Launched in December 2021, Tornado Cash Nova offers the freedom to choose customized amounts for transactions, as well as the ability to transfer tokens without leaving the anonymity pool. With such unique features, this new pool requires its own set of instructions.
Tornado Cash Nova (beta version) can be accessed through its own decentralized app at [nova.tornadocash.eth]( or via official site [](
You can log into your Tornado Cash Nova account either by:
* **connecting the MetaMask Wallet** with the address linked to your Nova account,
* **using the Shielded Key** that was generated alongside the creation of your account.
Each account is connected to a unique **shielded address** (as well as a unique **shielded key**) that can both be used to log in & manage your balance within the Nova pool.
Only those who have access to your MetaMask wallet or to your Shielded key will be able to access these information regarding your account (i.e. your shielded balance).\
Each Tornado Cash Nova account is linked to a shielded address. As mentioned above, users have two ways to access their account & its balance. One of these ways is **through a MetaMask wallet connected to the appropriate shielded address**.
You have 2 alternatives, funding the default wallet connected to Nova, which will automatically create a shielded address, or fund **another registered shielded address**.
To fund the default wallet:
* Select the amount of funds you want to deposit.
* Click on `Fund`.
* Sign the transaction in your wallet and wait for it to be confirmed.
Once the account is set, you will be able to receive shielded transfers of tokens from any another address registered to the pool. You will also be able to fund, transfer & withdraw tokens as you wish.
As seen above, the other way to log in is **through the generated Shielded Key** that is created when an account is created through the set up of a new shielded address.
Once you are logged in with your address & your account is set up, you can download this shielded key at any time by accessing your account data (by clicking on your address, next to your shielded balance).
To obtain full privacy, the same good practices that were recommended for traditional Tornado Cash pools are still required. You can find a guide to maintain privacy at [_Tips to remain anonymous_](../general/guides/