiplyUnsafe(scalar));
export const DecafPoint = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => {
// decaf448 base point is ed448 base x 2
if (!DcfPoint.BASE) DcfPoint.BASE = new DcfPoint(ed448.ExtendedPoint.BASE).multiply(_2n);
if (!DcfPoint.ZERO) DcfPoint.ZERO = new DcfPoint(ed448.ExtendedPoint.ZERO);
return DcfPoint;
// Appendix C. Hashing to decaf448
export const hash_to_decaf448 = (msg: Uint8Array, options: htfBasicOpts) => {
const d = options.DST;
const DST = typeof d === 'string' ? utf8ToBytes(d) : d;
const uniform_bytes = expand_message_xof(msg, DST, 112, 224, shake256);
const P = DcfPoint.hashToCurve(uniform_bytes);
return P;

test/ed448-addons.test.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import { bytesToHex as hex, hexToBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils';
import { deepStrictEqual, throws } from 'assert';
import { describe, should } from 'micro-should';
import { bytesToNumberLE } from '../esm/abstract/utils.js';
import { ed448, DecafPoint } from '../esm/ed448.js';
describe('decaf448', () => {
should('follow the byte encodings of small multiples', () => {
const encodingsOfSmallMultiples = [
// This is the identity point
// This is the basepoint
// These are small multiples of the basepoint
let B = DecafPoint.BASE;
let P = DecafPoint.ZERO;
for (const encoded of encodingsOfSmallMultiples) {
deepStrictEqual(P.toHex(), encoded);
deepStrictEqual(DecafPoint.fromHex(encoded).toHex(), encoded);
P = P.add(B);
should('not convert bad bytes encoding', () => {
const badEncodings = [
// These are all bad because they're non-canonical field encodings.
// These are all bad because they're negative field elements.
// These are all bad because they give a nonsquare x².
for (const badBytes of badEncodings) {
const b = hexToBytes(badBytes);
throws(() => DecafPoint.fromHex(b), badBytes);
should('create right points from uniform hash', () => {
const hashes = [
const encodedHashToPoints = [
for (let i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) {
const hash = hexToBytes(hashes[i]);
const point = DecafPoint.hashToCurve(hash);
deepStrictEqual(point.toHex(), encodedHashToPoints[i]);
should('have proper equality testing', () => {
const MAX_448B = BigInt(
const bytes448ToNumberLE = (bytes) => ed448.CURVE.Fp.create(bytesToNumberLE(bytes) & MAX_448B);
const priv = new Uint8Array([
23, 211, 149, 179, 209, 108, 78, 37, 229, 45, 122, 220, 85, 38, 192, 182, 96, 40, 168, 63,
175, 194, 73, 202, 14, 175, 78, 15, 117, 175, 40, 32, 218, 221, 151, 58, 158, 91, 250, 141,
18, 175, 191, 119, 152, 124, 223, 101, 54, 218, 76, 158, 43, 112, 151, 32,
const pub = DecafPoint.BASE.multiply(bytes448ToNumberLE(priv));
deepStrictEqual(pub.equals(DecafPoint.ZERO), false);
// ESM is broken.
import url from 'url';
if (import.meta.url === url.pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).href) {;

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { should } from 'micro-should';
import './basic.test.js';
import './nist.test.js';
import './ed448.test.js';
import './ed448-addons.test.js';
import './ed25519.test.js';
import './ed25519-addons.test.js';
import './secp256k1.test.js';